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"What's the worst part?" I asked. I gave myself a few seconds to think before it hit. "They want more kids... Don't they? They want us to have a son."

He nods. "I don't want to be owned by this family, your Father said he'd leave me be if I left everyone here alone and to live my life with her without everyone here, why change all of a sudden?"

"Cause someone found out that Anna was mine and threatened to leak it since my Father did keep his word about your safety having you here and marrying me would stop the fuss since it wouldn't be seen as just an affair."

"Never get your mistress pregnant in this business well, in this case, fling."

"And that's my problem because?" I asked. "It's bad for business and my image-" Like I said before... Why is this my problem? Not my fault you wanted it raw."

"Let me remind you how much you liked it," he starts, but I stop him before he continues by covering his mouth with my hand.

"I don't give a shit, I already know I liked it and that was before I knew how much of a piece of shit you were."

He licked my hand. "Ew you childish bitch," I huffed and moved my hand away. He chuckled.

"I'd rather be dead than marry you," I say. "I can have that arranged, right now," he said and pulled out a gun from the back of his pants.

"That... Has been in there this whole time?" I asked. It's the exact one he put against my head, I know because it said COLT on it. Of course, I remember something that would have ended my life.

"Yeah, it's the one-" I know," I interrupted him. "You do want me dead."

"Lily, I wasn't going to kill you."

"So, you'd rather marry me?" I asked and he nodded, slowly. "Yes." My eyes widened. "You and I clearly have different goals in life," I said.

"You'd rather leave your daughter... Then marry me?" He had a smug look on his face as if he actually wanted this marriage. "I'd rather be dead, but for her sake, I wouldn't go with my plan."

"I am seventeen, I don't want to marry."

"Or have any more children with you," I said. "You wouldn't have to work another day in your life, our daughter would have everything she needs and wants, and you would too."

"Heath. No. I will go back home right now if you don't stop with this bullshit," I sighed.

"It's not bullshit, it's either you Marry me or you get killed."

"Now why would a random person kill me for having a child with you when we aren't married?" I asked.

"Oh for fuck sake Lily, this is for Anna's safety, she will also die."

My face paled. "Oh god, will I actually have to marry you? Why can't we just fake it?" I asked. I looked up at him, he looked down with a smirk.

I glared at him. I hated how he looked at me. "I don't wanna Marry you. We could fake it and have flings."

"And what about giving me a son?" he asked. "You can figure that out all on your own, you are a big boy," I pouted and walked over to grab my stuff. "You can leave, I am going to deal with this pain I've been feeling all day."

"Can we come up with a civil agreement?" he asked, "What would you like me to do that would get you to agree to marry me? Like within the next few months maybe even tomorrow because we have to be married."

"Why do you care what I want?" I questioned amused by what his answer might be. "Because I... Hm... I... Realized how good of a person you are and you have raised our daughter on your own and she's become such a beautiful girl I just wanna... Make things right."

That looks like it hurt him to say that. I scoffed. "My god... You must REALLY wanna marry me," I said not exaggerating too hard with my response.

"Please Lily, she will die, my whole family will cause if they saw how irresponsible I am they'd think I can't run a business, it'll go to shit. People in this business kill Lily," he gulped.

"Why is it that your problems are now mine? It's not my fault you are reckless, why do I have to deal with every misstep you make?" I inquired before sitting on the bed.

"Lily, I will do anything at this point," He let out and knelt in front of me. Now I was questioning if his parents were even up to this in the first place.

"I'll think about it."

"Now leave me alone, I'll speak to you some other time, but I am not in the mood to negotiate while I am in pain, so please exit the room and mind your business," I frowned, and he got up.

"If you end up saying yes... I wouldn't mind sharing the bed with you," He said getting close to my face. I blankly stared at him. "All you do is think about sex with me, my god, I must have been really good," I joked, and he nodded.

Which surprised me.

He actually agreed on something I said.


"But I wasn't thinking about sex when I said that," he stated and a random flutter to my stomach happened. He hasn't gotten me to do that in a good year. "I wanna know what I'd get out of this marriage?" I asked.

"I told you, you wouldn't have to work," He said. "But what else? I'm not just staying because I won't have to work," I sighed. "You get to travel anywhere you'd like, you can book a trip to Switzerland tomorrow if we married today."

My mouth gaped. "Today? We could marry today and tomorrow I'd be on a flight to Switzerland?"

He nodded.

"You will also get your own black card, you can buy whatever you'd like, you can do whatever you'd like."

"Do I have to wear a ring?" I asked. "Yes, but you can choose the one you wear," he said. "How quickly do you need a son?" I was pumping in front of him, I didn't care about this point because the pain was going away.

"Whenever you are ready to... Have sex with me again," he chuckled.

"Do we have to act like we like each other to the public?"

"Only a little affection."

"I will say yes if you promise to never put a gun against my head again," I said and stuck my hand out. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it before glancing up at me.

"I'll be so good to you... Even you will believe I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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