Case 2: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 1

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On a foggy night, a small wooden boat was seen floating in the middle of a lake as two men hidden in the shadows of the night spoke to each other.

It's been, what, 15 years?

About that, yes.

15 years is a long time to wait...

You can't imagine how much I've suffered...

You've... suffered?

But now... the perfect opportunity has presented itself. At last... I shall have my revenge!


...Merry Christmas.

*bang!* *splash!*

One gunshot was heard through the quiet and still night as one man was hit by the lone bullet as he fell into the waters of the lake. And a few seconds after that, the other man picks up the gun as shock was seen on it as the fog moved away, revealing that the other man on the boat was no other than Miles Edgeworth.

December 25, 10:08 AM

Wright & Co. Law Offices

It was the morning as Phoenix sat behind his desk sorting papers while Ryan was organizing some older books as Maya entered the room and walked over to the desk.

Maya: Hey, hey, Nick! Do you know if there are any good waterfalls around here?

Phoenix: Waterfalls...? Dare I ask why?

Maya: Duh, Nick! Isn't it obvious? I need a waterfall to stand under! Preferably a freezing one!

Phoenix: ...

Ryan: ...

Phoenix: Oh... Is that part of your spirit medium training?

Maya: Of course! Except, I've been slacking off lately... I need to brave the elements and be forged anew under the rushing spring waters!

Phoenix: Umm... Okay... I don't know about any falls per se, but Gourd Lake is pretty close...

Maya: Oh. Darn.

Phoenix: Sorry, but them's the breaks. Couldn't you just take a cold shower or something?

Maya: ... Good idea!

She said exactly as she rushed over the small bathroom in the office as Phoenix sighed seeing her so energetic.

Phoenix: 'So much for rushing spring waters...'

He mumbled in his head as he turned on the small Tv in the office as the News was on as a reporter was seen standing somewhere familiar.

Next in the news... A large, unidentified animal was sighted at Gourd Lake! The town is buzzing with excitement! Locals are calling it "Gourdy" in a tip of the hat to Nessie, the Loch Ness monster. Though its namesake... Nessie proved to be a hoax... locals are confident their Gourdy is the real deal.

The report continued on as Phoenix yawned as he looked through the papers on his desk.

Phoenix: Bor-ing. Can't they show real news for a change?

Ryan: I agree. It's just been boring news ever since the fall.

Maya: Nick? Fake Nick?

Phoenix: ?

He looked up to see Maya looking sad as she stepped out of the small bathroom as her clothes were soaked from the water.

Maya: The water pressure's kind of low in that shower.

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