14.5: [Historical Archive 1]: The Fall and Rise (1)

Start from the beginning

Captain Solas Araneta shouted. "When I visited my family in eastern Samar, there was barely any food; I had to give everything, chocolate, canned meats, a bag of rice— almost all of my savings just for them to last a year. I'm sure most of you joined the military hoping for the payout, but it won't be worth it anymore. By time a peso is nothing but centavos to the dollar."

"The country is experiencing a turmoil that everybody is simply tolerating." Solas raised his fist. "However, I will not tolerate this. When will you stop blinding yourselves? when your children die? When you are forced to sell everything just to live? When everything has fallen to the point where it is no longer repairable, will you finally open your eyes to reality?"

He pointed his hand toward the garage. Making many soldiers stare at the garage, where their vehicles sat, collecting dust. "The Philippines are like our materiel, they are ridden with rust and are waiting for decommissioning. However, they are salvageable, like this nation."

"In our fight, some of us may die; many of us soldiers are already prepared to die. It's part of the mission." Solas gave a faint smile. "However, dying fighting for your nation is something that you could never replicate."

He raised his voice, asking. "Who is with me?!"

Initially, the soldiers proved to be hesitant, given that most of them were from Luzon, with only a few coming from Visayas. However, all Solas was waiting for was one person, and all of them would fold.

"Are the tanks even salvageable?" A soldier suddenly asked.

Solas smiled. "Yes, and we'll be taking them for a joyride," he said, pointing his hand eastward. "To MANILA!"

Hearing and seeing his enthusiasm, a portion of the soldiers raised their fists and shouted in unison. Making others indirectly join his cause, which in turn strengthened their resolve. Their unit had already rebelled; what's the point of objecting if they'll be included anyway?

"Yaaaahhh—!" The soldiers yelled with glee and excitement!

"You! The 3rd Mechanized, shall join me in saving our nation from the clutches of selfish, ambitious, autocrats. Who does not understand the plight of the common man, living in their haciendas like nobility in the age of democracy. You have made the right choice!"


"Mabuhay ang bayang Pilipino!"

"Oust the Dictator!"

"Let's ride sherry to Manila!" Solas yelled, raising his fist. "Get your guns and let's ride!"

Immediately, the soldiers broke formation and ran to get their guns and uniforms. Some, who were fast enough, immediately went to kickstart their vehicles' engines.

Solas nodded to his NCO's and walked towards his M3 scout car, while others opened the gate of their camp. Before long, all of the tanks, armored carriers, and trucks' lights opened, lighting up the road before them.

"Para sa Bayan!" Solas yelled as his scout car accelerated forward out of the camp.

Behind Solas' scout car were a long convoy of tanks, armored carriers, and trucks filled to the brim with soldiers. The tanks ranged from the M4 Shermans, M24 Chafee, M18 Hellcat, followed by M3-half tracks, trucks towing artillery.

Sangley Point Air Base, Cavite City, Provincia Cavite—
September 11, 1978; 1:32 AM—

A large convoy of military trucks suddenly found themselves before the entrance of the walled Air base at Sangley Point. The leading truck's driver looked at the military police, who slowly went towards the truck.

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