War is over

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It's a paradox... isn't it... we can't escape this hell. We can never escape. Maybe this is hell itself and it's going too keep torturing us over and over again

why can't it just end


is it my fault? No- no he started this. he started all of this. the monster... the devil himself. he did this but... why would he put himself in a prison like this a GOD DAWM PRISON we can't escape it why why why I don't understand why! Maybe one day we can escape this hell... what if one day I could break the paradox. id rather be dead than live another day like this so what if one day... one day I can make sure this eternal hell ends and we can all be free
December - 12 - 1943
Dear journal
Im scared... we've been hiding in the shelter for so long and I'm scared there is thunder outside... are they the bombs?! please no bombs again... I wish mother just holds me when the bombs fall but she doesn't even look at me SHE DOESNT EVEN LOOK AT ME... just look at me for once without disappointment or disgust... or like you fear me... does mother fear me? Does she? Why would she fear me. Am I really a demon child? What does mother even mean by that... would she fear me like I fear the bombs. the bombs ohh please don't let them come back

Stop the damn writing!
'William his mother said with a little shake in her voice without looking at him.'

'William stoped writing and sat on the ground covering his ears with his hands with the pen still in his hand. in the shelter with his mother "miss afton" or "Beatrice afton". they sat on the opposite side from each other... Beatrice was avoiding eye contact with William or "demon child" as she called him. She has long black messy hair and has eye bags under her eyes, you could see she hasn't been well rested for a long while now she was around her 30s and about 5'6 feet long... it was pouring outside and thunder clapped loudly out in the streets of London'
M-mother 'William stuttered' are the bombs coming back? 'he inhales shakily... normally William doesn't show too much emotion but when it comes too thunder or "the bombs" he was too scared for him too hide it'
Shut up 'Beatrice snarls not too loud cause although they might not be In detect danger they are still afraid too make too much noise'
'William and Beatrice both flinched as they heard the loud noise of the thunder outside. Beatrice was crying softly, mumbling a name' John, John oh John please be alright.
'William didn't cry as he sat there staring at his mother say that strange name over and over... why is she saying John the whole time.'
Mother let me sit beside you please... I don't wanna sit alone anymore.
'Beatrice looked at William as if he was the most terrifying creature in the world... as if she looked at a soldier reddy too kill her without hesitation because she helped a Jewish person... and she answered' don't come near me!
'Another thunder strike hit'
'William talked louder than before wile walking towards his mother with his hand reaching out'
Please I'm scared just let me sit beside- 'Beatrice turned too look at William in one swift motion and slapped his arm away wile she looks into his cold grey eyes. grey like stom clouds or grey like a sharp knife... grey lifeless eyes' GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DEMON CHILD!
'William flinched and fell backwards onto the cold hard floor of the shelter. He backs off until he is on opposite side of the room again... his mother keeps mumbling that name. he heard it before but couldn't quite remember who it was. it felt like his whole life was the war... he was only 5. during the war he had learnt himself too write and read, people around him always said he was a smart kid for his age. he didn't like people... they always treat him like he is some other kind of being... not like a person treated another person it was like William was treated differently like he had no feelings or as if he didn't really matter like the rest of them... although not every person visibly treated him that way he felt it on the background... like he didn't matter
It's late, get too bed 'Beatrice said washing the dishes and William responded wile grabbing his all his stuff from the table' yes mother 'William was making a wooden toy it had the shape of a little rabbit... he went upstairs with his arms full of tiny wood pieces, glue, a painting brush and all sorts of things... as William got into bed he heard a loud some sort of cheering noise from downstairs. It was his mother cheering and thanking god. William doesn't know why. he is curious though cause he hasn't heard his mother like this for a long time maybe it's even the first time he heard his mother be so happy like this

May 7 1945
Dear journal
Today was a somewhat normal day but it's weird... I heard mother cheer down stairs that never happens... today I made a new toy and I think it's my favourite one yet. It's a bunny cause I love bunny's. I got inspiration from the circus bear during the war that bear was the only thing that brought me joy and I love rabbits so I made it a rabbit ... the rabbit his name is Bonnie... Bonnie it's such a familiar name I don't really know why but I like it. I'm not entirely done with crafting him though he still needs too be painted purple. I hope he will be my best friend cause people don't even want too talk normally too me I don't understand why if I wanna talk too my neighbours they stare at me for a bit and not respond or why the kids that play outside always have too bully me... I hate it.

May 9 1945
Dear journal
Now i understand why mother made that cheering noise the other day the war is over. that's weird I mean of course I like it that the war is over but I don't understand... I assume life will go on but without worrying about the bombs? I don't know it's still all so clear. the bloody bodies the gun shots the fear the cries of people... I can remember it like yesterday... all of it... I saw tons of dead bodies across the road. I hate dead things. they scare me cause I can imagine myself as them. being dead. and I don't wanna be dead. if there was one thing I really don't want or hate it's being a dead thing. I don't understand... what is being dead what happens when I'm dead. I don't like it when I don't know things it scares me but not like being scared of the bombs. but differently...
Although it was interesting. Seeing so many dead things. What would it feel like too be a soldier and kill them all. I don't like the soldiers but... what would it feel like too make a person a dead thing. I don't understand... I don't wanna die I'm scared I just don't wanna die

'Suddenly there a
Was a loud knocking sound on the front door and William stopped writing. it was around lunchtime. Beatrice walked too the door too open it. William was curious but did not get up he just listened... he heard a man. You could hear he smoked a lot and his voice was low. He heard de door close and the man coming inside. There was a clicking sound when the man walked inside'

William! 'His mother said' come say hello to your father...
'William got up and walked into the hallway and he saw... his father?' Your not my father? 'William said' my father didn't walk with a cane and my father didn't look like this? 'The man was injured because he fought in the war. he had a bad leg injury and some scars on his face ... the man was unimpressed by the way William made his first impression and not recognising him' 
Mhh shouldn't you be showing some more respect too your old man eh?
'His father said' Wel... I don't think I'm respect less sir... I'm just saying I don't recognise you and my father was different from you. 'William remarks looking a bit questioning at his father'
I am your god damn father and I think your pretty respect less towards me little boy ' his father raises the cane and pleases it on William his chest and puches it forward so William falls onto the ground' say sorry too your father William the way you talk too him now is not really nice 'Beatrice says looking at William not surprised by this situation at all' I- I didn't do anything i don't und- 'Williams father seems mad and unhappy with how William acts and cuts him off by bringing the cane down in a swift motion onto William his forehead. William yelled in surprise and pain wile his father had a slight cruel smile across his lips' say sorry 'his father said sternly and William shifted upwards a bit' s-sorry... father 'William said... his father didn't say anything wile looking down at William looming over him. It almost seemed like his father examined William. then after a moment he turns away from him and walks out off the hallway into the living room. William gets up and waits 5 seconds before walking towards the sink keeping his head down wile he walks past his mother and father. His mother gives his father a hug and mumbles: John I'm so happy you're home... William now realises that the name his mother sometimes mumbled was that of his father.
John afton'

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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