chapter-23- I'm all yours

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Now, taehyung is sitting inside the room while biting his nails.the kissing scene is stuck in his mind, building anxious and embarrassment in him.he is now really afraid of face y/n.

At the same time,y/n reached her destination which was an expensive hotel.she walked inside the hotel, gathering everyone's attention towards her fierce attitude she gives.

A queen vibe...

They entered inside the manager/owner's room and the manager bowed at her.sge didn't give any damn to him and sat on the couch like a queen.

"Did you bring that bastard,mr Tong...?".she asked the old Chinese owner.

"Yes, ma'am... he will be here in no time...".he replied and called one of his men to bring the 'whoever' she wants.

Soon,the men came with a boy who is as same age as taehyung.he was trembling in fear and his hands were tied together.y/n look at him intensively making him more anxious.

"Hello there,is it really you who hacked the whole damn cctv footages of my office and shares it to 'whoever you know'...?".she asked coldly.his words were stuck inside his throat.fear was engulfing inside him.

"I asked you something,yeonjun...spell it out...!".she sterned her voice.

"Y-yes...but I didn't send it to anyone...".he said stuttering alot.y/n scoffed

"Then why did you do that...?".she asked while he bite his lips.

"F-for f-fun?".he said which makes everyone laugh at him, including y/n.

"For fun? Are you serious..? Well, listen boy... I'm letting you go not because I believed you lies... it's because,you look so innocent that I don't wanna torture you...but...if you try to do it again... I'll make sure that you'll see hell...".y/n said while smirking and stood up.

"Let this guy go... I'm not in a mood to kill anyone...I have another dealing in my house...".y/n said and walked away,behind her,jisoo walked away too.

Yeonjun sighed in relief and look at the owner who was glaring at him.

"I-I never do it...".yeonjun stuttered.

"Make sure you won't... whatever,happy birthday...".the owner said making him confused.

"But it is not my birthday...".he mumbled but they heard it.

"It is because,you just slipped away from that grim reaper...thanks to lord Buddha...or else you won't able to see your future...".the men said and they walked away.

Yeonjun came out and saw y/n and jisoo walked towards their car

Yeonjun's POV

She is really scary even she looks beautiful...I wonder how will her lover maintain her demon side...

Btw,does she have a boyfriend..?

*Time skip*


Now, taehyung and jimin were talking about random things,when they saw jisoo coming inside.they look at her and bowed.

"Hello jisoo-shii...where is y/n?".jimin asked her as he didn't saw her with jisoo.

"On her way...she scolding the guards for their you guys know what happened last night...".jisoo said and they nodded their head.

Soon,they saw y/n who was looking pissed off.taehyung started to feel nervous as he still the scene came into his mind again.he slowly moved behind jimin who didn't bother it.however,y/n saw him moving behind jimin and slightly chuckled.she came towards them and they bowed at him.

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