Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1

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Cross Examination

Oldbag retold her testimony as she mentioned her remembering throwing out another photo as Phoenix decided to press her on that. 

Phoenix: Hold it! Well, who in the heck was in that photo you erased! 

Oldbag: Humph. A fanboy. 

Phoenix: F-fanboy? 

Oldbag: Steel Samurai fanboys. Real freaks, if you ask me. They get information about the rehearsals from gosh-knows-where. They’re always hanging about. One was there that day. 

Phoenix: Objection! W-wait a second! Didn’t you just say no one else could get in!? “I locked the main gate so no one could get in” … Those were your words! 

Oldbag: Well! If you must know, there’s a drain that goes into the Employee Area. The gate has been loose for a while.  It leads outside, and well, that’s where they come in. 

Phoenix: They come in through the drain? 

Ryan: That drain is so small! 

Oldbag: I told you they were freaks. Oh, and… 

Phoenix: And…? 

Oldbag: They’re kids. Children. Whippersnappers. 

Phoenix: K-kids!? So, on the photo that you erased…? 

Oldbag: It was a boy. Probably 2nd or 3rd grade. 

Ryan: Huh!? 

Phoenix: Whaaaaaaaaat!? 

They shouted in shock that someone that young was in the photo Oldbag erased as the gallery whispered, reacting similarly like them as the Judge slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone. 

Judge: O-order! Order! Let me get this straight. You saw two people pass by the gate on their way to the studios that day? One was the Steel Samurai, dragging his leg. The other was a boy who looked to be about 2nd or 3rd grade? 

Oldbag: Oh yes, well we see his type every day. Can’t stop ‘em. Can’t catch ‘em. 

Edgeworth: A boy in 2nd or 3rd grade? Hmm… I assume it would be hard, if not impossible for a young boy to wield the Samurai Spear? 

Judge: Impossible, I’d think. It’s quite heavy. 

Oldbag: Right! As I said, I didn’t pay him much mind. That’s why I erased the data. 

She said smiling as Maya leaned in closer to Phoenix and Ryan and whispered to them, confused by what was now happening.  

Maya: Um, Nick? Fake Nick? What’s going on? I mean, the boy was there, that makes him a suspect! 

Phoenix: Yeah, and they’re already trying to “un-suspect” him. 

He whispered back before the Judge slammed down his gavel signaling a recess. 

Judge: I’d like to take a five minute recess. I want the defense and prosecution to consider this new information… And no forgetting vital information this time! 

October 18, 11: 08 AM
District Court 
Defendant Lobby No. 3

During the five minute recess, Phoenix walked over to Powers, who was shocked that he would speak to him. 

Phoenix: Mr. WP? 

Will: Y-yes? 

Phoenix: Tell me straight: were you really in your dressing room? You didn’t go to the studio? 

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