Chapter Twelve

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"Seems like things are meant to be
But I don't know
Does he love me? Or does he love me not?
Do I love him? And is it strong enough?
One kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this"
One kiss

The kiss lasted five minutes. Five minutes. That was as far as Kyara could go without breathing. The tingles. The fuzzy sensation. The warmth. His scent.
Damn, indeed.
What?! And you call me the horny one. Perhaps you are projecting your own personal feelings towards me. But heck, what do I know? I'm just your wolf.
She internally groaned. This time, she and Aiden pulled apart, her cheeks rosed with warmth and his hair all messed up and tangled. Yet his eyes--hell, his eyes were still looking at her with that passion, love, adoration. Not a hint of embarrassment. Unlike her.
Aiden was breathing hard, blinking at his mate, standing in front of him, her lips swollen and hair messed up for being entangled in his huge hands. Hands that he used to wrap her waist, and hands that she used to hold his face right next to hers and then their lips touched--
Mark him.
Kendall, are you crazy? We can't mark him.
Why not? Ash clearly wants to. He's been begging me since forever.
And you have said no? To your mate?
Yes, my dear human, I've actually mastered up enough courage to refuse my mate in order to comply to your wishes. But be advised, it is a one time thing.
Aww, thanks Kenny.
The wolf rolled her eyes at the human, leaving Kyara smiling at the thought of her wolf's thoughtfulness. Meanwhile, there was Aiden, who seemed particularly dumbstruck, lost in time, while Kyara was battling inside her own demons, and actually wishing she could mark Aiden, staring down at his...neck.
His long, clean neck--
"Kyara?" He shook his head. "Maybe this was a mistake"
"Mistake?!" She blew off. "Of course you would say that"
"Oh, really?" Aiden sneered, and as pissed of as he was, he admitted it was the best kiss he's ever--
"Aiden!" A voice screeched, interrupting the moment, letting Kyara sigh heavily knowing the author of such a noise, and Aiden's wolf Ash to groan in frustration, but he stood there. Quiet.
"Baby!" Sarah called. As a mother, she ran towards the naked boy, fully accostumated to nakedness, yet, Kyara, raised in human world, still got embarrassed. "Are you okay?" Kyara found it hypocritical, really, that there was no tone of concern in her acute voice. Sarah's aura screamed of Gamma, however, she didn't seem nothing of the sort. From the woman's blonde hair, to the eyes that she shared with her son, it was such a wonder that someone like Aiden could come from a woman like her.
"What are you doing with this bitch?" She rose her wrinkly hands to Aiden's face, roughly checking for injuries, while it was evident that Kyara's face was largely torn, bloody, and dirt covered them both, but she was healing fast--it was one of the perks--
"What is this!?" Sarah's eyes narrowed. "Your wounds--they are not healing,"
Aiden chuckled, clearly finding his mother's actions amusing, if not genuine, a tad dramatic, and still--Kyara noticed too. An Alpha--or Beta for that matter--could still heal faster than most werewolves. Still, she wondered where the old Luna had been.
The boy gasped as he regarded his own injuries, had he not been in battle before, he would have thought hours were the main time for healing, but he had fought before, had thrown countless rogues out of the territory, just like he had learned from the old Alpha. It was truty scary--
"Aiden!" Both women screamed, as the Alpha dropped to his knees, his body twisting itself with pain, blood coming out of his nose, his face truly palid. His green eyes followed the amber ones, not once checking on those that were similar, focusing on a last picture of his mate.
Kyara stood there, yet she didn't freeze, not when every second counted to heal the boy. Sarah, however, was running away, and while Kyara found that uncalled for, she had to prepare Aiden for the healing, just as she had done with the boys, when they were younger. Leo, who did sports nonstop, usually did something minor to injure himself, such as a twisted ankle, broken arm, and, without a wolf, it took time to heal and a human hospital to figure out their secrets. Also, their bills were quite expensive, and they had no healthcare insurance, so, Kendall was all she had to ensure the boy didn't end up with a permanant scar.
Role him over. My power can spread faster through the back, directly onto the vains and heart--
What if one of their claws was laced with wolfsbane?
We can still cure him, but--
But what?
The wolf didn't respond, which was quite unusual for her, yet Kyara had to focus on rolling him to his back, back into the fetal position, and call for her wolf's energy--and praying to the Moon Goddess that it would work.
Scars. So many, spread onto his back. They seemed old, and opened and healed quite a few times, the same way hers had been. Her hand touched it, feeling him squirm, the pain spreading onto his body and letting get the hold of him.
The words that left Kyara's mouth flew through the wind, its force shaking the trees and scaring off the birds, the gusts wrapping themselves around his body, her feeling the energy fill her entire body, closing her eyes and didn't stop chanting until she heard a sucked breath coming her way.
