Episode 2: The Awakening

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(Intro music)

The events of Station Square finally ended. Station Square was rebuilding after the horrific battle that took place. It's been a few months after that. Station square still rebuilding but with the help of the freedom fighters and tails gadgets. Rebuilding the city was going a lot smoother.

3rd POV:

At Green hills Y/n and Sonic were running around racing each other.

At Green hills Y/n and Sonic were running around racing each other

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Sonic: Gotta be faster than that Y/n. Your to slow.

Y/n: *smirks* oh really? *running pass Sonic* now who's to slow hahaha

Sonic: hehe not bad!

Sonic and Y/n runs side by side. Y/n then teleports kicking Sonic making him back up and looks at Y/n.

Sonic: oh you wanna make this a sparring match as well? Alright let's go!

Y/n: come on square up bro!

Both Sonic and Y/n while also racing they start sparring. Using there speed and agility. Both smirking and enjoying the fight.

Y/n: I'm winning this time Sonic!

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Y/n: I'm winning this time Sonic!

Sonic: Ha! In your dreams bro!

Both neck and neck while sparring. Until they see tails work shop they continue sparring and ran as full speed.
Both arrived at the same time.

Y/n / Sonic: I win!! No me!!

???: well you guys it's pretty much a tie.

Both sonic and Y/n look to see their two tail fox friend.

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World War X (male hedgehog/hybrid reader x fem Sonic characters) by Marc.SWhere stories live. Discover now