Chapter 10

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And you sooked your head you know if you say something then it might  be your last words .

He straightened his back and gave a simple nod"ok you are fine so you are able to take your punishment".

You looked at him with your glossy eyes and uttered "P.punishment".

"Yeah punishment ,for breaking the rule and messing with your health"Taehyung said and stood from his seat .

You were crushing yourself this time and praying to God to save you .

"Stand up"he ordered in a strict tone you startled by his voice it was harsh and loud .

You slowly stood up but your head was still low so you couldn't make eye contact with him then he again uttered in the same voice "look at me".

You gulped and unwillingly looked at in his eyes he was again saying something but the door bell rang .

He sighed and worshipped"Who came so early in the morning?".

"Stay still, I am coming"he said and went to open the door .

He opened the door and was surprised it was his mom "Mom ,what are you do_____"before he could finish his sentence Mrs Kim pushed him and came inside and gave a hug to you and you hugged her back .

"Oh my sweetheart,I was really missing you, why are you looking so pale,Doesn't this worthless person take good care of you? "she said .

Taehyung closed the door and came back and sat on the couch and looked at you both with weird expressions.

"No it's not like that mom"you uttered in a low voice.

"Mom I am also  present there,your real son doesn't I also need a hug"Taehyung snapped .

Mrs Kim broke the hug and said"I am here for my DIL not for you ,go and make tea for me , it's so cold outside".

"Why,I am not going , told her to bring you tea"Taehyung said and folded his arms .

"Why is she my servant?,you go"Mrs Kim said .

"What do you mean by that ,I am  your servant then?"Taehyung said dramatically .

"Yeah you are , that's why I gave you birth now go or i tell your dad that you are arguing with me"Mrs Kim said and smirked .

"Fine I am going ,Is it necessary to bring dad in?"Taehyung said and pouted .

"Yeah it's necessary cause you don't take me seriously"Mrs Kim said .

Mrs Kim held your hands and said "I have many things to tell you come on"you gave her a smile and nodded,she sat on the sofa and told you to sit , you looked at Taehyung who was making the tea for his mother .

Mrs. Kim saw you and said "why are you looking at him, sit here".

You again gulped and looked at him for his permission cause he told you to stand still and you slowly asked him "can I sit?".

Mrs Kim gave him a death glare and uttered "wait , why are you?" taehyung gave her a little weird smile and said "yeah sit, why are you asking me this".

He gulped and turned his face with a done face "is she planning my murder or something what the hell , she hasn't taken anything serious till date,and suddenly she is being obedient"he thought .

You sit beside his mom and his mom still looking furious , Taehyung came back with tea and snacks and put it on the table and sneaking to his room then Mrs Kim stopped him "Mr Taehyung I think we need to talk didn't we?".

Taehyung sighed and sooked his head in disbelief "mom I have work to do".

"I want you here"his mom said in a strict voice and taehyung uttered"fine".

Mrs Kim crossed her  leg and sipped the tea while Taehyung was standing in front of her they were in the same position like you and taehyung were in some time ago .

"You need to explain"Mrs Kim said and again sipped tea .

You were not giving any attention to him and eating your snacks .

"What explanation mom?"he said and looked at the ceiling to squinting .

"Fine, don't tell me , you will tell your dad I think"Mrs Kim said and took her phone and started dialing the number of her husband .

Taehyung snatched her phone and said "fine ,fine,i am telling you"he gave a glare to you and you looked at the other side and started eating you are basically not giving a fu.k what was happening there you are relieved that you have to not taking any punishment now.

Taehyung started talking then you realised if he told her the truth what will she think about you so you stood up and said "mom we are just playing, it's a couple game so"you gave her a weird smile and taehyung was looking at you with a questioning face .

"I haven't heard about what this is now,I want to know then I will also try it"Mrs Kim asked curiously.

You rubbed your lips and said "sure , sure"you gulped and thought of something and said "so it's basically a".

You were talking then you saw Taehyung he was also listening to you very attentively and giving a nod . He was looking like a baby who was interested in others talk .

"Yeah next"he uttered .

You looked at both mother and son and thought "I can't escape from this situation now".

"So it's about a dominant male and submissive wife,yeah,we were playing that game"you proud yourself to read that type of novels and finally they give you back.

Taehyung's mouth was opened by your answer he gasped and whispered  "I am not here".

But the other words of her mother " "weird game ,what do you mean by dominant, what should we do , like should we ask permission in everything and is not boring" .

You forget that she was not from this generation what the hell does someone say about this type of thing in front of one's MIL and you did by the way .

"Mom, why don't you ask him ,he will tell you about this?"Taehyung glared at you and uttered "I"?

To be continued....

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