XXIV. Spill

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"You. Did. Fcking. Not." Kyotani glared at Yamamoto.

"It worked. Didn't it? She's not with Inarizaki." Yamamoto reasoned.

"Why are you getting mad at us?!" Tanaka yelled out.

"You can't just manipulate the whole situation! Are you fcking nuts?! You're telling me.. right now, that Nekoma, Karasuno and Johzenji is all in this." Kyotani asked flailing his hands around.

"In this mess?!" Kyotani yelled out as the door opened, freezing every boy inside.

"We're trying to protect her!" Tanaka yelled back.

"By doing this?!"
What the fck is wrong with these people?! Holy mother of... even Oikawa is not as stupid as these idiots. I think...

"What? Just because you don't care doesn't mean we don't!" Yamamoto yelled.

"That is not what I mean! Shouldn't she decide what to do with them?"

The boys looked at each other.

"If she tells me to beat their asses up, I'll-"
The boys froze as they hear the door open.

"Hey guys! I brought some protein bars. And I made some..." Hideko stopped noticing the tense atmosphere.

What happened? I was just gone for a few minutes.

"Uhh. Why are you all up? All of you are suppose to be resting. Sit down!" Hideko dropped the bag on the table while the boys just stood and watched her.

She went to Yamamoto who is closest to her then pushes him back to his bed.

"Go on. Go back to your bed."

She turned towards the other two with hands on her waist.

"You two as well. Don't push me. Or I'll-"

"Do you want me to push you again Hideko? Didn't know you enjoyed it so much." Kyotani teased her as he plops down on his bed.

What the hell? This dude was just yelling at us! Way to turn the tide, bro.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Kyotani." She went to get protein bars and gave them to each boys before sitting down at the end of Tanaka's bed.

"Lunch is about an hour from now. This will be enough for the mean time."

The boys thanked Hideko and started eating.

"So... Any ideas on how we can spend the rest of the hour before we head to the cafeteria?"

"Let's play a game!" Tanaka yelled from in front of her.

"I'm in!" Hideko grinned as Yamamoto and Tanaka cheered.

"Come on Kyotani. Let's-"

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm in. What's it going to be anyway?" Kyotani said as he bites his protein bar.

"Truth or dare!" Tanaka yelled excitedly.

"With just the 4 of us? Will that even work?" Yamamoto asked still eating.

"Why wouldn't it?" Kyotani stood up and got a water bottle from the shelf.

"We're taking this one."

"How do we play? Should we sit on the floor-"

"You're stupid Hideko-chan. All of you stand up." Kyotani chuckled.

"Be useful and help me push the beds together."

"This dude is really pushing my buttons."

Tanaka and Yamamoto push their beds together before sitting down on them.

KARASUNO'S MANAGER - Haikyu VariousWhere stories live. Discover now