Chapter Seven

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"You think you got the best of me
Think you've had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'll come running back
Baby, you don't know me, 'cause you're dead wrong"
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

"I'm so sorry," Damien sobbed, and Kyara kept chanting to cure his bleeding arm, couldn't keep her heart from breaking. A young kid was actually contemplating hurting himself. Being a wolf, he healed faster than humans, but still, like everytime one of them scraped their knees, she chanted and used her abilities to cure the wound.
"Day," she said sharply, before breathing in and again. "Do you want to tell me something"
Squating to sit there with him, she envolved him in her arms, singing a lullaby and rocking him in her arms. The poor kid continued to cry, breaking Kyara's heart, who had no clue of what to do. If Damien didn't tell her by himself, then she wouldn't push him too far.
She rose her eyes to meet a pair of green ones, who looked in concern at the crying kid on the girl's arms. Aiden blinked at the scene, watching the other kids glare in absolute disgust at Damien, scared to his wits.
"What happened to him?" The Alpha asked in curiosity, his eyes travelling between the kids and Damien. The young boy stood in his mate's arms, carefully tucked in, his arms full of cuts and a variaty of blue and purple bruises. He was fairly young and handsome, barely twelve-years old, which meant he had training in the morning with his gamma Uriah. He cringed his bows, seemingly unsure if the wounds placed on his arm were self-inflicted or by someone else. His heart jumped. This boy, a redhead with stone grey eyes, was clearly hurt and it somehow reminded him of someone.
Shaking his head, Aiden directed his gaze at the group of pups, who, in turn, felt his intense gaze and flickered, unsure of whether to follow the silent demand of the Alpha. Pups...he should be linent, and besides, without knowing what happened specifically, he was short of choices at that particular situation.
"It's none of your business, anyway," Kyara rose, got up and strecteched her hand at Damien, who relunctantly took it, blinking unsteadily at the Alpha, which, in turn made the girl glare at him. "We're just rogues after all"
"Come on, Damien" The kid flinched, hugging himself to Kyara's body, making her wrap her arms around him protectively.
"You should train with Uriah," Aiden suggested. "Werewolves need to protect themselves or else--"
Kyara turned slowly. How dare him?
"And you should mind your own fucking business" She hissed. "Let's go, Day"
"I'm Alpha and your mate" He threw in. "Everything you do, and everyone you associate with you are my business"
She rolled her eyes at him. And what a wonderful job you're doing, clearly.
Her blood boiled with rage, as she closed her eyes and inside her eyelids she could see her whole life from the moment she was in that Orphanage in Blackurge City, to when she was brought home to a rich, entitled couple, with a pair of two-year-old who could barely feed themselves. To the moment she figured the little voice inside her head didn't mean she was weird, only that she was different. To Iris, who already kept spreading nasty rumours because that was he only freaking talent. To her running away, because it reached a bloody point where she had to take them away. And hell, if, with everything they went through, she nearly forgot it was still the twins' birthday.
She was such an awful guardian.
And now, Damien was hurting, she found her mate, and--
"Then control your pack members, Alpha" She answered promptly. "Or I will"

