Episode 7: Phantasm

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(Play intro)

In Y/n mind POV:

I see myself in a pitch black void. Looking around seeing almost as the floor and walls were moving. I keep looking and started walking, then heard a whisper echoing in my ear.

???: ....y/n..... run.... he's coming...

I turns around quickly to see who was whispering in my ear, looking around but I see no one. Feeling uneasy and cold I call out to who was talking to me.

Y/n: hello? Who's here?! Is someone there?!

???: ..go......now....before...it's....

The voice stopped and was gone, I kept walking and looking around trying to find whoever was talking to me.

Y/n: Hello?!!! Hey!!! Where am I?!

I then felt a huge major headache. Is was so painful I was on one knee. Soon my right arm started hurting, then grab it with my other arm. I tried to calm down and relax but then I see a reflection of... myself?

Y/n: ...what?...

Just like any reflection it copy's my movement but why does my reflection look different? My quills were up, but more spiky, clothes slightly ripped apart, I was scratch up and looked hurt. My fur was glowing back and forth to golden to black, like I was fazing out from my super form and my dark form. Also my hands looked like they have sharp claws. I look away from the reflection and look at myself but there was nothing wrong with me or anything. I look back at the reflection as it looks at me. Standing up I walk to it as did my copy. I then reached my hand out slowly towards it to touch it. The moment I got close enough, my copy grabbed my arm, digging its claws into my skin and pull me in. I felt like I was falling down and fast but then I spin dashed, crashed into the ground and landed on my back.

Y/n: ...ow... I could have landed better...

???: hello y/n...

I quickly get up and see... me? Hearing my own voice but it echoes.

"Y/n": so nice of you to drop by... no pun intended... hehehe

Y/n: h..how is this possible...

Seeing myself walking towards me and smiles.

"Y/n": let's chat... shall we...














3rd POV:

Meanwhile outside of  Y/n's mind. Sonic and Shadow were in fighting stance.  Both of them concerned and serious of what's happing to Y/n. As for Y/n who's now calling himself Rampage, standing still smiling showing his power. His aura growing as black lightning sparks around him. Smiling at Sonic and Shadow, he points at them.

World War X (male hedgehog/hybrid reader x fem Sonic characters) by Marc.SWhere stories live. Discover now