Turnabout Samurai part 5

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They entered Studio Two and walked up to the locked trailer and Phoenix used the key on the door. 

Phoenix: I wonder if the key we borrowed from the guard station will work? … It opened. 

Maya: Great! Let’s go, Nick, Fake Nick! 

Phoenix: ‘She seems eager all of a sudden…’ 

Maya: Well, you first, Nick! 

Phoenix: Ah, not THAT eager.’ 

He thought as he slowly pushed the door all the way, allowing them to enter the trailer. And once they entered it, Maya got all excited at the many different posters that were hung on the wall. 

October 18
Studio Two Trailer 

But as Maya was checking out the posters, she spotted an older woman wearing dark brown clothing as a scarf covered the woman’s hair as she was busy breathing in something in the pipe she was holding. 

???: … 

Maya: Eek! S-someone’s in here! 

???: Names. 

Maya: O-our n-names? Um, w-we’re WP’s lawyers, and, um… 

???: I see. … 

Maya: A-and who might you…? 

Vasquez: Dee Vasquez. The producer. 

Phoenix: ‘Dee Vasquez… She’s quite beautiful.’ 

He thought as he quickly shook that thought out of his head and started to ask the woman some questions related to the case. 

Phoenix: I was wondering if you could tell us about the day of the murder… 

Vasquez: … … 

Ryan: Um, Ms. Vasquez? 

Vasquez: Script. 

Phoenix: E-excuse me? 

Vasquez: Script. I’m looking for a script. 

Phoenix: A s-script? 

Vasquez: “The Steel Samurai, Episode 13.” I need it. 

Maya: Umm.. could we ask you a bit about the day of the murder? 

Vasquez: I need to read it. … 

Maya: … 

Phoenix: … 

Ryan: … 

Phoenix: ‘We’re getting nowhere fast.’ 

He groaned inside his head as Maya decided to ask the woman a question and have her answer them this time. 

Maya: Um, w-we’d really like to ask you about the Steel Samurai! 

Vasquez: … … 

Phoenix: Ms. Vasquez? 

Vasquez: It’s on TV. Every week. That’s all I have to say about that. 

Maya: N-Nick! Fake Nick! She’s telling us to go watch TV!? The nerve of her. 

Phoenix: Hey, don’t get mad at us.  

He said as he looked over to Ryan, giving him a pleading look and he nodded before he turned to the older woman and tried to ask a question about the director. 

Ryan: So, about the director… Sal Manella, right? Could you explain what exactly is his role here? 

Vasquez: Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear? I’m looking for a script. I can’t be bothered with anything else. … 

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