42 - Yeji's secret

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Yeji is on her way to meet Chan at the cafeteria

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Yeji is on her way to meet Chan at the cafeteria. She can't wait to hear what he's planning this year for his famous party.

Each summer, Chan throws a party with good food, good music, good friends, and they all look forward to it. The party is so important, that idols build their whole schedule around it, making sure that one day is left open for Chan.
Ok, fine, two days. Sometimes the party lasts two days.

This year, she'll bring Changbin as her date. She plans to introduce him to Chan, and maybe they even make a song together, who knows.
She never brought anyone to the party before, but this year is just different. There will be several other couples there.

Yeji fondly smiles thinking about Hyunjin and her new gossip buddy, Felix.
She remembers that cold, winter day when Hyunjin and her went to the cafe across the street. It was around the time when he had a big fight with Eun, and he has been moping for days. She couldn't watch it any more, it was like someone turned off the light in his eyes.

Distracted and depressed, Hyunjin even left his notebook at the cafe counter. She went back inside to grab it, but, once she got there, there were two black notebooks.

A young, blond guy was unpacking all his belongings and desperately searching for his credit card. He looked cute, but also sad, just like Hyunjin. He seemed just like his type.
So, of course something had to be done!

She sneakily took the book that was
closer to the blonde, and then handed it to Hyunjin. She thought he'd notice the difference and start the conversation with the blonde.
But Hyunjin was in such bad shape,  he didn't notice anything. At the exit, he even bumped into him, and the guy almost dropped all the coffee cups he was carrying.

For one moment, the blonde turned around like he saw someone he knew, and that got Yeji's hopes up, but, once again, Hyunjin was oblivious to anything happening around him.

So, she gave up on a spontaneous meetup. She turned around to call the blonde, and explain that there was a mixup with their notebooks, but he already disappeared.

Of course, she was feeling guilty about the situation the whole week. She was told many times not to meddle with people's lives. It's hard to listen sometimes.

Finally, she decided to confess to Hyunjin what she did. Just as she was about to call him, she noticed his live on instagram.
Hyunjin was kindly asking for the book owner to come at the company. And, he was smiling. After long time, Hyunjin was smiling again.

The next morning, Yeji arrived at the company and saw a total madness in the lobby. All those people came to claim "their" book.
She wanted to help find the real owner, so she went to communications department. She told Mrs Choi exactly how the true owner of the book looks.
- He has blond hair, freckles, he's like my height, and very pretty.

- Yeji, Yeji, what am I going to do with you? When will you stop making little troubles? - Mrs Choi thought she was too old to keep up with all those energetic idols.

- I don't know...

- No more of these shenanigans, okay Yeji?

- Okay, Mrs Choi. - she answered, and, at that moment, she honestly planned to stop interfering in other people's lives.

It's just that... well... Minho, her cat buddy, had a crush on a guy. He didn't want to say who. He looked so sad though. She had to do something about that, duh!

One day, she and Minho arrived at the garage at the same time. They entered the elevator together, and were just about to go up to the studio, when the elevator door opened up. Minho was longingly looking at Jisung, as if Jisung was a lost kitten.
I mean, she had to react, right?

As soon as the elevator doors closed again, she looked at Minho very seriously and said:
- Minho, you just have to kiss that boy. Simple as that.

And now, she is all content.

Her matchmaking skills are supreme.

Two happy couples, all because she gave them a tiny, little push.

Her work is done.

No more meddling.

She'll be good from now on.
After all, she gave a firm promise to Mrs Choi, and she doesn't want to make her angry.

- So, Chan... what's new with you? Anyone special in your life, maybe..?


Aaaa.... now you know it 🤣.
Destiny had a little helper.


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