28 - Booty call

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Felix's heart happily jumps to any kind of sound coming out of his cell phone because you never know, it could be Hyunjin

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Felix's heart happily jumps to any kind of sound coming out of his cell phone because you never know, it could be Hyunjin. And now, the phone is ringing up in his bedroom loft, so he runs upstairs and is so thrilled to see Hyunjin's photo on the screen. He plunges on the mattress and reaches out for the phone:

- I'm here, I'm here, don't hang up....

- Hi Felix. - Felix can tell that Hyunjin is smiling on the other side, probably entertained with the way he answered the phone, breathless.

- Hi! I'm here! What's up?

- Are you doing anything tonight? I could pick y—-

- I'm doing absolutely nothing! Pick me up! Pick me up.

Not even an hour later, Felix is in front of the apartment, looking like a giraffe and stretching his neck in all directions. There are no fancy cars like Hyunjin's passing by.
Someone behind him taps his shoulder, and Felix jumps aside.

- Whoa...

It's Hyunjin with a black mask, a dark hoodie, and, just to be completely sure nobody recognizes him, he wears a long rain coat. The only Hyunjin-like thing on him is a silky scarf around his neck. It's black with golden design. So pretty.

- Are you ready to be kidnaped, Felix?

- So ready!!
Although.. no one will pay ransom for me. It's not a good deal for you.

- I'll be the judge of that. - Hyunjin states confidently.

Felix shows his captivating smile, and Hyunjin helplessly looks away.
Maybe Hyunjin is the one who's disarmed and kidnapped. This petite blonde in front of him has a power he's unable to resist.

- Come baby. - Hyunjin says and baby follows.

Once they get in the car, Felix removes Hyunjin's mask, and pulls down his hoodie. He feels a little zap with each move.

He happily smiles at Hyunjin, and sees a soft, even a bit goofy smile on his face. Felix may have watched his TikToks all night long, but he never saw this smile.
It's almost a vulnerable smile, helpless, like he's not in control of what's going on between them. His eyes look worried, and he leans into a palm of Felix's hand. A simple move, but it looks like Hyunjin just exposed his heart only for Felix to see.

- You make me blush. - Felix confesses. - And I never blush.

- As I should, you're mine.

Instead of answering, Felix flashes another big smile and, once more, makes Hyunjin lose his focus.

- I packed some clothes this time, and left a lot of food for Oreo, so I'm in for whatever you want to do tonight.

- I like that. But first, I have a surprise for you.

- Tell me, tell me...

- There is a big award ceremony happening next weekend, and you can be my guest. After the show, there'll be a gala party which can be pretty cool.
Our manager is awesome, he occasionally lets us bring a guest, but if you see any kind of camera, you have to hide, you know what it's like.

- Of course, totally, you won't even know I'm there.

- There is a special guest this year. Maroon5 will perform four songs, do you like them?

- Are you kidding me??? I never saw Maroon5 performing, I love their stuff!!

- Why do I have a feeling you're more excited about them than seeing me on a stage...

- But no, no, no, no... come on, no fair,
I am super excited to see you on stage, but also I don't look forward to seeing thousands of people screaming your name and trying to get your attention.
I'll get jealous. You're, you're... incredible on stage. I'm just nobody important.

- That's not true. Plus, you never really explained to me what's your job.

- I'm a part-time reporter, well... trying to be one. Since I'm still new on the team, I get stories that are not very interesting. But I also write a column that talks about foreigner's perspective on Korea, how to adjust to living here, about cultural differences, and so.

- That's really cool, I have to read it. Do you report about music events and such?

- No, that would be my friend Changbin. He breathes music. I hope you two meet one day.

- As long as we don't end up on a gossip page.

- Of course, he'd never do that! Changbin is the most romantic person I know. He'd never do anything to ruin a love story between two people.
He cried watching the "La La Land". If you ask him, he had a cold that day, but he's just hopelesly romantic. He's amazing friend and great looking too.

- Should I get jealous now?

- You? Please.
I'll literally kidnap myself and tie my hands to your bed.

- You don't have to do that.
Also, I think being a reporter is a perfect job for you. You're easy to talk to.

- Mhaaaaa... don't say nice things. I'm horrible with taking compliments.

As they stop at a red light, Felix is once again surprised to see how beautiful Seoul is. It's like someone lifted a curtain and revealed all its splendor for Felix to see.

Even that rain puddle on a sidewalk looks perfect. Like someone placed a mirror on a ground for Seoul to admire its own beauty.


So, I'm off on my vacation.
I'm leaving you with my naughty twin for the next two chapters.
You have been warned.


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