Old Friend

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Heka was thinking about Ansel's offer. It was his biggest dream. In his heart there was a big hesitation.

He felt a little guilty for leaving Ansel just like that. But that's what he should do. He had to go before letting the child actually enter into his life more.

Because he has the principle not to let someone he just knows enter quickly into his life. Moreover, it was easy to offer to help Heka from what is shackled.

After they separated, Heka did not return straight home. He went for a walk in a park not so far from the Japanese restaurant, William E Wolfe Park.

Even though it was just a walk and taking some photos, it was more than enough for him to breathe fresh air. With this, his mind would become clear. He wouldl make the best decision for him. The decision was to accept an offer of assistance from Ansel or not.

Heka was indeed trying to find someone who can make him return to normal. But it have to natural and smooth way, not like this.

"There is no harm in trying to receive help from Ansel. Who knows, he is the only person who can get rid of my insomnia that is getting demented."

But after remembering the nature of Ansel, he became doubtful. His doubts were filled with fear. From his point of view, Ansel was the type of person who didn't care about anything, especially the feelings of others.

"Ansel, he is indeed very friendly and quite kind. But he looks very dangerous and likes to impose his will. If the nature of his grandson was like that, it was certain that his grandpa was much more terrible. It's better to just let him and not have to accept his help to heal me.''

Just thinking about it, it was better to refuse Ansel's help. But he knew for sure the consequences.

Given the situation, it was not easy to find a way to make him sleep normally. Such an opportunity would not come easily again. His head was full of indecisiveness that never ended.

"But if I refuse it, I will lose my chance to recover. Waiting for a moment like this is impossible to repeat. Maybe this is the only way to get rid of it all."

When he was lost in his mind, his eyes suddenly fell on someone he knew. He also directed his camera to take a photo of the person.

She was Clancy. He was sitting by the lake alone. It made him feel calm, because there was something that could distract him.

Then he approached her and immediately sat beside her. "Hi, Clancy."

 "Hi, Heka." Clancy replied.

 "I don't think you'll come back here again after returning to China." He remembered that Clancy and her family had decided to return to China and settle there forever.

"Indeed, I can no longer stay here. I'm only here for a short time, maybe just a week or two, there are only a few things that need to be done." She explained.

"Then are you alone?" Heka asked. He didn't see anyone around her.

"No, I'm waiting for my sister. She will be getting married. That's why I came back here. How about you?" Clancy wondered what he was doing in the park.

 "Just walking around." He answered briefly. He couldn't possibly tell Clancy who he had just met. After all, Clancy didn't know him either.

"You look fine, your sleep must have returned to normal."

He never really told everything he had gone through to everyone he knew. But he thought about why they knew that, including some of the treatments he had undergone. "Really? Even though I didn't sleep last night."

 "Try another treatment, who knows it will work? " Clancy said. She reminded him of the offer of help from Ansel.

Right now he was very doubtful about Ansel. Because Ansel was type of person who was very aggressive, and he was not comfortable with it. But it seen like Ansel was very confident that he can help him.

He was on the verge of destiny. If he received help from Ansel, he would feel that he would definitely be able to sleep. But if he didn't accept it, it meant he would never again get an opportunity like this for the second time.

"Not yet, I'm thinking about it."

"You don't have to think about it, but you have to do it. Take that opportunity. The most important thing for now is your health. Sleeping is very important, and your heart will not feel tight. Don't think about anything else, the cost or what the treatment is like." Clancy said convincingly that it was better to accept the hand of Ansel.

Since he was still silent, Clancy continued. "What is the new treatment like? Is it very expensive? Is that so scary?"

"I don't know.". He answered briefly.

Clancy tried to convince him, "You have to try it, don't think about anything other than your recovery. That's the most important thing."

Her words made Heka began to waver and his belief in accepting the offer from Ansel was slowly getting stronger. He felt Clancy had a point. For now, what he had to prioritize was his recovery and he had to put aside other things.

 "Look, my sister has come." Clancy said. She saw her sister. She was seen bending some dresses. It was definitely for her wedding. Their family did return to China, except for her sister.

 "Hey, Heka." Stacy said, she looked very happy. "You came to my wedding."


"Clancy, let's go home. Heka, sorry we're going home first."

Heka just smiled without saying a word. But Clancy said to separate, "Bye, Heka."

After they left, Heka was still sitting by the lake. He wanted to wait for the sunset, after that he would go home.

He received a message from Ansel.

Heka, let's meet again. There are many things I want to talk about. It's about your recovery, my grandpa can do it. Tell me when your free time and where we meet.

Now he felt that he did have to accept the offer from Ansel. Even though he felt that there would be a big change that would happen if he did. But whatever it is, he has to accept the risk.

He felt his grandpa's advice was very true. Actually, he had to avoid Ansel. Now he decided to think about it now and ignored the message. He just wanted to breathe easily before he felt his chest feel tight to breathe.

One thing he knew was only Ansel's grandpa, who could heal him. Now he has to accept and live whatever will happen later.

 "it's looks like I have to open the door for Ansel and enter my life. Even though there's something terrifying in his hands, and maybe it could kill me."

Even though he was very worried and scared, he had to do it.

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