First Door

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It was a week after being discharged from the hospital, Heka had made an appointment to meet the boy. His name is Ansel. They had made an appointment at a Japanese restaurant this afternoon.

He was very hesitant to meet Ansel. Because the location of the restaurant he chose was not far from the cemetery. But he ventured to meet him.

Ansel is 22 years old, while Heka is 26 years old. Although Ansel is younger than Heka, his mindset is very mature. As he known everything.

At first, Heka met with Ansel only to find out about what happened yesterday. But it was unexpected at all. He seemed to be invited into the world of nowhere.

"Heka, what do you want to eat?" asked Ansel when they arrived at a Japanese restaurant.

“Seafood Ramen and Salmon Salad.” Heka answered briefly.

"Okay, I'll order the same menu."

Heka heard Ansel's tone, He thought he was very humble. It became a much different impression the first time they met.

If you meet new person, don't ever believe it with the first impression of meeting. Because a person's character and personality will be completely hidden on the first impression. So don't be surprised if there are big changes that occur at the second and next meeting. 

Don't ever be surprised if someone who looks friendly turns cold and indifferent. On the other hand, when someone looks quiet from the start, he turns into a talkative person. 

You have to be careful with people like that. Because they like to wear masks. It's very dangerous. You have to avoid it." 

It was advice from his late grandpa. He always remembers the advice.

Now he was dillema. He didn’t know whether he should be careful with Ansel or not. He who was now in front of him looked very friendly, much different from the first time they met.

Probably this is not the first time he has met Ansel. Hence, this was the first time he had faced someone and got to know him firsthand. If he wants to know his true character, then they have to meet a second time and so on.

"About yesterday, Astral Projection. You really don’t know, do you?" Ansel asked to make sure Heka really didn't know what Astral Projection was. They started the conversation by enjoying the food that had been ordered.

"No, it's the first time I've heard that word."

"Do you really want to know?"

Heka just nodded in response.

Ansel also tried to explain it with enthusiasm. "Okay, I'll explain what the astral projection is." He came near to Heka. “So the Astral Projection is a spirit that is separated from the body for a while. At that time, the human body will become a statue, but that does not mean it is dead. Because the body is still connected to the spirit and will reunite. How do we understand?"

Heka remembered the explanation of Astral Projection from Google yesterday. There it is explained that astral projection is the state of the spirit that comes out of the body. It was really hard for him to understand.

After Ansel explained about Astral Projection, everything that he didn’t understand before. Now it became clear. He felt his hunch was really real. To find out more about what Astral Projection is, he had to ask him directly.

“When the spirit comes out of the body, it will be free to go anywhere and anytime, whether it's the real human realm or the immortal realm. Then, the spirit that going to return to the body becomes very difficult. It is so ascertain the length of time, it could be only a few hours, a few days.” Ansel continued his words.

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