Turnabout Samurai Final Part

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October 19, 3:27 PM 
Wright & Co. Law Offices 

After a tough trial that morning, Phoenix and Ryan returned back to the office, as they both collapsed into their respective seats as they sighed. 

Phoenix: That was a close one, huh, Mia? 

Maya: Really? Too bad, I’m sorry I missed it. 

Phoenix: ? 

Ryan: Huh? 

Phoenix: M-Maya! 

He shouted in surprise as Maya entered the door, not Mia, as she looked at the two ready to hear what happened while she was channeling her older sister. 

Maya: So, what happened? 

Phoenix: Well, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea who did it. Now all I need is a motive… and proof. 

Maya: Wow! Good going, Nick! Fake Nick! 

Ryan: But we only have one more day to find it. 

Phoenix: Yeah. Under the “initial trial” system, tomorrow is the last day we have. 

Maya: “Initial trial”...? What’s that? 

Phoenix: That’s the new court system they introduced two or three years ago. They had so many cases in the system, they decided to speed the whole process up. 

Maya: So, under that system, trials have to end in three days? 

Ryan: Yeah. It makes it easier for prosecutors like Edgeworth to forge false reports just to win. 

Phoenix: Yeah, I remember that… so badly. 

He groaned as he thought back to the trial before this one, where Edgeworth revealed the autopsy report he showed was outdated. 

Phoenix: Well, we’ve no time to waste! 

He said before a thought from the trail went through his head as he asked Maya about why Hammer would wear the Steel Samurai costume while Powers was knocked asleep. 

Phoenix: I don’t get it, Maya. Why would Mr. Hammer steal the Steel Samurai costume? 

Maya: What!? You mean Mr. Hammer was wearing the costume!? 

Ryan: Yeah! 

Maya: B-but Mr. Hammer was the victim, Nick, Fake Nick! Why would he go through the trouble of stealing it? 

Phoenix: That’s what we have to find out. 

He said as Maya decided to ask them what the director’s testimony during the trial. 

Maya: What happened with the director’s testimony? 

Phoenix: Well, it’s pretty clear that the producer and the director were both in the trailer. 

Maya: Huh… 

Phoenix: Which means that the killer has to be one of them! 

Maya: Really!? Why? 

Phoenix: Because the real scene of the crime was Studio Two… where that trailer is! 

Maya: Whaaaat!? 

Phoenix: ‘Hmm… was Maya always this excitable?’ 

He thought as they finished up telling Maya more of what happened during the trial, they went to the Detention Center, where Powers were waiting for them, behind the large glass. 

October 19
Detention Center 
Visitor’s Room

Will: Mr. Wright! You did very well again today… Thank you! 

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X Male Oc Book 1 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz