Sanjay Agnihotri is a politician, who was very bad person. not only by profession, but also by heart, he is terrible father and human being.

Maithili was in Agnihotri mantion once on her holidays, there she met mugdha and in that time period Both of them had little conversation which got them understand each other's situation.

Mugdha broke the hug and asked maithili if she needs any help.

On which maithili denying politely said,
" it's my battle and I will fight it. And won it."

Mugdha was tense about Satyajeet Randhawa .
Sensing mugdha's concern maithili said.
"Don't worry about him, he can't harm me, I am prepared now."

Changing the topic maithili started the conversation.
"Well I was there at your wedding, but no one was allowed to be near you, and kaki was talking that they will get benefitted by the deal, which is signed by singhania's and they will free from you."
With a sad face maithili said to mugdha. Maithili know very well how much it will hurt mugdha but it is order from her ajoba aka vishvas Agnihotri. so she had to fulfill his command.

"But kaka was not that much happy about it, I don't know why? They ware planning something about this deal.
They want this deal as early as possible, are singhania's going to sign this deal.
I don't think it's good Idea, Mugdha, what do you think?"
Maithili told mugdha about everyone's feelings about that deal.

"What is deal actually?"
Mugdha asked her in sign language.

" I didn't get any information about it, as it is really very confidential.
And if this deal didn't get signed kaka wants you to divorce hriday immediately. They are planning something else with you."
Maithili was concerned about mugdha as she very well knows what mugdha had been thorough.

"What are you thinking about this? Do you want to divorce him?"
Maithili asked concern she knows what mugdha think about love and marriage. But she didn't want mugdha to divorce hriday.

"I am not divorcing him."
Mugdha immediately told in sign language her response. Mugdha didn't want to go again in that place, where she only got so many bad memories.

Relief washed over maithili as she heard mugdha's answer and mugdha sensed it very well.

"Oh , it's ok. Ajoba Said hriday is very good person and God had given signal to Both of your marriage.
Maithili trailed after saying this.

Mugdha asked her what happened in sign language.

"Arjun, he was planning something big. He is still thinking that your marriage is slap on Agnihotri's, as you are a girl.
he is so wierd, you know that right?
He is thinking that singhania's have upper hand in the all ordeal. Cause you are girl and he is doing something to destroy singhania's.
and I am damn sure he is going to do something that is very bad for singhania's."
Maithili was talking about everything which was happened in the Agnihotri mantion after mugdha's departure.

Mugdha's mind was thinking about that girl Apsara and her doubt was becoming stong by maithili's every word.

Watching mugdha's tensed face which emptied with all joy maithili changed the topic.

"Oh my, I forgot to tell you, I am going to France for six months, as I have a very important work there."
Maithili told mugdha about her plans for future.

"Are you running away from him?"
Mugdha asked maithili in sign language.

"No mugdha, I am not. And I will not."
Maithili's determined voice heard in the room.

No one said anything, but that silence was peace which was enough for mugdha to understand that maithili is in better condition now.

From chatting with maithili, mugdha understood that Arjun is thinking that they were get insulted. To get back to singhania's he will surely do something that will harm singhania's reputation.

'Uhh... Why all trouble maker always makes problem in her life.'

"Mugdha do you know Anand Dada had come today, here. for meeting. I met him after fifteen years you know? I am very happy. I wish he will stay with us forever."
Maithili was talking about Anand, as Anand Agnihotri is her real brother and most kindest in all Agnihotri's after maithili.
Maithili wanted to spend more time with Anand as she loves him so much.

Mugdha nodded her head in affirmative way. She don't know what type of person is Anand Agnihotri is as she never had any real encounter with him.

Both of them talked for sometimes and maithili departed to her room.

By the talk mugdha understood that the deal which is going to happen between Agnihotri's and singhania's is about a developement project which is going to happen in one the village of Pune.

This project is to build a high class city in Pune which was going to be most major project of the decade.



Agnihotri family

Abasaheb Agnihotri aka vishvas.
Vishvas Agnihotri and his wife Iravati Agnihotri.
Both live in village.

They had three sons.

#1 kakasaheb Agnihotri aka Sanjay Agnihotri. ( Politician)
Spouse - Meena Sanjay Agnihotri. ( Housewife)

Son - Anand Agnihotri (35)( scientist)
Spouse - (unknown)
Child - (hidden)

Daughter - maithili Agnihotri ( 30)( lawyer)
Ex lover- Satyajeet Agnihotri.(32)
No one knows about it other than mugdha.

#2 Dadasaheb Agnihotri aka Vijay Agnihotri. ( Buisness man)
Wife- Suchitra. ( Kitty party host)

Son- Arjun Agnihotri ( 30)( buisness man)
Lover- currently Apsara Rohile (25)

Daughter - Arpita Agnihotri (27)(model)
Spouse - Pratik thakral (27) (buisness man.) ( finance)

Adopted daughter - Mugdha.( 23)
Spouse - Hriday Singhania.(27) (buisness man)

#3 nanasaheb Agnihotri aka Ajay Agnihotri.
Wife - Surekha Agnihotri ( shopping mall visitor)

Daughter - Aparna Agnihotri ( 23)
Had multiple one night stand with Rishi thakral.
In relation with - Rishi thakral ( 26) (Buisness man)

Son - Aarav Agnihotri (15) (student)
Crush - his English teacher.


Enjoy reading.


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