Chapter Thirteen

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"Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life"
How to save a life

The Delta, apparently named Viktor, dropped his hands off her as if she had burned him, immediately stepping away, his eyes diverting between the Epsilion, Pack Doctor, Joan, Sarah and Yoseph, who had clearly heard the Alpha's permission, and thus could do nothing about it. Kyara smiled at that. Her aunt was smart. The girl dropped off the rope and freed her hands, stretching her knuckles and wrists, standing up straigther to her disclaimer.
"How could you?!" The Old Luna screetched. Honestly, how can Yoseph put up with her voice? Scratch that, how can anyone put up with it?
"She hurt my boy, " The woman's eyes teared, glaring at Kyara and at Joan, who sighed, tired of the pretense of the Luna. "You can't let her go!" She accused, her palid face scrunching up.
"On the contrary, she saved your son" She smiled at her niece, who widened her eyes towards her, and frowned.
"What?!" She shurgged. "I can recognize a healing spell when I see one, I know one or two tricks myself,"
"Healing spell?!" Yoseph gasped. Even with his Beta aura, his authority was mullified by Kyara's wolf. He was a tall man, but she could reach his chin, he wore a suit most of the times, and his hair was impeccably combed. His icy blue eyes flew in direction to amber ones, glowing in defiance.
"Am I hearing it right or is the Epsilion saying it wrong?"
Kyara crossed her arms and faced the man, tilted her head up and focused her gaze on his freezing one. She was not scared at all.
"The important thing is," She said, wary of his intentions, intent on keeping her wolf a secret. So far, only a few had seen her shifting, yet the story of the existence of Silver Wolves was so spoken of and told that it became a bedtime story, not real, composed of made up parts. But they did exist. She was one of them. "Aiden's cured, but the wolfsbane isn't out of his system yet,"
"Which is where the pumping kicks in," Joan added. "As soon as he's recovered, he'll be ready to continue ruling the Pack." She smirked, moving towards the place Kyara stood in, getting behind her and grabbing her shoulders.
Patting them, she told the couple, "In the meantime, it seems that our Alpha has found his perfect substitute"
She eyed them suggestively, yet the old Alpha coughed, disagreeing, glaring at Kyara as though she had truly caused Aiden to be at bed rest. She couldn't say the same about the old Luna though, narrowing her eyes at the lady who wore designer dresses, an ugly face and tons of blonde hair. Her eyes moved to her hands, perfectly rested in her laps, a twinkle of something fiddling in her fingers--
"Isn't Xander a more capable subject for the leadership?" He tried to indulge Joan, to whom was given permission to order around. In extreme cases where the Alpha is injured or unavailable, someone else can give out orders, normally the Beta, yet Joan, the pack doctor, was clearly more expert to deal with this sort of issues.
"The Beta?" Joan snorted. "Sure. Why not? But my mate will assist him," Uriah was the third in command, yet his mension turned Yoseph's face in a disgusted one. "Right, Uriah?"
The Gamma adjusted his glasses nervously, and said, "Yes, I will"
With that, he left, burdened with the Pack's affairs, and, after the Alpha was successfully taken, Kyara decided to also walk out alongside Joan, who grabbed hrer bag and packed the rest of her gear in.
Hair in a ponytail, eyes sharp as a knife and ajusting her denim jacket in positions, Joan Andrews walked off,  Kyara admiring her stance as she openly defied those who used to be in charge.
Her gaze never left the space ahead, aware of any dangers the woods might come up with, motioning for her mate to follow her. She rapidly understood her uncle's infatuation with his mate--Joan was a confident, no-nonsense doctor who rolled her eyes at Sarah when she tried to be intimidating and utimately failed.
"So, I hear you kissed him." Joan's words startled Kyara, widening her eyes at the laughing doctor.
"Who?!" She breathed, trying to cover up by quickly shaking away the surprise.
"Please," Joan scoffed. "I wasn't born yesterday, didn't take my medical license yesterday either. Your mate," She clarified. "You kissed him"
"Yes," She said, pushing the word, hoping to avoid an expectantly difficult conversation. "What about it?"
"How was it?" She pried, as they walked together. Ahead of them, there were those beautiful trees, plants and animals that composed their home. "The kiss?"
"Normal" Kyara shrugged it. "Why would it have anything of special?"
"Ooh, jeez, I don't know," She rolled her eyes. "Maybe the fact that, he's your mate"
"I still don't get it," She deadpanned.
"You will" She said excitedly. "The tingles, the sparks, the dizziness---"
"Okay, okay," Kyara laughed. "Is this the part where you tell me about your experience with my uncle? Because I'd love to skip it," She mentioned. "And the whole girl talk too,"
"Oh, come on," Joan insisted, "Aren't you at least a tad bit excited?"
"No," She said, chuckling. "I am not"
"False bravado," The doctor laughed. "I admire it,"
"Stop" She begged, frustrated. And a little embarrassed.
