"We're here to arrest you miss Mish, we had summoned you before, but you didn't responded , but today we has proof so you're under arrest"

Officer uttered sternly

Y/n is visibly Surprised

"Summoned?? Me ?? For what ?? I didn't get anything?? And arrested for what?"

Y/n asked
Officer grit

"Don't act fool, you signed to send poor quality material for a new apartment, and because of your such behaviour numerous people had lost their life !! Your sign has taken numerous people's life,  you had asked to send poor materials for construction how cheap of you "

Officer uttered.

Y/n's eyes widened

"But I don't know anything of it !! Believe me !! "

Y/n uttered for her defense,  she looked at Mr. Shin looking helpless

But Mr. Shin avert his eyes and rolled his eyes ,

Y/n's heart sank

"Lady officer,  arrest her , "

Officer order

Y/n looked her surrounding,  her employees are laughing and, Jin is nowhere, which is unusual, in this one month Jin never skipped meeting her

"No , I didn't did anything!! Please leave"

Lady officer forcefully arrested her and dragged her outside.

Press was waiting outside. Seeing this they ran towards them

*Miss Jeon Mish ,the new CEO of Jeon enterprise has been arrested for the recent fall of building, officer discovered her hand in sending cheap materials , some rumors also  had spread that she forcefully kicked her stepbrother Jeon Jungkook out of the company ,not even this she forcefully kicked out some trustworthy employees from the company as well , to get more updates stay tuned*

News spread around
9: 00 am morning.

[ at around 11 a.m.]

Few officer bang on Jimin's house and forcefully entered

"What's the stupid behaviour!!"

Jimin growled, 
He was already messed because of Y/n's arrest news

"Stupid behaviour,  3 woman complaint against you , you're getting arrested in charge of molestation!! You're screwed "

Officer mock

Jimin is stunned

"Me ?? Molestation?? You are probably getting it wrong!!"

Jimin defend as in his whole career he never even went close to anyone other than Y/n .

"Three girls came to in devastated state complaining you molested them tricking them in your studio "

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