Kyara moved Damien and Leo to the training fields, huge camps of broad grass and spaceful quarters, where young pups already waited for their instructor, Gamma Uriah, to teach them fighting methods in order to defend themselved and attack. Always attack. Kyara couldn't help but wonder if Aiden was indeed constantly working towards what she supposed a pack did, make arrangement, allies, be always on the watch with rogues, after all, wolves were very territorial beings. And she didn't feel anything else other than a human with a wrecking force inside her that she named Kendall, and a way to twist words in a subtile force to bend people to her will. She watched as Alpha Aiden tried to do the same, one thing she did realize was that, he didn't know how to establish authority, how it was important, if a pack this big was to exist. So far, their interactions were none other than pricks and fights, when everybidy seemed to be wary of him.
Leo was standing beside her, staring with wonder at the marvellous field. It was big and perfect to run, when, in the human world, his wolf would have been increadibly bored. Kyara smiled at him, and at Uriah, when he showed up with a girl under his arm.
"Kyara," He acknoledged her and Leo, but Damien was still somehow afraid.
"This is Harper"
Harper was seemingly a girl of Leo's age, tall and skinny, with a flat chest and long, beige hair that reached her waist, coupled with tanned skin and a pair of bright, vivid and unmistakable--
"My daughter" Uriah proudly annouced.
Amber eyes.
She was pretty, but there was something about that girl which bothered Kyara, the way she nervously swollowed, looked down at her feet and smiled shyly at Leo, who blushed.
Leonildas Crawford--scratch that, Rivers, blushed.
She wasn't using those snakes' last names anymore. Ever since the adoption took place, she was given a new last name, but remembering her usual one, she refused to let go and kept it as a middle name. However, the twins were two, and thus too young to even remember it, and she has never been able to bring it out in the open, so, as a result, to refer to them as a wolf she named them as Rivers. It just felt right.
The Crawfords meant nothing to her or them anymore.
They were free.
That girl--Harper--was clearly her kinship. She hadn't raised her head since looking at Leo, but she brushed it off as nervousness. So far, she had met Uriah as an uncle, and she assumed she had a mate, but a child? That was news to her.
Scratch that--he had a pup.
And that pup was her cousin. She was dressed in all black, as were Uriah and the rest of the trainees, except them, who were merely dressed in sports' clothes, as she had instructed the pups in wearing. Suddenly, heat painted her cheeks.
"Your daughter" she muttered, blinking as she carefully exhaled and noticed the other pups laughing muffedly, earning a stern glare from their trainer.
"I was going to tell you," Uriah quickly explained, "But she's not used to--"
Kyara was already squating down, making sure her eye level met Harper's, kneeling on the ground.
"Hi, Harper," She sweetly greeted the young pup, her cousin. "My name's Kyara" She grabbed the twins to hug then close, feeling Leo's embarrassment and Damien's uncomfort, but ignoring that all together. "These are Leo and Damien"
"Wolves" A stern bark sounded, making them all stand straigther, including Kyara and the pups. She narrowed her eyes at Alpha Callahan, Aiden, who came towards them, trolling off with his scowling parents, Sarah and Yoseph, tilting their chin as a sign of obvious superiority. Kyara raised her eyebrows, and saw Uriah retreat, his usual easygoing stance replaced by a stoic one.
She found it strange that the former Alpha, caused such a reaction from the wolves, watching as their eyes lost their color and and the faces went totally blank. Even the pups, as young as they were, knew the significancy of the moment and kept quiet, little Harper hiding behind Uriah's legs, oozing feelings such as fear from her fragile body.
That sight made Kendall stir, her stubborn wolf refusing to witstand the atitude of the former Alpha, who, according to Aiden, was no longer in charge. But the real question was, when he did assume the guidance of the Pack, what had he done?
Kendall was growing furious, and Kyara was a little close to let the wolf burst forward, but, for the sake of the boys, she refused to.
"These" Aiden mentioned, gesturing at them. "Visitors are going to train with us. To those who are unaware, this girl's name is Kyara Rivers, a lost wolf that used to belong to the Full Moon Pack. As such, she's to reveal her abilites"
Kyara frowned, wondering, what is Aiden up to?
"Our best warrior in the Pack, daughter of the Head Warrior, Felicia Dangster, has offered herself to spar with her"
Fight? Her? Was he out of his mind?
So, that was Felicia. She stepped out of the former Alpha and Luna couple and made a venue, which she wasn't sure what it was for, but caught the mean glare that froze anyone on their way. The girl was a big one, with muscles on all the right places, formed after obvious years of training constantly. Kyara herself didn't have a lot of training, but she didn't know what Aiden had on his mind, if he hadn't lost it yet, or if this was all part of his sinister plan.
Somehow, the big, black haired girl with brown eyes, tanned skin and just a little bit of makeup.
A few wolves snickered behind her, as the rest of the pack joined in for what seemed to be as good as formal challange. A group of female wolves followed Felicia from behind, their eyes accessing Kyara and deeming already her defeat. She wasn't sure of the reason of this challange, as it had appeared in all of a sudden, no warning no nothing.
Nothing from him. Her supposed mate.
What was it that she was told about mates?
Mates are a forever love thing, my ass.
"It's a fight to death," Felicia clicked her tongue. "Are you sure the scrawny can handle, Aiden?"
Scrawny. She had heard better and meaner insults. Aiden or anyone other than the twins didn't know but--
Wait, death?
Her wolf, Kendall, readied herself. Even if she couldn't shift, her powers oozed from her fur to Kyara's own skin, something on the lines of her being a Silver wolf . Humans were easy, but--
Aiden, still, had the balls to look at her as if it wasn't his idea. Sarah, on the other hand, was grinning, Yoseph just narrowed his black eyes and stared.
Kyara decided to throw some wood to the fire, saying, "Yes, Aiden," She sweetly voiced her words, laced with some Alpha command on them.
"Are you sure the scrawny here can handle it, mate?"

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