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Leslie Shay's sister, Megan, arrived into town as soon as she was notified by the police department that the fire responsible for Leslie's death was arson

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Leslie Shay's sister, Megan, arrived into town as soon as she was notified by the police department that the fire responsible for Leslie's death was arson. Emerson gladly offered Megan to stay with her and Gabby, who had moved in shortly after her break up with Matt. The three women walked into the Firehouse together, discussing the day ahead.

"Oh, Megan, you should ride with Mills and Weller today. You can see what your sister's world was about." Gabby suggested and of course Emerson was down with the idea.

"Oh, tempting, but I actually should do some work on some client files." Emerson silently groaned at her answer, disappointed that she wouldn't ride with them. Seconds later, the alarm rang before they could even step foot inside.

"Ambulance 61, man in distress. 1251 West Chester Street."

Emerson handed her bag over to Gabby then wrapped her arm around Megan, "Not a second thought. You're ours." She then dragged her to the rig and made a pouting Mills sit in the back of the ambulance. She didn't really know what was wrong with him, but they hadn't spoken much since last shift so she figured it probably had something to do with it.

As they arrived on scene, a man was waving them down - calling for the police. The paramedics headed towards a woman, who they figured was the one who called.

"Hey! I don't wanna hurt anybody." The man called out.

"Ma'am, did you dial 911?" Emerson asked the woman, her eyes glancing at the man on the other side of the fence.

She nodded, "He's been standing out here for 20 minutes. Kept telling me to call the police, which I did. So they sent an ambulance. This city..." She trailed off, letting them know exactly what happened.

Emerson nodded, leaning around the woman slightly. "Why do you need the police, sir?" She called out for him, stepping around the woman to approach the man.

"He's got mental problems, obviously." She retorted as Mills stepped around her to join Emerson.

"Sir, are you injured?" Emerson tried again to get the men to talk.

"I'm telling you that I don't want to hurt anyone. And I told her to call the cops before something bad happens!"

"I'm calling a 10-1." Peter said, gripping his radio. Emerson nodded in response, letting him know she'd at least try to talk to the man. She carefully opened the gate and stepped in.

"Sir." Emerson called, gently approaching him, "What's going on with you?" She stayed far enough that she could make a run for it if needed, but close enough for him to be able to hear her without yelling. "We're calling the police, but if there's a way that we can help, let us know."

"You can help me by calling the cops!" The man exclaimed, taking a few steps towards Emerson who stepped back.

"Okay, my partner did that, Sir. The police are on the way." She assured him, "Are you on any medication?"

FIRST RESPONDERS - Jay Halsteadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें