Chapter One

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"No one cares for you a bit
When you're a foster kid
It's the hard-knock life

Make my bathroom shine
But don't touch my medicine cabinet"
It's a hard knock life

"Wake up, you bitch!" A voice ordered, making the girl snap herself awake. "It's breakfast time!"
Bitch. Whore. Freak. Outcast.
Those were her everyday words. Of course, you couldn't expect anything else when you have weird features. She rose in her battered mattress, and passed her fingers through her long strings of hair. When she was younger, her--takers--had it dyed in pretty reddish to make it appear "normal". And of course, it had to be the same color as her dear mother.
She grabbed her jeans from the dirty chair, and sneaked on her black converse. The nicest thing she owned. Her hand slipped away to her moon necklace. It was the only thing she owned from her biological parents.
It was a beautiful piece of work, but nothing fancy. Her foster mother had tried to steal it before, but, as it wasn't silver or anything like it, she just dropped it off. But to Kyara, it was a piece of work.
Heavy footsteps thundered off as someone started climbing the stairs that gave acess to her tiny bedroom in the Attic.
"I said wake up, bitch!" Her foster mother came, a redhead woman in her forties that couldn't have children. As a result, she took Kyara and a couple of boys from the foster care system to look after. As it's usually crowded, and her husband was loaded, she was easily overlooked.
Kyara looked at how peacefully her brothers slept. They were both twelve years old. They weren't related, but after ten years protecting them from the outbursts of their father and the tantrums of her mother, she considered them family. Her blood.
She blinked, as the woman's spit hit her face.
"I said to make us breakfast, you disgusting slut!" She shrieked.
"Shh," She dared to say quietly. "Do not wake them--"
"Did you just talk back to me, you whore?" She got into her face. She rose her hand to slap her, and when it hit Kyara's often bruised face, she didn't feel an ounce of pain.
Better me than them.
"Do not talk back to me, you hear me?" Then, she directioned her eyes to the peacefully asleep children.
"And wake them up, time for school" With that, she left.
Kyara carefully approached the children's mattresses, squating nearby and saying softly.
"Leo?" She called. "Damien?" They both opened their eyes. She smiled. They were a pair of those look-alike twins, two redheaded boys with shimmering grey eyes.
"Kyara?" One of them groaned. "Is it time yet?"
She chuckled. "Well, it's seven o'clock, sleepyhead, so, yes, time for getting ready and go to school"
Damien pried and moved his eyes to them.
"Why can't you go with us?" He innocently asked.
Kyara looked down. She knew why she couldn't. Surprisingly, her foster parents paid the school well-enough to get her to graduate early and start to work. Despite the wealthiess, not one cent was left for her. Not for the boys either. She was honestly surprised why the lady that called herself a mother didn't blow off the old man's bank account yet. The food was a restricted previlege too.
"Because you are on a lower grade than me, sweetie," She explained, smiling. Looking back, she had thought of running away. But if she would, she would take the boys with her. How could she explained them they had to leave?
Leave. But not without them.
"Ugh...I hate math," Leo growled, as he got himself out of bed.
"You will thank me later," Kyara warned, her eyes shining seeing Leo preparing himself to get dressed.
"Don't think so" Damien responded, readying himself too.
She shook her head before heading to the kitchen. Yet, before she descended a step, she stopped herself and called the boys.
"Wait, Leo, Damien" They both dragged themselves to her as they tied their pants on and slipped their shirts.
"I have something to give you," She smiled at them, trying to make it seem easy. After school, they would never return to this place.
Not that any of them would want to, anyways.
She took out two rings, one with the crescent moon and another with the waning moon. She handed them to the boys.
"Thank you," They choired and threw their arms around her.
"You are welcome," She said. "Happy birthday, boys"
Their huge, happy grins were all she needed before heading off to make the breakfast.

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