Turnabout Goodbyes Part 4

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December 26 
Detention Center
Visitor’s Room

Phoenix: Maya! 

He shouted as he and Ryan burst into the room as Maya’s frown instantly changed to a smile as she sat behind the glass. 

Maya: Hey! Nick, Fake Nick! I’m glad Mr. Edgeworth made it through the day okay. It’s a relief… 

Phoenix: Hey. Why’d you do that, anyway? 

Ryan: You know about you shouting in court? 

Maya: … I don’t know. I… just knew I had to do something. I know I’m not the lawyer my sister was… … I’m sorry. 

Phoenix: Well, you did save the trial… Just, behave from now on, okay? 

Maya: O… Okay. 

She said sadly as Phoenix started chatting with her. 

Phoenix: Have you been questioned yet? 

Maya: No... not yet. Detective Gumshoe was here just now. He said "seeing as this is your first offense, we'll let you go after questioning." 

Ryan: Whew. 

Maya: Oh, and he wanted me to get bail money ready. You both can pay for me, okay? 

Phoenix: Huh? How much? 

Maya: I don't know. I guess they'll send you a bill or something. 

Phoenix: 'Why do I picture giant bales of money every time I hear the word "bail"?' 

He thought before he asked if Maya was able to channel Mia to help. 

Phoenix: Any luck with Mia...? 

Maya: None... I can't get through to her at all. I tried... I really did! I don’t know what to do… … I think I probably shouldn’t have stopped my training. 

Phoenix: ‘Hmm… she sounds like she really did do her best. I should check and see if there are any waterfalls in the local area…’ 

Maya: I wonder if I’ll ever see my sister again… 

She mumbled in sadness as Phoenix and Ryan left her alone as they went to Gourd Lake Park entrance where  some officers were busy at work. 

December 26 
Gourd Lake Park

Phoenix: There are fewer than there were yesterday, but the cops are still around in the park. I wonder if Detective Gumshoe is here today? 

Ryan: I’m not sure. Maybe he’s further into the park? 

He added as they walked further into the Park, as they stopped at the public beach where there were stalls selling the same thing from the other day. 

Phoenix: Haven't seen Larry around today at all. Probably off paying through the nose on a date with the lovely Kiyance. 

He mumbled before they walked towards the wooded area next to the lake where they spotted Detective Gumshoe there. 

Phoenix: Hey, Detective Gumshoe! 

Gumshoe: Hey, pals! The trial today, it, er... … 

Phoenix: Yes? What about the trial? 

Gumshoe: Well, I was going to say "good show," but it wasn't really all that... Though you did save Edgeworth, I guess… I just wasn't sure how to thank you... you know? 

Ryan: Er….thanks I guess. 

He said not sure to be happy hearing that while Phoenix asked some questions about tomorrow's trial. 

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