Chapter Forty Two

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" long have you known?" He questions. He denied it at first but it didn't take much of me staring at him before he gave in sitting on my bed and detransforming to let plagg eat. Now I sat beside him giving plagg some head scratches as he slept. Lil buddy had a long day.

"Do you remember that day at the laundry mat?" I question making his eyes go wide.

"That long?" He questioned.

"There was no mistaking that voice..or those eyes" I look up at him and he stares back at me. His eyes flick down to my lips before quickly turning away.

"You never said anything?" He questioned

"I didn't want you to freak out and worry" I shrug the words feeling silly now as I say them aloud.

"Whats different now.." He mumbles

"You're putting yourself under so much stress..I'm worried about you" I turn away from him as well looking down at plagg instead. "I didn't know how to bring up I knew how bad it was without telling you I see the stress from both sides. You need a break-"

"A break?" He laughs "I'm Chat Noir and Adrien Agreste! There's no such things as breaks."

"That's the issue! You're not giving yourself time to just relax. Pretty much the only time we've gotten together recently is for sex!" I huff.

"And?" He questions making my eyebrows furrow "You don't like me anyway!" He throws his hands up sliding off the bed.

"Adrien that's not true-" I try to defend

"Oh don't give me that. You've said it over and over. You don't want anything more with me. We're barely friends..I'm just a toy to you" He rolls his eyes.


"Y/n I love you" My eyes go wide at his confession and my words get cut in my mouth. "Do you think I'd go through as much as I have otherwise? Getting BOTH my identities dragged just to continue to be a fuck buddy to you? I know you still go out with other men. I know you sneak out at night to go bar hopping with the girls. I've stopped so many press releases and stood against father for you. So don't pretend just for the sake of my feelings. It hurts so much worse." He sighs.

"That day in the dressing was my final straw. I knew it was never going to happen. That's fine with me. I'm yours til you force me to go..but don't you dare try to lead me on. Don't tell me I matter to you when you're completely right. We don't even hang out beyond sex anymore" He glared into my soul.

"Can I speak?" I question. He shrugs looking away from me. "I can't say I love you back.." I mumble looking up "but that doesn't mean I don't care about you..doesn't mean I haven't thought about that kinda thing" His ears perk and he finally looks at me properly.

"You what?.."

I shrug "I mean..I don't know. You're a nice guy, I love hanging out with you even when we're not having sex. I mean the sex is nice too" He smirks at my words with a small shake of his head "I just..everything that happened with Trention its hard to see myself trusting someone like that again. I want to take you out. No model stuff, no saving Paris unless you absolutely must" I shoot him a playful glare "I'm not saying let's get together but I'm saying I'd be willing to give us a shot. Get to know each other on deeper levels more than just our dirty little kinks"

His smile grows over his face as he looks me over "I like your dirty little kinks.." I let out a little giggle.

"Oh gross I'm going to our room to find more cheese" Plagg comments suddenly awake before flying off. We both bust out laughing unable to control ourselves.

"I can't believe you've known for so long" He sighs as he finally calms down laying beside me on the bed.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me for so long!" I push his shoulder a bit making him wince "Sorry.."

He shakes his head "I wanted to tell you so bad..but I was worried about putting you in danger" He mumble running his thumb over my cheek.

I hum "I could totally kick some ass if they ever tried" He busts out laughing shaking his head at me.

"I'm sure you could. Probably do a better job than me" He winks

"Yeah I wouldn't almost die on the job" I tease

"Oh we're making jokes already now?"

"If not now then when?" I pout making him laugh again.

We continue poking fun well into the night. Plagg eventually decided we wouldn't be fucking I suppose and came back resting softly on my thigh. Like a real cat I was now a bed unable to move for fear of waking him up. Adrien found it very funny before pouting that plagg doesn't show up in pictures because he "looked so cute".

It felt nice to have some personal time with him.

Now we were laid down cuddling with Adrien fast asleep on my chest and plagg still down on my thigh. It made for not the most comfortable sleeping position and the knowledge I'd need to move around soon to get comfortable enough to fall asleep was hard. I didn't want to wake either of my boys up.

I suppose I could deal with it for a bit longer..

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