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"Cause all I know is we said, 'Hello'
And your eyes look like comin' home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed"
Everything has changed.

"Mom!" A little voice called. "Come back" She was a tiny child for a five year old, with little over a three feet of height, silver hair and amber eyes. To every werewolf in the Pack, she was gorgeous. The gorgeous daughter of the Alpha.
"Now, now, Kyara" The other young child beside her soothed. "Don't cry"
He was so much taller than her. They were both hiding, but none of them knew why. All the little girl knew, was that, her best friend was squated down beside her, both crying over a situation that was too hard for them to understand.
"Denny..." She sobbed. "Mommy...she--"
He placed his hand beside hers. "Luna Elena is protecting the pack, Kiki"
He reasoned. He was one year older than her, but his father, the Beta, had taught him some things over the years. Specially how he had to be friends with Kyara, because one day she'd be a Luna.
His Luna.
Initially, he frowned at the idea. The girl was beautifully weird, and the silver shiny hair was a huge giveaway. But over a year, he started to like her, how she always smiled when he was near, or the sneakaways to the forest to run. With their wolf forms, it felt nice to be surrounded by the air and the wind. He started to looking forward to the idea of being Kyara's partner.
"Why can't she come back, Denny?" She whined. "I need her"
"I am right here, Kiki" He rolled over to hug the girl, saying, "I won't leave. You have me"
Kyara also didn't expect to see Aiden so close to her. Her mommy always explained that Aiden was a good boy and friend, and the little girl liked the idea of staring into his soothing green eyes, like the forest in which they were always running together.
"What do we do?" She whispered, and wimpered when she heard voices.
"Where's the girl?!" A harsh, male voice sounded, scaring poor Kyara into Aiden's open arms.
"Who?" The other voice questioned back, earning a punch in the gut, as the children heard the wolf humph. Aiden's belly flipped. He was scared too.
"The girl, Harry," He insisted. "The one you said lived in the Full Moon's Pack?"
A nasty smell wondered off the cabinet they were both hiding, earning a grimanced from Aiden.
"I don't know what you are talking about," The other one shrugged.
Another punch was heard, several growls, including that that Kyara recognized.
"Daddy--" Her eyes widened as Aiden closed her mouth with his hand.
"Alpha Rivers," The rogue called. "Are you going to reveal to us where she is or not?"
"You--" A punch. "Do--" Another one. "Not--" A wolf growled before biting out. "Hurt--" He barred his teeth. Tears were falling from Kyara's eyes as Aiden tightened his arms around her.
"Her!" A scream fell off in the air as the rogues finished his business.
"Alpha Rivers is dead" He said, gripping onto his vile of Wolfsbane.
"Warn the others"
Desperately, Kyara looked at the Aiden, who had closed his eyes. The Alpha was not only Kyara's father, but the best Alpha that has ever lived. When his own father, the Beta, refused to pay him any attention, the kind Alpha Rivers would take time off his loads of paperwork to help him out.
He was there when he turned, when he couldn't clean his own wounds, when he fell with Kyara. Tears filled his own eyes.
"What will happen now?" Kyara whispered into Aiden's ear, and his green eyes drifted to hers. He didn't know. Didn't have the answer, until another voice screeched.
"NO!" Aiden's eyes widened. Luna Elena.
"What did you do?" She yelled. "You traitor!"
Wait! Was she calling somebody a traitor? Wasn't this an attack of rogues?
Aiden pieced together on his mind.
"Mate with me!" The rogue suggested. "We can have so many beautiful pups together--"
A slap.
"You can go fuck yourself" She seethed. Her amber eyes faltered.
"Tell me where your precious silver wolf is, and I'll let you live," He threatened.
Luna Elena always had a stubborn streak, making Aiden smile, thinking a certain someone was just like that.
Kyara's face was washed in tears. Daddy's gone. I want my mommy!
Her heart tightened.
"Oh, what is it," She said as mentally prepared to let out her wolf, Electra.
"My pup or mating with me?"
"Both!" They demanded.
Wolves growled and windows shattered as more and more of the pack joined in on the fight. Kyara's heart grew in pace as she anticipated that her mother would be gone too. Yet, both pups were closely hidden in a place no one would ever found them.
Or so were they told.
The fight broke off, yet they only were able to hear sounds, her acute wolf years hurting with all the noise, the commotion making her want to bury herself in her friend's arms and never leave.
The noise grew louder.
"She's here!" A voice called, making Aiden lean to peak in the hole.
Their gamma, Uriah, the main fight teacher that had contact with all the pups in the fields where both of them regularly trained, came in, alone, closing the door.
"Alpha Kyara? Aiden? Are you in here?"
He called, his eyes moving down to where a pool of something liquid leaked.
"Oh, dear moon Goddess," He lamented, as he sighed and opened the cabinet.
"Are you two fine?"
"Uriah?" Joan, his mate and Gamma female, entered next. "Beta Yoseph is saying--" She paused and gasped as she watched the two pups hugging, scared and in fear. "Oh, Goddess!"
"That's what I said," He shook his head. "She cannot stay here, it's too dangerous"
"Uriah!" She hit him in the shoulder. "How can you say something like that?"
"It's the truth, babe" He sighed. "We need to protect her, she is our Alpha"
"It's not safe to remain here," Uriah reasoned with his mate. "With Alpha Theon and his mate Luna Elena gone, the girl will be demoted to an Omega."
Joan snorted. "She has Alpha powers"
"I'm not saying she's weak," He clarified. "Just that, you know how orphans are usually treated"
Joan blinked. She knew fair and well how that usually happened. She had been one before mating Uriah and becoming one of the teachers. She loved being around little kids a lot, and couldn't stand the fact that--
Uriah bent down and grabbed little Kyara in his strong arms.
"Uncle Uriah," The little girl coughed, opening her gorgeous amber eyes.
"Yes, little one, it is me," He spoke softly. He turned to Joan. "I'll take her to somewhere safe, off this pack and--"
"No!" A voice protested. "Do not take her away from me!"
Joan threw Uriah a simpathetic look. She had witnessed that behavior before. But now, everything had changed.
Decisions needed to be made.
"Listen, Aiden--" Joan tried to explain, but was cut off by the little boy who rose to his feet. Little cuts adorned his face, which confused Uriah. He sighed. He should've known better.
"She's the only family I have," The boy softly told them, lowering his voice at his Gamma. "Lu--" He sobbed. "--na Elena and Alpha Theon, they--" He hiccuped.
Joan squated down in front of him.
"I know, sweetheart, I know"
She hugged him and gave her mate a last look,.before leaving.
"Come on, little one," Uriah carried the pup sneakingly and without anyone's knowledge out of the Pack. He jumped off the window of the Packhouse with his arms around the girl's limp body, her breathing ragged, and ran towards the human village.
"Let's find you a temporary home to stay in"


