movie theatre

18 1 1

I woke up on Tara's couch, and my back really hurt. Everything was upside-down down, I then sat up to realise I was laying upside-down.

Tara walked out of her bedroom.

"Morning, Court. How are you feeling?" Tara asked.

"Hey, Tara. My back really hurts, and I woke up upside-down."

Tara giggled and went into her kitchen and made some toast.

"You want anything?" She asked.

"Nah. I'm not hungry." I replied. I then remembered I still had Johnnie's jacket.

"I'm gonna go give this back to Johnnie." I told Tara and left.

(time skip at Jake and Johnnies apartment)

I knocked on the door, and Jake opened it.

"Hey Jake. Is Johnnie home?" I asked.

"Yeah, He's sleeping, though. Why?" Jake responded.

"I need to give him back his jacket from last night."

"You'll have to wait a little. Come in." Jake said.

I walked into their apartment and sat on the couch, Jake sat next to me.

"So.. uhh. How's stuff been lately??" Jake asks.

"Uhhh.. It's pretty good so far. How bout you?"

"Well, I mean things are going fine lately. Tara's still a little pissed at me for giving you a cigarette the other night."

"Well, there's nothing we can do now.
it's happened and we can't do anything about it now." I said.

"Exactly. Speaking about cigarettes and stuff, how's your burn going?"

"It still hurts a little, but yknow. It's getting better."

Jake nodded, and we sat in silence for a little bit.

Johnnie then walked out of his bedroom.

"Oh hey Court, what're you doing here?" Johnnie asked.

"Hey, Johnnie. I needed to give you back your jacket. I forgot to give it back last night." I handed Johnnie the jacket and gave him a kiss.

"You guys wanna go to the movie theatre today?? The new ghost busters movie came out recently." Jake said.

"Yeah, sure. I'll go, I love ghost busters." I replied.

"If she's going, then I'm going." Johnnie says.

"Alright, us three will go around 12 pm." Jake said.

"Alright, I'll go and get ready. I need to change. I'm still in my clothes from last night. I'll come back here at half past eleven." I said bye to the guys and headed to my apartment. Thankfully, it's in the same apartment complex.

I changed my clothes and put on an mcr shirt with some trip pants. I then put on my favourite converse that I wear all the time.

I then ate a little bit of food and brushed my hair. I then grabbed my money and checked the time, 11.26

I put a black jacket over the top of my shirt and headed out the door to Jake and Johnnies place again.

I knocked on the door, and Johnnie opened it.

"Hey, Court. Jake and I are almost ready to go." Johnnie said.

"Cool." I smiled and kissed Johnnie.

"ALRIGHT IM READY TO- woah guys, get a room." Jake laughed

I laughed, and then we left to go to the theatre.

Jake drove, and Johnnie and I sat in the back.

"Why don't you sit in the front with Jake?" I asked Johnnie.

"I wanted to sit with my beautiful girlfriend." Johnnie said.

I blushed and kissed Johnnie on the cheek.

We arrived at the movie theatre and walked in.

Johnnie and I immediately ran over to the snacks while Jake went to go get tickets.

"Which ones should we get???" Johnnie asked. He sounded so excited. Like a kid on Christmas.

"I don't know, there's so much to pick from!!"

In the end, I got a bag of m&ms and a bag of chips for Johnnie and I to share, I forced Jake to get his own snacks.

I also bought a Sprite and bought Johnnie a Dr. Pepper.

We then went to find our seats in the movie theatre. Once we got to our seats, the movie started. I was happy to go out with my friends again.

The movie finished, and we all went back to Jake and Johnnies apartment.

680 words.

5138008 hehe

sorry if this was a boring chapter. At the start, I had major writers block, so..


Star Crossed Lovers~Johnnie Guilbert x Reader {female}Where stories live. Discover now