Chapter 2

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Y/n = your name
Y/t/n = yor twin's name

(third person)

A few weeks had passed, and the boys had treated y/n and y/t/n with respect. Everyone other than Fred and George. Ever since the Johnson twins stayed with the characters, Fred and George had been pranking them in many ways that was thought not possible. With the kitchen table y/n and y/t/n sat and minded their own business when they heard a noise coming from over them. As they looked up, sticky slime fell over them. "FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY!!" y/n yelled out of anger. The Weasley twins stood not far away from them, laughing at their pranking. Y/n stood up, wanting no other than to wipe their smiles of their faces. "What are you going to do y/n? Attack us with powers you don't have yet?" George teasingly said. The anger in y/n raised the second George started talking. Y/t/n walked out of the room, knowing what was about to happen. "Shut your mouth" y/n growled trough gritted teeth as she walked toward Fred and George with clenched fists.

"Or what?" Fred said, testing y/n's patience. Y/n's hands was shaking out of anger, and she slowly opened her hands, create yellow fire from her hands. Her eyes slowly became yellow and wolf like and some of her teeth became a bit bigger and sharper. Fred and George stops laughing and looks horrified. Wolf like growling left y/n's mouth. The second y/n was about to attack them, two arms wrapped themselves around her waist, holding her close. "Easy" a calm and husky voice said into her ear. Her teeth and eyes become normal, and the yellow fire disappears from her hands. "What in the world was that?" y/t/n asked. "Y/n has gotten her powers. Not long into you get it too" Tanion replied from behind y/n.

The Weasley twins walked a bit away from y/n, shaking. "That girl is not a human, she's a monster" George says with shaky voice. "No need to be afraid George" Callum says. "Yes, it is" George shouts. Y/t/n takes y/n out of the room as the others are shouting at each other. "What the hell was that?" y/t/n whisper yelled at y/n. "I don't know. I just got mad then it happened" y/n whispered back. The muffled shouts and yelling can be heard through the door. "Do you think they ever will calm down?" y/n asked as they entered a calm and chill room. "I don't know. You gave Fred and George a real scare there" y/t/n answered. A few minutes later and a knock is heard on the door. "Come in" y/t/n answered and in walks Morris.

"You guys coming? The others have calmed down" Morris says. Both y/t/n and y/n nod and gets up. Morris softly smiled and walks to the kitchen with y/n and y/t/n not far behind him. As they enter the kitchen, everyone is sitting around the kitchen table, but George is hiding behind Fred. "I guess I scared George a lot." y/n whispers to y/t/n. "It looks at least like it" y/t/n whispers back. "Y/n, y/t/n. I think you two are ready for the protecting school" Callum says. "Are you sure about that?" y/n asked, slightly unsure. "We all are" Finlay says before he continues, "You have already gotten your powers, meaning that y/t/n gets her powers soon".

"As well, we've figured out who's going to protect which of the Phelps twins, just by watching your powers, y/n" Garret says. Y/n looks confused around. "How can you see which of the Phelps twins I'm going to protect and which of them y/t/n is going to protect?" y/n asks, confused. "The colour of the fire you get in your hands and the colour of your eyes when they become wolf like. There are only four assorted colours for the protectors. And they are based on the celebrity's Hogwarts house. And since you had yellow fire and eyes, it means you're going to protect James Phelps" Tanion says. "Which means y/t/n will get red wolf like eyes a red flame." Morris continues.

"Which means she'll protect Oliver." y/n blurts out. A small nod comes from Morris. "But isn't Oliver the most difficult one of the Phelps twins to protect?" y/n quickly asks. "He gets himself more problems than he can get himself out off, but Oliver don't seem to really care if he must punch someone in the face. But James is completely different" Tanion answers. "He is the shyest, so it makes sense" y/n replies before continuing "but when and where is the school?".

The next day and the Weasley twins take y/n and y/t/n to the school. "So, this is the school we're going to?" y/t/n asks. "Pretty much" Fred replies, still a bit afraid after what happened the day before. "It's across the globe from where we live" y/n states. The principal, Patrick, walks out of the school doors. "Y/n and y/t/n Johnson, welcome to the protecting school. Me and my workers are going to teach you how to use your powers for good stuff" the principal says. Y/t/n hides behind y/n. "Thank you, sir." is what y/n says.

Happy new year everyone. I hope 2024 has so far been good. I'm going to be trying to write more on this and the other story even if school is being a bit in the way.
From Fredweasley5679

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