Theon was in one of his runs. It had become a routine in last years, since, at sixteen, he became the Alpha of the legendary Full Moon Pack. With the recent rogue attacks, everything was a mess, and as a way of dealing with it, he had sent his beta to work out deals with other packs, to gather allies. He didn't want to put his Luna, his little daughter Kyara, or his Pack in danger, or make them worry as the least.
As an alpha wolf, his wolf was huge and pitch black, named Thunder. He loved when Theon let him out occasionally, when he needed to let his mind off pack business. He didn't like at all when he trusted his work to others, but he needed to rest. To wonder off. That's when he heard it.
A wolf cry.
It made Thunder snap out and run towards the sound. His blue eyes searched the perimeters before zooming in on a tiny wolf, whimpering in pain on the side of a tree. Walking over, the wolf recognzied him as his Alpha and bowed, but Thunder would have none of that.
Theon shifted into his huge, bulky human body, with a slight tan and silky brown hair. He approached the wolf, stretching his hand to pet his fur. He didn't know who it was at first, aside from the obvious fact that it was one of the wolves in his pack, until he looked into his eyes.
Green eyes met his and he asked:
"Aiden, what are you doing here?" He was concerned, as he deduced: "Was it your first time shifting, little one?"
His wolf had nodded, as he felt a buzzing in his own head.
Ash, Aiden's wolf, answered for him.
"Can you shift?" He squated down. "Please?" He gave in a little of his aura, making Ash had no choice but to obey.
The little wolf shifted, leaving a wimp, tiny body on the ground, and, as they were wolves, the nakedness was no new thing. As Theon had left his clothes near the other tree, he, too, was not clothed, except for a pair of shorts he managed to get.
But Aiden...Theon had to blink twice before acessing his body. He helped him up, threw an arm on his shoulders. He saw the clothes on the other tree and went to get them, handing them off to the boy.
"It hurts" He whined. "And dad--"
Theon nodded, he knew his beta very well.
"Don't worry, I'll take you home" Aiden flinched and Theon raised his eyebrows. He got even more confused as he heard:
"Please, don't" a whisper that blew off with the wind.

Aiden sighed, and he looked at his grinning dad, in front of the whole pack, who annouced:
"Pack, please welcome your new Alpha heir, Aiden Callahan"

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