OMG OVER 1K READS, THIS IS AWESOME! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! On a calmer note, now I'll be going more into her school life and classes, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. The first scene is too short for the importance of it, in my opinion, but I'm too lazy to change it, so there you go. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!
America's POV

My heart was beating at a million miles per hour and my stomach felt queasy. I was actually doing this. I stared at the pair from behind my sunglasses.

"Yeah, what do you need?" Russia was the one to answer, his hair slightly messy when he stopped his conversation with China, and turned to look at me. Fuck, he looked really good, they both did. How could I sever my only connection with them? It may not be real, but the times I spent with them were great, Russia mostly. But then again, I couldn't keep doing this to Ukraine.

I haven't done that much yet. Just small things so far, like stealing her homework and projects so she gets in trouble, spilling some of her dirty or embarrassing secrets that I got from Canada, and once, unbeknownst to her, framing her for taking Syria's textbooks. She did not look good after that one. But the next step of our plan was to spill one secret of hers that Canada didn't know, and make him mad at her forever, which according to Russia, would devastate her.

"Hey" China whined, sparing me a quick glance, seemingly for no reason "I was about to finish telling you about the time my mother went ballistic when Taiwan failed one of her tests!"

"Well that can wait" I interrupted, crossing my arms. I took a deep breath before I spoke, I could do this, after this I wouldn't associate with them again after this. Though the thought made something in my heart hurt, I  avoided their gazes and spoke in a cold tone "The deal's off"

Russia's eyes flashed with anger, and something else mixed in, while China's just remained blank. Russia knew what I was talking about, and he probably knew why. China on the other hand, had no clue.

China moved to wrap his arm around my shoulders with a smirk "Well I don't know what deal you're talking about but-"

"It's. Off." I interrupted him, prying his arm away from me, his hurt expression making me feel guilty. I quickly pushed that guilt aside, it wouldn't help when I had to actually leave them. I readjusted my sunglasses, even though they didn't need to be moved, but it was a habit of mine when I really didn't want someone reading me "I'm not helping you hurt Ukraine, my brother would be furious, and I can't do that. So that means, China, that we are not 'dating' anymore, got it?"

Russia just stared at me intently, as if trying to see behind my glasses to figure out what changed my mind so quickly, and why I was being so cold. I felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze, slightly shifting my weight from one foot to another. China had a look of shock across his face. Then it turned into annoyance.

"Is this about the guy you were with at the dance yesterday?" China growled, his eyes narrowing. Shit. I avoided Russia's gaze, and chose to glare at China instead.

I remember seeing China there, so then I quickly left, Philippines following. I thought he hadn't saw me, I left when his back was facing me. I guess he did, or someone told him. Probably Vietnam, I spotted her while walking with Philippines, and I could tell she was in love with China. That's exactly the type of thing she'd do so she could get with him.

"No, this is about my brother, Canada" I corrected him, my voice turning as cold as ice.

"Why not, who cares about Canada?" He protested, rolling his eyes.

This was why I never liked him in the first place, he didn't care for anybody and anything, sometimes, not even Russia. He didn't understand the bond between siblings, because he hated his. Same with Russia, but he didn't show it as much, and only hated Ukraine. He was more quiet and reserved. I liked that about Russia. But there was this unusual warm feeling I had never felt befor. My stomach was fluttery whenever I was around him, and my face warm. Hy heart was always beating extremely fast, and I sometimes was at a loss for words. Sometimes, that happened around China too, but not as much, because most of the time he did things that disgusted me, or things that were just plain wrong, even by my standards.

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