Episode 12: The Apocalypse pt.3 (finale)

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(Intro theme)

Few hours ago in Tails Workshop, Rouge, Tangle, Whisper, Fiona, Sage and Amy all together inside, looking around. Also with some Freedom Fighter soldiers guarding outside the Workshop making sure no infected or monsters try to get inside. Sage was on Tails computer looking around to see if he had anything that can help. Amy was keeping watch at the window while holding her hammer, Fiona holding a Wispon weapon looking outside through a different window. Whisper was upstairs lying on her stomach, with her sniper rifle aiming down her sites in the distance. Tangle was with Rouge making sure to look out for any that might try to sneak around.

Amy: you got anything Sage?

Sage: nothing yet... but I'll keep looking.

FF soldier: ma'am! We got more incoming!

Fiona: how many this time?!

Whisper: too many... won't last long...

Tangle: crap.. that means we need to get out of here!

Rouge hold Tangles shoulder, comforting her.

Rouge: easy now darling... we need to stay here. Once Sage darling finds something we can go.

Sage: don't worry I got this.

Sage says as she was looking for faster and more efficient.

Fiona: well you better make it quick. Because they are closing in fast!

FF Soldier: we'll do all we can to slow them down, you just get it done.

The Freedom Fighter Soldiers start charging at the enemy as the girls stayed behind. Amy yelling out to them to stop.

Amy: what! Wait! What are you doing! You're going to get yourselves killed!!

It was too late as they engage with the enemy. Gun fire and explosions happening, The girls hearing and seeing the fight soon start hearing screams of their allies. The girls knew what was happening, then Sage found something in the computer.

Sage: I got it! I found something!

Rouge: what you find?

Sage: here... there is some data about... Angle Island?

Amy hears what Sage said but then see monsters and infected getting closer by the second.

Amy: crap here they come! Whisper take out as many as you can!

Whisper: Roger...

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World War X (male hedgehog/hybrid reader x fem Sonic characters) by Marc.SWhere stories live. Discover now