Chapter 8

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Y/n = your name

(third person)

Everything is just going fast. Nearly too fast. Her legs are sprinting as fast as they can, her breath uneven and quick. As if she just can't stop them from running. Her eyes wandered to her clock. 16:18. "Shit" Y/n mumbles under her breath before jumping forward. 

By the time she lands, she's a wolf. Her eyes shines red and yellow. One thing was on her mind. To get to the training school before anything bad happens. Her legs goes much faster and the running gets easier. But an overwhelming feeling is stuck in her guts. 

Something bad is going on and she could feel it, making her run faster. By the time she gets there, Callum is outside. He's nearly gasping for air as a few sobs leaves his mouth. Y/n immediately turns back to a human and nearly runs Callum down when she goes to hug him. "What's wrong?" she gently asks. 

"I... I-I" he can't get any words out as he just starts bursting out in tears. "Y/n" an old voice softly says. Y/n looks up, meeting the gaze of the old man. He looks worse than last time she saw him. A scare goes across his eye and he's limping on his right foot. He waves her in before he disappears inside. Y/n grabs Callum's arm and wraps it around her shoulder, taking him with her in. 

Everyone is everywhere. Morris is at the kitchen table talking with Mr Carter, Mr Carter and Mr Ears. Fred and George are both in a corner, more quiet than usual. Garrett is sitting on the couch, biting his nails nervously while Morris is laying next to him, clinging to a pillow. Tanion is on the ground, clearly thinking while Finlay is pacing around him. 

Y/n puts Callum gently on one of the chairs before continuing following the old man. Once they're out of ear-reach to the others, the old man turns around. "What's going on?" Y/n quickly asks. "A past student of mine has returned. But not to do anything good" the old man just replies. 

He looks at Y/n with a strict look. "Wait, who?" Y/n asks him. But she doesn't get any response. The old man just goes to a shelf with at least a dozen class pictures. Class pictures over who had trained at that school. "Caym." The old man finally tells her. Y/n's mind runs a hundred miles an hour. She had heard the name before. 

"Doesn't Caym mean 'a demon from hell'?" she asks him once she remembers, earning a small nod from the old man. "He's back. Back for war" The old man tells Y/n shortly before continuing. "You have to train for this.". Y/n's mouth drops while her eyes widens. "What?! But I know how to protect James and Oliver" she shouts. 

"Yea, for normal situations but not for war." the old man strictly yells. Y/n's heart jumped in fear. It was as if her heart was stuck in her throat. The old man sighs before looking at her again. "I know you're trying your best. It's just that... Caym is powerful. More powerful than you think." the old man explains before looking back at a picture that was now in his hands. 

A sort of silence fills the air, creating an uncomfortable setting. "You know, he was supposed to be James's protector. But it failed so we gave it to you" the old man tells Y/n. "Maybe that's why he's here. He wants revenge" she excitedly tells the old man, completely sure she has figured it out now. 

"That boy didn't care about James, only the honour and fame. Now enough about that. It's time for you guys to start training" the old man answers. Y/n immediately whistles, making the whole group of boys turn their attention from what they were doing to her. "What do you guys say to get ready for war?" Y/n asks, a smirk on her face. 

Everyone stands up and starts wandering around, searching for the thing they need for training. Y/n looks at them and takes a deep breath, feeling a bit worried. "This will be fine" she tells herself. She bursts into the training room and looks around. 

Everything is like it used to be. Her hands grabs onto the bar, pulling her body up easily like a feather. The guys walks in after her and everyone starts training on what they need to train on. But in the back, the old man stands and watches, thinking to himself, "it wasn't the wrong choice either way".

Hey everyone. I'm going to try to finish this story on a short time cause it's not many chapters left but I hope you guys enjoy reading it. From Fredweasley5679.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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