Turnabout Samurai Part 3

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They then left Will Powers dressing room and returned back to the welcome sign as they stood at the door to Studio One. 

Phoenix: The entrance to Studio One. This is the studio where they found Jack Hammer's body. 

Maya: Let’s go in and check it out, Nick! Fake Nick! 

Phoenix: I wonder if this cardkey we borrowed from the dressing room will work… 

He mumbled as Ryan gave him the cardkey as he slid the card through the slot and the doors to Studio One opened up. 


Phoenix: It opened! 

Maya: Alright! We’re in! 

Phoenix: ‘She’s way too happy for someone visiting a crime scene.’ 

He thought as he and Ryan followed after Maya, who ran through the doors and they entered the room where Jack Hammer was found dead. 

October 16
Studio One 

But once they entered the room, Maya lost her excitement as she quieted down as she frowned seeing the outline where the body was found. 

Maya: … 

Phoenix: What is it? 

Ryan: Something wrong? 

Maya: … 

Phoenix: You’re real quiet all of a sudden. 

Maya: Doesn’t it give you the shivers, Nick? Fake Nick? That white tape! It’s so… so real! 

Phoenix: Well, the Evil Magistrate did die here. 

Ryan: And the Steel Samurai killed him. 

Phoenix: The murder weapon was the Samurai Spear. Sounds pretty real to me… 

He trailed off as Maya went back to being quiet as they began to investigate the studio for some clues as he walked over to the tape outline on the floor. 

Phoenix: They outlined where Jack Hammer’s body lay with tape. His body was found still inside the Evil Magistrate costume. I guess that’s why the head part looks like a helmet. Funny, I expected a spear stabbing would leave at least a few bloodstains. I guess the costume must have absorbed most of it… 

He mumbled as he walked over to a camera that is used in filming episodes as Maya got excited again as she rushed over to it. 

Maya: Wow, look at that camera! That must cost a ton! 

Phoenix: Yeah! So don’t touch it! 

He yelled but Maya ignored him as she picked up the camera as she started to struggle from the weight of it. 

Maya: Whoa! It’s heavier than I thought… 

???: Hey! You! No touching that! 

She mumbled as a new voice yelled at them at the entrance of the studio as they looked at the owner of the voice. It was a girl a bit older than Maya, as she wore glasses, a tan colored vest over a light brown striped long sleeve shirt. 

Phoenix: Ah, um, sorry, our partner is kind of, y’know… 

Ryan: Um… 

Maya: “Y’know”!? “Um”!? No I don’t know! 

Phoenix: Umm… who are you? 

Penny: Who me? I’m an assistant here. I help with props and stuff. Moving them around, ordering new ones, et cetera. 

Maya: We’re lawyers representing Mr. Will Powers. 

Penny: Oh, you’re WP’s people. 

Maya: “WP”...? Oh, Will Powers. W.P., I get it. 

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