"Kyara?" His voice was hoarse, and when he tried to get himself up, she pinned him down again. "What--"
"Shh" She shushed him, inspecting the evidence that were his recent wounds. She lifted his forearm as if it was jelly, his head to check the blood off his nose, the breath--
"What are you doing?" His incessant questions followed, but Kyara was having none of that--first, the rogues had dared to get close to the ones she loved, and now him? No way.
The smell of his blood told her everything. Other poisons did not do anything to wolves, alcohol much less either, only one single plant had that effect--
"You colapsed" She responded in a no-nonsense tone. "I healed you"
"You healed me?" He frowned, founding that hard to believe.
"Yes." She answered. "It's too soon to get up," She forcefully pinned him down to the ground, because, with his state of dizziness, being up was a risk.
"What happened?" He asked, probably feeling his head ache and his wolf nowhere to be found.
"Do you have headache? Can you talk to Ash?" She proceeded to ask him questions.
"Yes." He swollowed. "And no" He sighed, realizing the signs. She smiled, her patient learned so quickly. Impressed.
"Wolfsbane" They said at the same time, chuckling in the middle.
"Thank you," He said, seeming genuinely grateful for Kyara's actions. She saved his life. Wolfsbane lightly dosed could injure one's wolf and the human, but if the dose was too high, it could actually put him in front of the doors of death. It took a real special wolf to pull him out.
"It was nothing," She brushed the matter off. "It was either that or enduring the pain in the ass that is my wolf for letting my mate--her mate--die"
"Did you--" He coughed. "See--" Kyara rushed to check on him, the healing disabled most of the poison, but some could still have some effect yet. She gave only half of her energy to heal her mate, or else it would two bodies laying on the ground.
"About that--" Kyara started, but she heard voices in the woods that quieted her, rising up slowly to look at the trees. From behind them, she watched as Sarah Callahan and her mate brought over the rest of the warriors, her uncle Uriah and Joan to their own provate moment.
"She's over there!" She yelled. "Apprehend the woman that took my son's life!"
With that accusation, Kyara stood up straigther, facing down right the Deltas that made a move, one of them taking the stance, since he had no seen her fight, in her human form, enough to be scared, like the rest of the group, grabbed her hands and tied them up.
"Are you sure of that, Mrs Callahan?"
She questioned, struggling slightly the force that the young man was handling her with, sneering at the guy whose eyes hid a clear sense of sadism.
"Why doesn't Joan go check on him?" She suggested, nodding to where the body stood. "She's the Pack Doctor, right?"
She, however, didn't take the eyes of Sarah. Why was she suddenly so certain her son's life was taken? It didn't make sense, unless--
How could someone go to such far lengths to--
"He's alive!" Joan screamed, posing her bag near her and searching it. "Alpha, can you hear me?"
He coughed, trying to raise up, the stubborn bastard, even if Kyara could continously keep reminding him that, being healed so fresh, it was a danger. He could injury himself far worse if he fell face down, or backwards, specially with poison in his veins--
"Joan!" She called, the Delta tying her hands tighter, raising his hand to slap her, but her own hand was faster and grabbed it. "What's the antidote for wolfsbane?"
"Wolfsbane is a particular strong poison, Miss Rivers," She said in her characteristical calm voice. "Sadly, the only one with lasting effects on wolves. We'd have to pump him, and treat him throughoutly--"
"But there is one, right?" She wondered, praying that her thinking was right. Suddenly, she felt her legs had turn to jelly, and wobbled, yet she continued to face the Doctor and talk to her.
"Well, yes" Joan said matter-of-factly. "Every poison is handmade, so it's only natural to create an antidote" She turned to Aiden. "Alpha, permission to give orders?"
"Granted" Aiden groaned, but he still couldn't stand.
"Delta Grant, Kell, take him gently to my clinic, if you please," She spoke softly to the two Deltas, who, initially, felt confused and lost, but sprang to action as soon as another of their Alpha's groans could be heard, indicating his pain and being, which was not very well. Meanwhile, Sarah glared furiously at Kyara, who remained tied up and still could manage to handle her imprisoner very well, maintaining his hand tight in her grasp, hung out in the air.
She turned to him, and hissed, "Never do that again", making sure to blacken her eyes to show him that it wasn't only her, but also Kendall that he had to be wary of. She didn't particularly like it when she was being handled.
Joan took care of the others, ending the earlier commotion surrounding the mysterious wounds of the Alpha, remaining just her, her mate, Sarah, Yoseph and Kyara.
The Pack Doctor turned her gaze to the Delta, glaring at him, as if she wanted to claw at him too.
"Now, Delta Viktor," She ordered. "Take your filthy paws off my niece"

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