10 - Crush

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Out of the corner of his eye, Felix sneakily watches as Hyunjin glides through the hallway, talking about something

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Out of the corner of his eye, Felix sneakily watches as Hyunjin glides through the hallway, talking about something.
"He literally glides, like ice on a water."

Hyunjin hides one hand in a pocket of his baggy pants, the other hand holds the notebook and swings back and forth as they walk... his black hair is tied up in a messy way...

Felix is done. He literally fell for an idol. What a cliche...
When they enter the elevator, he looks up to see how tall Hyunjin is and, yes, he is tall.
"I'd have to stand on my toes to taste his lips, that's how tall."

- I'll show you the company cafeteria, maybe some other dancers are there too.

- Great, I've never been there. Most of the times I just eat lunch at my desk, or sometimes I forget to eat and by the time I have to go home, it's just...

As Felix keeps talking, Hyunjin playfully bites his fingers and smiles. His eyes travel all over Felix's face and neck.
"Just keep talking baby, make me fall for you..."

The moment Felix looks up to Hyunjin's eyes to make a point about something, Hyunjin looks away.
And when Hyunjin directs his pretty eyes to Felix's, Felix blinks and looks away.

They do this "I see you looking" game, completely unable to lock eyes but also unable stop checking each other out, in secret.

- What do you want? - Hyunjin asks as they approach the cafeteria menu.

Felix smiles sneakily, tongue in cheek, thinking about what he wants. For a moment there, his naughty mind drifts away to an unholy sight of Hyunjin dancing in a dance studio. Shirtless.
Or Hyunjin visiting his place. Shirtless.
Wherever... as long as he's shirtless and Felix gets to—

Realizing that Hyunjin is seriously waiting for his response, he quickly answers:
- Oh, oh... I like sweet.

- Sweet, got it. I know what to order.

As promised, Hyunjin orders the sweetest thing on a menu and they sit in a corner.

- So, is your office in that building across street?

- Actually I work in that ugly building behind this one, but I prefer working from home.

- It's a shame you work from home.
I thought we could go to that cafe together sometimes.

- Wait, wait, no, no. I don't work from home all the time. I'll come here to have coffee with you. No joke, anytime you crave for a coffee. - Felix answers as fast as he can. He's already longing for that future meetup when they get to be together.

- Hyunjin!! - a loud voice is heard and they both turn around. Sure enough, Chan appears just like Hyunjin predicted. He leans on Hyunjin's shoulders and turns to a new face across the table.

- Hi, I'm Chan.

- I'm Felix, nice to meet you. I love your songs! - Felix says in perfect English. Both Chan and Hyunjin look at him.

- Where are you from Felix, sorry but your accent...

- Australia! Sydney!

- No way! Really??

- Yes, I came to Seoul just last year. I mean, I lived here as a kid, then we moved to Sydney, and now I'm back.

- Nice!
Hey, if you ever get homesick, you can call me, yeah?

Hyunjin frowns at this sudden bonding between two Aussies.
He gives Chan "the look", but Chan doesn't see it, he's too excited to bond over something only Australians understand.

When he sits at the table with them and the conversation continues, Hyunjin finally speaks up:
- Chan, aren't you missing the staff practice meeting?

Chan looks at him perplexed because there is no such thing as "staff practice meeting". Then, he cheekly smiles and answers:

- Yes!! Oh, how could I forget? The meeting. Huh, I really have to go now, it was great meeting you, Felix, and enjoy your lunch here.
Also, Hyunjin, the "shoe testing meeting" starts in 15 and you better be there on time.

- Will do.

With Chan disturbance successfully removed, Hyunjin can now go back to enjoy his little crush.
He looks at the way Felix sips the sweet drink and then licks his lips. He almost wants to wipe off the sugar from the corner of his lips, but he just shakes his head and smiles helplessly.

Hyunjin then remembers he's actually a charmer and an irresistible idol, so he sits back in the seat, and delivers his sexiest, dirtiest smile, followed by a quiet little hum.
Felix just stares with mouth open and gulps at the view.

"Don't fight it, Felix. You're mine now..."  Hyunjin emits love signals, and Felix catches each and every single one.


This is where the first Hyunlix meeting ends.
The story will now introduce some... complications. If you don't want to read anything even remotely smutty - now is a good time to exit this story.
All my stories are mature like that, sorry.
And thank you 💋


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