As soon as they could see the Pack warriors patrolling the borders, Joan entered in full doctor mode, no funny aunt business, as she stepped inside the Full Moon's pack's territory. Nodding at the guards, she walked in, pulling Kyara with her, successfully ignoring the guard's nasty glances, which were seriously annoying Kyara, but she chose to imitate her aunt. No need for another set of problems.
A boy came running, and only stopped as he spotted Joan coming in, Uriah raising his eyebrows at the young man's stance, erradic breathing, sweat coming off his pores and a worried look on his sky blue eyes.
"Beta Xander," Joan acknowledged. "What happened? Is everything as I ordered?"
"Yes, Doctor Andrews, Gamma" He nodded at the couple, stepping back as his eyes took in Yoseph and Sarah's angry appearence, which Kyara found strange, since this young man was supposed to be the Pack's best male warrior, yet his aura couldn't stand in the couple's. As she focused on Yoseph's only, she could also find hints of authority, power and lust?
Now, that was weird.
"Miss Rivers," He finally smiled at Kyara, who returned a very pissed off glance at the kid, who couldn't be older than Aiden. Maybe, a year younger than her, even. Yet, he made it to the top.
"Alpha and Luna Callahan," He hyperventiled. "There's been--progress, but the Alpha--"
Kyara didn't wait to hear the Beta's report, as she was already headed to Joan's clinic, in the southwest of the Pack, nearest the lake. It was a small cottage, and while far away from the Packhouse, Joan preferred it that way, so she had no one interferring.
The second the doors bursted open, she was already there--Joan--and she had absolutely no idea of how or when had she come over, but her voice thundered across the steralized rooms.
"Give him three miligrams of serum" She supervised the Alpha's treatment herself, since she was the head Epsilion. The others, though Epsilions by birth too, fell under her command, as they adjusted Aiden's bed, cateters, serums, bags--he was laid, in one of the beds, which made Kyara think of a small hospital that fit well inside a cabin. Many seperate rooms lined up along the walls, the main office remaining the front door desk, having also a kitchen, operation room, sterile room, nurse rooms--all on a third and second floors. Fortunately, the Alpha stayed on the first one, as Joan's team closed up the cortains and started the treatment.
"He's going to be fine," Joan's voice made Kyara jumped, as her racing heart took a twist and she ended up holding it.
"Aunt Joan!" She called. "You scared me!"
"Oh, don't be pricky," She blew it off. "He's going to be okay--he just needs--"
"I know," Kyara rolled her eyes. "Treatment"
"Treatment," Joan agreed, smoothing her white doctor robe, her hands cold as she wrapped Kyara's shoulders with them.
"You know," She told her, marvelling her clinic with shining eyes. "My family built up this place,"
"Really?" Kyara allowed herself to continue to listen to Joan's story. "How?"
"Well, my great-grandfather was an Epsilion, the rank marked to a Pack Doctor, so the whole family was into medicine right away" Her eyes wondered around the while walls, smooth curtains and voices discussing.
"But I, I loved it, so I took up the legacy and sort of modernized this place"
Kyara smiled--it was truly a wonderful place to be treated, and Aiden, as stubborn as he was, was in good hands.
"Doctor Andrews!" One of them called, and Joan hurried away. Kyara waited patiently, hoping and praying to the Moon Goddess that her chanting and charm worked, or else--
"I want to see Kyara!" A voice growled, much more deeper than Aiden's, one, her wolf, Kendall, recognized too well.
"Alpha, stop squirming!" One of them yelled, pinning the Alpha down on the bed, while Kyara, unconsciously, moved herself to where Aiden was, his eyes gone fully black, his voice hoarse. He was glaring in contempt to the two Epsilions who tried to keep him down, only to having him bite and snap at them, bones cracking, ready to snap into Ash.
If Aiden was impulsive already, his wolf was bound to be three times worse.
"Alpha, if you want to see your mate, you have to stay still" Joan advised, turning to her interns and to Aiden at a time, she had no choice.
"Do not call me that," Ash growled.
"Okay, fine," She complied. "Ash--you need to stay still, I promise--"
"I'm tired of fucking promises," Ash snorted. "They lead nowhere."
"The poison is still in Aiden's system," Joan carefully explained. "If you don't stay calm, it can spread and kill your human"
Ash sighed. "I thought you took care of that already, Epsilion"
Joan smiled, and said, "The treatment needs you to rest, so it can be done smoothly, okay?" She shook her head when one of her interns approached with a syringe.
"It's better if we sedate him, doctor" He opined. "He's an angry wolf"
"Who's only going to wake up angrier if we do that against his will, Jonah" Joan dismissed it.
"What do you suggest then?" Jonah was speechless, when he saw a young woman approaching, her red hair flaming, betrayed only by the silver roots and amber eyes. Frowning, he advised, "This is a secured place, Miss," His tone turned arrogant, as he brushed her off with an air of superiority.
"Please, kindly leave,"
"Wait!" She heard Joan call her as she prepared to walk away. "Kyara, there is someone I think wants to see you,"
She winked.
"Mate!" Ash growled, the black solely focusing on her. A gasp echoed across the room.

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