Chapter Two

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"Yes, I know I'm just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to you
Still I see your face and wonder
Were you once an outcast too?"
Goddess help the Outcasts

Kendall, her wolf, she was the one yelling at the Headmistress, as Kyara stood watching the colour drain off Miss Kettlemore's face. She had completely forgotten that she hadn't reported it to the Crawfords. But frankly, it was nothing much.
Linda Kettlemore was the Headmistress of Wane City High School, and her work consisted mostly of signing off paperwork and controlling the studants behavior. Besides, it was a very well-paid job. She couldn't afford to lose it, yet the minute she watched those beautiful amber eyes go black, she knew she had to be scared.
Kendall didn't appreciate her Protecteds being hurt. Those tiny wolves had none to take care of them, no one apart from Kyara Rivers.
"I command you to tell the truth" The wolf ordered, and even as a human, specially as one, it was hard to fight the Alpha's aura once it was unleashed.
Linda shuddred. "I--I" She stuttered. There was still a huge will not to--
"Human, I will not order it twice" Her wolf snapped.
"Vincent Miller pushed the twins off the staircase and they ended up cracking their heads. He--he didn't mean for it to happen, and I already talked to his parents and they said--"
"Wee they sent to the hospital?" Kendall was growing furious.
"The school nurse took care of it," Linda fought, but the aura was too powerful to be fought.
"Why wasn't the Crawfords' noticed?" Kendall questioned.
"Beca--a--use, the--the Millers--they--" She gulped.
"THEY WHAT?" Kendall demanded.
"They paid for it! Okay? I can't afford to get into trouble, I'd lose my job!" Linda cried.
"Selfish human" Kendall shook Kyara's head as she let Kyara have the control back. Her amber noticed the woman crying her eyes out, and embarrassment fell over her features. Then, she remembered what she had disclosed, and grew furious again.
"Well, by the end of the day, I want them out," Kyara demanded. "Here's my number, call me when it's done, I'll pick them up"

After Kyara walked out of the Headmistress office, she spotted Leo and Damien walking out of the classroom, their heads hang over in shame. Her eyebrows frowned, as she made a move to approach them.
"Hey, guys" She waved at them, and their eyes shone as they watched their sister come.
"Oh, look" The boy said, who she assumed to be Vincent Miller. He was a tall twelve year old, bulky, with icy eyes that induced fear from the rest of the teens. "It's the babies' babysister!"
"Hey, gorgeous, are you here to give them the bottle?" He snickered.
She narrowed her eyes at him. Kendall wanted to come forward, but the girl suppressed her.
"You have a lot of nerve for a twelve-year-old," She commented. "And a lot of mouth too"
His eyes blinked. "That's because I'm fourteen"
"Fourteen?" Kyara's eyebrows rose. "Still in seventh Grade? Is your brain only useful for nasty comments, is that it?"
"Hey!" Vincent cried. "I have learning disabilities"
"Well, this is just a tip, but feel free to use it. Why don't you start studying instead of running your mouth?"
"I--uh" Vincent looked down. "They are a lot smarter and--"
"And it's okay to call for help," Kyara finished. "It's a no-helper to shamefully hurt two kids who did nothing wrong."
She crossed her arms in front of her chest, before looking at Leo and Damien.
"We can help you," Leo suggested, silently asking for Damien's opinion, before he, too, nodded.
"Yeah, sure"
Kyara smiled, as she witnessed the good heartened behavior of the twins,.just like she thought them. Leo was more outspoken, and best in sciences. He wanted to be a doctor someday. Damien, on the other hand, had a knack for books and writing, and was much more quieter than his brother. She, too, liked both. Most of their homework was overseen by her, to make sure Leo was still allowed to play basketball and Damien to keep on writing.
They'd be really sad if they went away.

After the small altercation, she headed straigth home. After all, she still had to clean up and make the twins' packs, if they still wanted to come with her. She knew she couldn't handle it anymore, but she also had to think of what would be of them if she just vanished. Would they want to stay?
Where would she go? To the middle of nowhere with a pack of boys?
Where would she live? Go? Could she handle herself? Find a school? A steady job?
The house was empty of course. Her father was running what he claimed to be a big corporation, and her mother--well, she's probably be at the salon to arrange her hair and nails and then go off to be at some party. While, at nine am in the morning she was left to clean the house. Washing the dishes, vaccumming, sweeping, clean the dust, make arrangements for the dinnertime, packing--all of her and the boys's stuff, leaving everything tided up and cleaned, leave the house shining from top to bottom, not daring to enter Mister and Misses Crawford's home quarters.
Is it really safe to leave? Having the boys? I cannot bare to leave them. Not even Kendall.
Kendall, her moody and cheerful wolf. At the age of fourteen, little Kyara was going to the park with her brothers, when she almost attacked by a strange man. Hiding the kids, she retaliated, only to realize the man ran off in fear of the big, silver wolf in front of him growling at him. After that, it became a secret of hers and her brother's, that they promised to keep it hidden. Another secrets the folks weren't aware of, and that she also felt the twins' nature through her wolf. She wasn't scared. She had heard of werewolf' stories before, and found them cool. Her brothers, who didn't understand at the time, cried, but realized through the amber eyes who it was and turned to hug her fur. Her wolf had become so attached to them that iit felt as if it was her duty to protect them. At all costs.

