Chapter 3

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Y/n = your name

Y/t/n = your twin's name

Warning: curse words and mentions of blood

(Third pov)

The school was filled with training equipment mostly used by y/n. Y/t/n had gotten her powers by the time they were there, and the boys were correct cause she had everything y/n had, just with red. One day, y/t/n was sitting close to the wall while y/n was training. A girl walks up to them. "Hey, look at the loser twins. It must be miserable being the Phelps twins protectors" the girl bitchly says. Y/n jumps off the pullups bar and walks up to the girl. "What did you say?" y/n asks, clearly pissed. "I said being the Phelps twins protector must be miserable. And your sister seems too scared to deserve protect someone" the girl explains. Anger fills y/n and she punches the girl in the face. Blood drips from her nose. "You bitch" she says before jumping and instead of the girl, there is a hyena in front of y/n.

Y/t/n quickly stands up from the ground and walks to y/n. "Ready?" y/n asks. "Ready" y/t/n replies. They both jump and turns into lions with nearly identical marks on the back. Y/n has yellow eyes and y/t/n has red eyes. Another girl jumps, turns into a hyena and stands next to the other one. Y/n jumps in and so does the girl. Teeth are everywhere. The feeling of nails scratching scars into the body. The teeth are forced into each other's neck and body. Y/t/n hides, scared and afraid of what she sees. Whimpers comes from both girls who's fighting as a lion and a hyena. The green-eyed hyena forces her teeth into the neck of the lion. Blood starts dripping everywhere. The principal jumps in and separates the two of them. Y/n gets her human form back, blood dripping from her neck and stained to her shirt. Everyone around stares at them, some of them shocked and some of them pissed.

Y/t/n drags y/n out and to the school nurse's office. After one knock, the nurse opens the door. The view wasn't pretty. Y/n was held up by y/t/n, blood still dripping from her neck, her clothes partly destroyed and stained with blood. "What happened?" The nurse asks, worriedly. "A fight" y/t/n shortly replies and takes y/n into the office. There's a dozen of nurse's posters. "Well, we've had a few of those throughout the year but not as bad as this one" the nurse explains. The room gets quiet. Painfully quiet. The only thing that is heard is their breathing, y/n's slightly heavier than the two others. "How did the fight start?" the nurse asks.

"A girl said it's miserable to be the Phelps twins protectors. She also made fun of y/t/n" y/n mumbles. "Make sense. But oh god. I've worked her for years and I've never seen such a lion scratch mark" the nurse says. "It was a hyena, not a lion" y/t/n explains. The nurse looks scared. Her eyes are wide, mouth slightly agape and brows raised. "A hyena?" the nurse asks and takes her glasses off. "It's impossible, let's get you rinsed up." she continues. The marks stings when it contacts a wet cloth. A painful expression fills y/n's face. The pain is too unbearable. Seconds felt like hours but eventually they could leave the office. People walks past y/t/n and y/n with discussed anger or annoyance on their faces. "Why is everyone looking at us like that?" y/t/n asks. "I don't know" is all y/n replies with as they walk to their room.

Sorry for taking so long with updating this story. Some of the chapter on this book will sadly be short. From Fredweasley5679

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