Bright Side

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Ansel sent a message to Heka. In the message he asked for time to meet.

Heka, let's meet again. There are many things I want to talk about. It's about your recovery, Grandpa can do it. Tell me when your free time and where we meet.

After that, he waited for a reply from Heka. Every minute he checked his phone to make sure he had received a message from Heka.

That time he was waiting to get a message from Heka turned out to be very long. But he was still waiting for him, although he complained and was bored with waiting.

"Grandpa, he hasn't replied to my message."

"Let it go, now eat first." Grandpa said to divert Ansel, who was stuck in to his phone.

Heka seemed to ignore the message from him. Ansel sent a message at 01.00 pp. Until it was already 08.00 pm, Heka had not replied at all.

Although he was tired of waiting for seven hours, he hoped that this was a sign that Heka refused his help. So he didn't have to worry or feel guilty at all. Therefore, it made him happy.

"Grandpa, he hasn't replied yet my message. Maybe he doesn't want to see me? If he really doesn't want to see me, it means he doesn't need to do soul delivery."

His Grandpa just laughed when he saw him looking happy because there was not worry to make other person miserable. "I glad you like to help the other, but remember one thing. Somehow, anyone didn't need a help and sometimes the help that we give will actually bring misery and suffering."

"Okay, I will remember it."

He realized that what he had promised Heka, it was not to heal him. But he gave a misery life that would carry him to the death.

Maybe, it could make Heka freed from his insomnia. And then, his life would change drastically and became darker, gloomy and filled of tears.

Because Soul Delivery was replacing, not giving. When you got something new in your life, it meant there was a part of you had to lose.

It was life in the human realm. Nothing lasted forever. Every time, someone would come. At that time, there were also someone who would go away.


At 09.30 pm, Ansel laid on the bed. He read a book he bought some time ago, "Catasways of the Flying Dutchman".

He read a book while he was waiting for a message from Heka. In his heart he really hoped that Heka would decide not to meet him.

Although it had been clear for some hours there was not replying message at all, but he had a bad feeling. Because of that, he kept waiting.

It was already 11.30 pm. He did not receive any replying messages. Meanwhile he was sleepy, so he fell asleep.

Suddenly, he was woken up by his phone. He looked at the clock on the wall at 01.00. Because his eyes were so sleepy, he ignored it. He didn't care who sent this late message, whether it was very important or not.

He would see it in next day.


At 07.00 am, Ansel opened his eyes. The morning sun was so dazzling. He covered his head with a pillow to hide him from the sun.

Then he remembered, in the middle of the night, his phone rang. Although he felt lazy, he tried to reach for his phone.

There was several messages that come in.

He was surprised because of last night's message was from Heka. He had been waiting for a whole day of the message. But, he didn't expect that last night he received message. It was Heka.

When he read the message, what he worried about was true. Heka was willing to take the time to meet him.

I'm busy and can not meet you.

Maybe next week.

I'll text you again.

The next step he had to take was to get the courage to explain everything to Heka. Although it felt so hard, he had to say it.

Because he had promised to help him. He couldn't take back what he had said.

After all, there was a lot of hope.

That hope was the terrible side of Soul Delivery that can make Heka scared. So, Heka decided not to do it. It was dangerous.

After all, Ansel can not to face what he saw, because it was far from what he imagined. When Heka received Soul Delivery, there would be a Bloody Marriage. The price he had to pay was too expensive for what he would get.

He couldn't help Heka to negotiate with Lexus at all. So he did not need to pay a very high price. All he could see that Heka was sobbing, and he had to endure suffering for the rest of his life.

From the first meeting, he knew that Heka was not a person who smiled easily. After this, maybe his smile would disappear forever.

At the wedding, the event began with happiness, the ending was flooded with blood. Everyone was scared and screamed hysterically. Everyone cried, some were just stuck in because they couldn't cry.

At least, what he saw, it was not Heka who became the groom. So the pain wasn't too deep.

He imagined what it was like to attend a bloody marriage. If the bride and groom couldn't bear to see, they would end up their life soon. Or it might tortured for a lifetime with mental disorders and spent all the time in asylum.

He felt worried. Would he say what he saw to Heka or not?

If he said it, would Heka just believe it?

It was difficult because Heka was not a kind of person who was easy to trust the other. Especially, for the person that he has just met.

Then, he typed a reply to Heka. After that, he just had to wait for the day when he met and explained to him about Soul Delivery. It would definitely heal him.

Okay, there are many things I have to explain. I hope that you have a time because this is very important.

Ansel got up and went down to the kitchen. He took water from the refrigerator. Then look at the backyard. He saw Grandpa watering all the plants.

He leaned against the door. "Grandpa, I will meet Heka."

"When?" Grandpa asked.

Ansel held his breath, he felt that after this he would face hard days. "I don't know, maybe next week." He turned and returned to his room.

For the time, he just wanted to be lazy and didn't want to do anything. He was doing nothing, but he felt that he was so tired.

In his heart he hoped that he was born an ordinary human. So he could live carefree without any restless about the dark days that would happen in the future.

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