The shift started at eleven, which was when Kyara arrived to see her boss waiting for her. Mister Lineard was very generous, but strict when it came to scheduales. As he claimed, Kyara was one of the hard workers. She ran past him to put on her apron and gather the orders, one by one, as brought to the tables. The costumers always like the nice girl that appeared to have fallen from the Heavens.
"Two sodas. A club sandwish. Burger medium, correct?"
"Yes" They all said in choir. She wondered off to the kitchens, where Gretchen, another coworker, and the elusive cook, began to prepare it.
She nodded and Kyara went to gather more.
The day had passed. Eight hours delivering food, and between shrimp salads, spaghetti and meetballs, grilled cheeses, sodas,w waters, clean the floor, the nasty bathroom, she was exhausted.
Seriously, couldn't people be cleaner? What is wrong with the costumers?
A scream hang out. A woman with black hair and brown eyes turned, her face in a grimance.
"There's a foot nail on my food!" She yelled, and Mister Lineard went straigth running, grabbing the plate and threw it to the garbage can.
"I apologize for it, Mrs Eisenhower, we'll have another salad delivered." He calmed the woman. Elizabeth Eisenhower was very well known designer he couldn't afford to piss.
"Gretchen!" He called. "Make a Special Salad, to compensate. And bring another soda!"
"It's coming" She responded.
Kyara was dumbfounded. It had never happened in one of her shifts before.

"Miss Rivers, I want to talk to you," Mister Lineard said, as she stopped to brush her hands off and follow him to his office. He was a short, but well-mannered guy who wore much too big glasses for his straigth face.
She helped herself to a seat, in front of him.
"Yes?" Her eyebrows rose. "What is it?"
"I'm sorry, Miss, but it appears to have recieved complains from some costumers"
"Costumers, whom?" She wondered.
"They were not happy with what they found in their food" He said. "As a result, I'll have to dispense you from your service"
She rose. "I am fired?"She questioned. She though she was going so well, and now there are people that have complained about it? What?
"Unfortunately" He said, lifting his glasses. "Here's the last payment"
Eight-hundred dollars.
In cash.
"There is no way I can get the job back?" She asked. She need just a little bit more to be able to afford an apartment.
"Sorry, but Miss Eisenhower was very specific. And she's already replacing you, I apologize for any inconvenience"
Eisenhower? Iris Eisenhower? Her?
Was this payback? It felt like payback.
"Fine" She said and prepared to walk out the door. "I guess, this is the last time we will see each other. Good bye."
"I wish you the best, Miss Rivers" He wished.
"Me too" She said between her teeth. How could she have just lost her job?

It was five when she returned home, which she was hoping would be quieter, but she didn't know how wrong she was. By her counts, the kids would be already home and doing homework, however something was off.
Way off.
She inserted the key on the hole before hearing a screaming and springing into action.
"Dad, please, no!" She recognized it as Leo, his small body frozen on the spot. His voice was barely a whisper, but the overweight man that they called father wasn't.
"Do not call me that, you little skunk!" He retorted. Hell, the house smelled like a brewery. She swollowed before slowly entering. "Watch me turn that little pussy brother of yours into a real man"
"No!" Leo screamed, and Kyara sprang into action, her claws unleashing as she gave full control to her wolf. She broke into the house fast and went face to face with the scene. The Kyara human would have exploded into tears, but Kendall was furious. The old man was sticking his-- pinned onto the ground was Damien, a little under unconscious and bleeding. Naked. They both were. She felt Leo's wolf wanting to burst forward, but she sent Kendall to deal with Lorcan for her. As for Derek, it was too weak to come, and with the old man on top of him, it was impossible.
Kyara's wolf was an Alpha, and therefore had enough strangth to calm Lorcan as he allowed Leo to turn into one.
"It hurts" He cried. Kyara sent a look at him and comforted. "I know, she pull it through"
Kendall attacked, using full force to get the disgusting naked man off Damien, her eyes fully black, the man's breathe and he gasped in fear stinking of boose.
Feeling conscious of his viewers, Kendall warned:
"Close your eyes"
Ths kids did it, as Leo ran to Damien to keep him conscious.
In that moment, Kendall ripped the man to pieces.
Kyara ordered. "Leo, turn into yourself and help me with Damien"
"We are officially leaving" She disclosed.

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