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"Weller and Mills, my office

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"Weller and Mills, my office." Boden called them over and as they walked towards him, he opened his door. The Chief gestured for them to walk inside his office. "Come on in, take a seat."

The two paramedics obliged, sitting in the chairs in front of his desk as he sat behind it. "After everything you went through with Lullo's people, I want you to know you have my full blessing if you want to take some time off."

The offer lifted a weight off Emerson's shoulders. Truth was, she'd been slightly nervous about getting back to work even though she knew Lullo had been arrested. She had this uneasy feeling, like she was apprehending having to go on another call. Back in Saint-Louis, there weren't many big calls like the ones they had in Chicago. So hearing those words coming from her Chief helped a lot, she felt heard and understood.

"Thank you, Chief. But, personally, I'm fine." Peter answered first, his words not surprising Emerson in the slightest. She knew he would say that.

"I'd rather be here at work." She then answered, knowing that if she went home instead she would just mull over it for days on end. Work was the safest place for her right now - even if she was apprehending her next calls.

"In that case, I would like to ask you both to consider to see someone. Processing a trauma like that takes time. We have a lot of good people who can help."

"I think that that would be really good." Emerson agreed to it, knowing that her Chief was right. The whole situation was a lot to take in. Plus, the fact that the feeling of the gun pointed at her wouldn't leave her mind was ticking point - signalling her that she should seek help. "For me, anyway." She added when she noticed Peter avoiding eye contact, very obviously against the idea.

"I'll make the call." Chief Boden nodded, turning to her partner. "Peter?"

"I'm straight."

Boden hummed as Emerson looked down. She was slightly disappointed that he turned it down so easily. As much as she believed he was fine to work, she also knew there was no way he was already past it. "Okay then. You change your mind, you let me know."

"Will do."

"That's all." Chief Boden dismissed them, both paramedics stepping out of the office and heading back towards the common room.

"Hey, Mills." Emerson called as her partner walked ahead of her. He slowed his steps, allowing her to catch up. "If you ever need anything, I just want you to know that I'm here." Before he could answer, the alarms blared through the place.

"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Two-car accident, West 17th and Halsted."

As soon as they got on scene, the firefighters were already working on trying to get the victims out of the cars. They joined them immediately, grabbing everything they needed to be ready to work quickly. The paramedics quickly learned that one of the victims was Chaplain Orlovsky. Mills got in the Chaplain's car through the back to put a c-collar on him and tend to his injuries while she did the same with the woman in the other car.

FIRST RESPONDERS - Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now