Chapter Six

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"I close my eyes and I can see
The world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one's been before
But it feels like home"
A Million Dreams.

"Kyara, honey," Luna Elena addressed her small daughter, Kyara, and stroke her beautiful silver hair with her hand, as she watched her play with the wooden blocks. "We have someone to present to you,"
"Is it Uncle Zeke?!" The girl squealed excitedly.
"Uncle Zeke's unavaliable, now, sweetheart" Luna Elena said sadly, she moved from the girl's view, who kept trying to eye at whom her mommy wanted to introduce her. The mother brought a young boy with her, and those forest green eyes zoomed in on her. He looked pissed.
"I don't want to play with her," He whined. "She's younger than me!"
"Aiden, sweetheart," Elena reasoned. "She's five,"
"And I'm eight," He stated stubbornly. "And a half,"
"Come on buddy," Theon encouraged, exhaling when he heard Aiden continued to prefer to be alone. He didn't play with any other pup in the Pack, and, even if he had tried to warn his Beta, Yoseph, he wouldn't listen. His wife, Sarah, wasn't any help either. "Just give little Kiki a chance,"
"Kyara sweetheart," Elena smiled at her daughter. "This is Aiden,"
"Hi!" A pair of tightened arm suddenly knocked the air out of his lungs as she wrapped them around his middle. He felt his blood warm when tingles blossomed in his tanned skin. Weirdly enough, he smiled. "Let's play with the blocks. I'm building the Packhouse,"
"Really," Aiden sat down with her, marvelling at the amber eyes that seemed to soften in his presence, and the silver hair, that matched Luna Elena's. "I thought all princesses only loved castles,"
He snickered as he picked one block and knocked the others over.
"Daddy!" The little girl cried. "I don't like him!
"I'm too big to play with little girls," Aiden smirked. "I wanna spar with the Alpha"
"Maybe Kyara could spar with you," The Luna suggested. "Uriah has been training with her"
"No way!" He snorted. "That's too easy"
"Why don't you try and find out?" Elena crossed her arms as she stared at the kids. Electra paced in her head, watching out for her pup.
"Ah, Ellie," Theon leaned on his mate's ears. "Aiden's got his wolf already"
The Luna looked, surprised, at her mate with a worried glare. Uriah had said that, being of Alpha blood, Kyara's wolf would most likely be stronger than the others, and being a descendant of the Silver Wolf lineage, even more so. She was of Full Moon and the Silver Packs, which had once been and now it wasn't. One thing was certain though, Kyara was born to be a very powerful Alpha. She would also be able to shift earlier too.
Aiden barred his teeth as he jumped at the poor girl, on the ground. Kyara reacted quickly, dodging each move and throwing in her own punches, like her uncle taught her, kicking and pulling out of Aiden's hold. The smell of snow pine and marshmellows filled her nose, making her remember of the nights where her daddy would allow them to make a bonfire. The snow days were always her favorites. And she absolutely loved the taste of puffy marshmellows and smores. The smell of the forest in her runs, the nature, it was too good.
She didn't know how, in her daydream, she got hold of Aiden, gold meeting green, and had him pinned to the ground as a little voice filled her years and everything went black.
The last thing little Kyara heard were the laugh of her parents.

When Kyara opened her eyes, she knew the chaos had been evoked, and Goddess knew how she liked being unnoticed. Another memory, this one a little blurry was brought in by Kendall, who had stayed dorment while on the human world. It was too dangerous to even spot a wild animal in the small city where she lived. Hunters lived in the cottages near the woods, and while the magic of the supernaturals had brushed them off for a while, it had become obvious the danger was near. Not only that, but rogues were also one of the many problems they faced.
Problems that were supposed to be non of Kyara's concern.
Yet, she couldn't stop thinking about it.
"What do you mean mate?" Sarah yelled at Aiden, whose eyes indicated he was still under Ash's domain. While on Kyara's side, Kendall longed to come forward and put some sense in old folks' heads, but the girl kept her wolf in check. She didn't need another reason to be put in the cells.
"This rogue can't be your mate," She spoke with disdain. "There are so many other females more worthy of the title, Aiden, baby,"
"Son," Yoseph harshly addressed Aiden, or rather Ash, who kept growling at his parents. "This can't be, I forbid it"
Kyara breathed in and out. She felt she shouldn't join in on the conversation, as she'd rather check on the boys.
"While I'm delighted to be a part of this lovely conversation," Kyara spoke out, letting just a bit of her alpha tone in her voice to rattle them up. "I feel like this" She gestured at the scowling couple and their defying son, who was stubbornly arguing with them. If Aiden decided he would accept her than she'd be willing to accept him too. But rush to the part of having any kind of intimacy with the boy she just reencountred? No way.
Not until she was ready.
"Is more of a family discussion, so I'll leave," She finished, moving herself closer to the door of her room.
"Stay" Ash growled, not caring about what his folks thought of her, he was not willing to just let her go.
"Watch your tone, rogue" was Sarah's attempt at intimidating Kyara, but she had already left the room.

As she descended the stairs of the huge Packhouse, she thought of the commotion going on upstairs. She concluded that Aiden seemed a nice person, but with that kind of parents, based on the few of their actions she had witnessed before, it was just hard to believe.
Scratch that: it was extremely difficult.
Kyara's heart couldn't be thinking of the Alpha now, she had to watch the boys, they had probably missed her.
The Pack's kitchen was what seemed to be a fairly spaced cafeteria, with several tables adorning the place and the wolves getting up to grab their food. It was freshly served, with all variaties for a lot of eaters. She realized, by its aspect, that it was just as normal as the human food she rarely ate. Usually a few scraps of bread there and there would suffice, a bit of jelly or ham if she was feeling lucky, but never eggs. However, she did enjoy making them for the twins. She had perfected the technique over the years to make sure they ate good and tasty..
Walking forward, all wolves resumed to their eating as soon as they realized they were not in the presence of their Alpha, despite the heavy Alpha aura she unleashed daily.
"Kyara!" A sweet voice called her. She instantly smiled as she headed to the table across the room. "Sissy! You're back!" Leo exclaimed entusiastically, his grey eyes widening as he got happier.
Damien, the quieter one, seemed lost in his own world. Eating his eggs and bacon silently, he rasped. "Yours are better"
Uriah just chuckled. "Well, not everybody is as skilled as my niece,"
Kyara helped herself to a seat, watching Uriah's wrinkled face manage a smile, amusement filling his amber eyes.
"Have they behaved?" She asked, tentatively.
"Oh, yes, Joan adores them," He rolled his eyes and waved his hand in dismissal. "It was tough to get her to seperate herself from them"
She gave out her own smile, feeling more relaxed about them. Damien still didn't speak, Leo was excited about being in the Packhouse, but she didn't have a clue about what to do next. To her knowledge, the Alpha and Luna should be in the Packhouse, as well as the Betas, Gammas and so on. She had longed to be free, to roam in the forest, take care of the little ones, they had nobody. Neither did she. Just the three of them.
Would she what? Do patrols? Watch out the borders? Train? Read books?
She heard the werewolves didn't work for a living. Just what did they do to spend the days?
She had no clue.
"The boys could start training with the rest of the pups today," Uriah suggested, staring at her eyes, his own requiring permission. They were hers.
"Leo maybe," She half agreed. She frowned. "But Damien's hasn't come out. It's too weak"
"Usually, the lack of wolf abilities comes from stress or trauma. The will of the human is what causes the wolf to come forward, it is controlled by our human emotions. We are half and a half. So, of course, one would depend on the other" He softly explained. Hearing that, Damien paled, rose from his seat and dashed off. Kyara's heart also froze.
Uriah watched thd kid leave and his face betrayed with guilt. "Did I say something hurtful?"
Leo was prepared to go after his brother, but Kyara dismissed any ideas he might have formed. His grey eyes went black, as Lorcan's need to protect his brother arose.
"Sit" The girl laced her tone with an Alpha command that had Lorcan obey, not having enough strength or capibility to fight it off. "Stay here with him," She instructed Uriah, who nodded, his face full of pure concern about the poor boy.
"You watch it, hear me, kid?" Leo nodded dutifully. "Stay close to Uriah, I'll be back"
"Sissy!" Leo called after his guardian. "Will Damien be okay?" His young face woozed of concern and worry, which in turn, mirrored Kyara's own feelings. However, this was something she needed to do solely with Damien and Derek.
As for Leo's question, everything was an uncertainity. She worried about how he would react to Uriah's innocent comment, but it turned out to be worse than she had initially forseen.
With that in mind, she dashed out, going to look for Damien. Earlier, she had noticed how Day preferred to go out into a secret spot by himself, and frowned when she saw the kitchen door opened and some utensils on the floor. She followed the track, only to hear hurtful sobbing nearby and a shiny object on Damien's hand. Her eyes shot open and she rushed to stop him, when she realized it was too late, she decided to use her most useful power to control him.
"Stop!" Damien dropped it, but a red substance flowing from his small arm. She squated down near him and grabbed some towels to stop it, as she curled her hand around the wound, closed her eyes and started singing in a soft tone. Day, however, continued to cry and he muttered over and over:
"I'm sorry, sissy," He sobbed. "I'm so sorry"

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