Chapter 28 - Part 2

Start from the beginning

I slipped back into the kitchen, and luckily Zayn was now nowhere to be seen so I could avoid talking to him. A brand new bottle of straight vodka caught my eye, and I grabbed it off the counter in a hurry. Making my way back through the lounge, I was headed towards the patio doors to get out of here.

Just as I'd nearly made it to the garden, a boy that I'd never even seen before stepped out in front of me with a tupperwear box full of some kind of cake. "Brownie?" he beamed, getting all up in my face.

"Uh sure, thanks," I said quickly, taking one just to get rid of him. I pushed by and opened the door, making my way out onto the patio in Mckenzie's garden.

There were a couple of people outside, but all were keeping to themselves, probably doing something they shouldn't be. I took a seat at the table and sighed; this was a new low.

I opened the bottle, sniffing it and wincing at the strong alcoholic scent that went straight to my head. I took a gulp, the burning feeling in my throat was bittersweet. I took a bite of the brownie, and that's where my night of sorrow began.


*Harry's POV*

I couldn't give a fück what this airhead had to say, but in an attempt to be mildly polite since I was on my best behaviour tonight, I listened and replied where I felt necessary. I must've been sat here for an hour by now, and I was on my fifth bottle of Desperados.

"It was... nice talking to you, but I'm going to go and find my friend." I finally found the heart to say, and she looked disappointed but nodded nonetheless.

I wonder where Jess had gotten to.

When I stood to my feet I realised that I was not as sober as I thought I was. I started to search the entire downstairs casually but I couldn't find her so I made my way upstairs and hesitantly peeped in every room hoping not to catch anyone in the act. I'd looked over the whole house and she was nowhere to be seen.

"Zayn," I caught sight of the raven-haired bloke sitting on the sofa in the lounge talking to someone, "Have you seen Jess?"

"Not for an hour or so, we were talking in the kitchen but I think I píssed her off because she left."

"Left? Left the house?" I started to panic, my voice raising. Had she gone home? She wouldn't have, surely, she knew what I was like with her walking alone in the dark.

"No— well, I don't know. I doubt it. Have you looked outside?"

Outside. I haven't looked there. I brushed him off, not replying as I stormed away to go and look in the garden.

When I opened the back door, my stomach dropped at the sight of her.

Jess was lying on the cold, hard patio; slumped up against the wall behind the metal garden furniture. She was crying uncontrollably, her makeup streaming down her cheeks. Next, my eyes shot up to the guy I didn't recognise that was kneeling next to her and I felt my ears burn as anger flowed through me. 

"What the fück is going on here?" I bellowed, and the guy looked up to me as I marched over.

"Woah, man, nothing! I found her like this and was trying to calm her down! Are you Harry? She keeps wailing about a Harry?"

I nodded slightly, my face still stern since he was a stranger, whatever he claimed he was doing. "I can take it from here."

The guy nodded vigorously, clearly scared of me as he scuttled away back inside. I instantly rushed to Jess, falling to my knees beside her and holding her head up off the wall behind her.

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