-Chapter One-

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Footsteps echo the stairwell as two scamper up to the roof of the parking garage building, bursting through the doorway as it swings shut behind. The two scan their surroundings panting out of breath, "Now what genius?"  Harper sneers as she looks at her older brother, glancing over the edge of the building with no way of escaping sounds growing from their only two exits.

Noah paces around the edges of the building pondering of a way out, an escape. The echoes of groans and footsteps grow louder. Their coming. Noah runs his hands through his hair, time was running out. Harper looked at her brother with more worry in her eyes, she knew time was ticking and there was no escape.

'Never would I have ever thought my life would turn out like this. The running.. The fear.. Seeing things I never thought I would have to see happen before my eyes. It feels like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and everyone is looking to me for answers. Answers i'm not sure I will ever know. I catch myself drifting off into a daze of how it this all came to be..'

On the morning of July 4th, the town buzzed with activity as residents adorned their homes and gathered supplies for festive celebrations. From colorful decorations to tantalizing aromas wafting through the air, the anticipation of the day ahead filled the streets.

However, for Diane, the tranquility of the morning was shattered by the unexpected presence of her eldest child, who stood before her with a plea on their lips.

"I don't understand why cant I go out for just a little. I won't be out long- ill be back before the sun goes down!" He leans over the counters his hands clasped together, his eyes eager to get out of the house- to get away from it all, even if it's just for a little.

"Noah, I said no." Diane sips on her coffee gathering the strength she will need for the day and looks back at her son. "You know your cousins are coming over so I need you to clean up around the house, you know this. Your father will be home soon and would be very upset if he didn't get to see you. You know how his schedule is."

"That's not my fault he chooses work over his own family." He huffed under his breath, knowing better then to raise his voice.

She puts her mug down giving the look that her stern demeanor is not to be messed with. "He works as much as he does so you and your sister can have the things that you do. Now go get ready and clean up that tone of yours before your aunties get here" She shoos him away with her hand not wanting to hear anything else he has to say and resumes sipping on her coffee.

He remains quiet knowing that saying anything else will just lead to more bullshit and a waste of breath trying to argue his point. He passes his little sister laying of the sofa on his way up to his room when she speaks up, "Just because you're right doesnt mean you have to be an asshole to her. She doesn't see him anymore than we do."

"Since when did you care?" He shakes his head as he trudges past and into his room. Finally a moment of peace, in the comfort of inside his dull blue walls. He sits on the bed pulling out his phone scrolling on instagram. Photos and videos of his friends come up left and right having fun doing all sorts of things and yet he is confined in the same walls that once brought him comfort but now the isolation feels different. He sighs as the time goes by he starts to tiding the upstairs of the house before company comes over one by one. Little cousins run around the house and outside and the parents mingle. He makes his way downstairs with a heavy feeling in his chest as he awkwardly says hi to his family he rarely sees. He wanders the house making seemingly endless conversations as he tries to find his way to the snacks.

"Noah!" A younger boy in his early pre-teens waves, "Come play with us!" He eagerly pulled Noah outside where there was a bunch of his younger cousins wait around. Being the oldest he felt out of place till he saw Harper waiting amongst all of the littles. "You too?" He asks as she nods in response. After a lengthy debate the children decide on the game cops and robbers, divided into two teams was the Cops lead by Harper and then the Robbers lead by Noah. As the game began it didn't take long before the neighborhood echoed with the sounds of laughter and excitement as the kids engaged in a spirited game. They scattered through the yard, their imaginations igniting with each daring chase and dramatic capture. The air was filled with shouts and gleeful cries of evasion as the roles of law enforcers and lawbreakers blurred in the frenzy of play. Behind bushes and trees, they plotted their next moves, their faces flushed with excitement and determination. With every sprint and dodge, they basked in the thrill of the chase, their youthful energy driving the game forward. There stood Harper corning Noah against the fence, she grinned as she closed in on him, "I got you now." She edged closer as he plotted his grand escape lunging over the fence breaking free just before her fingers could grab ahold of him. "You cant do that!" She huffed subdued.

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