This is my first countryhumans story, so have mercy! It's based on another book on Wattpad I read, and I copied a lot of parts from it. It's called Shattering Constellations, by Blisopoppy, and you should DEFINITELY check it out, it's amazing!! Anyways, first chapter, here you go!

America POV

"Maple get up" I shout as I shake my brother awake. "Erica, shut up, five more minutes" He groans, turning over. "That's what you said twelve minutes ago, now get up, we're not going to be late for a first day at this high school. Father would be furious" I mutter the last part, and he bolts upright at the mention of our father being mad. "Let's not anger father" He mumbles, getting up. I sigh and nod.

I wait outside while he gets dressed, and once he opens the door we both head downstairs to eat breakfast, to find our father sitting at the table, newspaper in one hand, and a cup of tea in the other.

"Good morning father" I say formally, grabbing a bagel from the fridge. If he heard any other kind of greeting besides 'Good day Father', he would discipline me, and I knew better than to make him do that, no matter how annoyed I was at his demands and how rebellious I was. Being disciplined by father was not fun, in any way, and I knew that all too well.

Father sits in silence as he lifts his eyes from the newspaper and watches us eat, making a disapproving sound at my sloppy eating. I quickly straighten my posture and regain my manners while eating. Father nods slightly and looks back down at his newspaper.

"Come on Maple, let's get going" I say once he finishes his pancakes with, you guessed it, Maple Syrup. My brother nods, puts his plate in the sink to wash later, and follows me to the door.

Father cleared his throat, making us turn to face him. He gave us both stern, commanding looks.

"Remember, no weakness, no mercy. We must prove the English family is strong. Don't disappoint me" Father ordered, setting his tea down and lowering his voice as he said it. We had been trained to do this our whole lives. "Yes Father" Canada and I said in union. "Good" Our father responded "Now go to school, being late for your first day of school is not happening under my watch"

We nod again, grab our bags, and head out the door. Father's advice had to be followed. In this school, it was a constant competition to be on top, a constant battle. No one played nice. No one could be trusted, especially the powerful and more desperate countries. I glimpsed Canada staring off into space. "Canada, please just follow father's orders, don't be nice to weak countries. Remember father said to make strong connections with powerful countries first, then make friends with weaker ones once you've established your power. Got it Maple?" I say, using my nickname for him at the end.

"Yeah, got it Erica" Canada sighs, using his nickname for me "Also, we shouldn't call each other by our nicknames at school, it would show were soft and father would kill us for showing any sign of weakness"

I hum in agreement. "Alright United States of America" He calls me by my formal name as we reach the gates of the school "Let's do this"

I grin "Canada, let's show them who's boss and make father proud"

The school is beautiful, looking like a mix between a government building and those Ancient Greek temples with tall, thick columns of marble, gold railings and patterns, and marble floors, walls, and ceilings. It had a grand golden chandelier, which was lit so it cast its light all over the grand entry hall. There was also a fountain with all the flags of the great empires, the flags of our parents.

I don't know why my father sent us here, I'd try to talk him out of it, but he was dead set on us getting the 'best education'. Sure, this was the school where everybody would get he best education, along with learning how to rule their own nations once they were older, but a school filled with future world leaders and rivals wasn't the greatest idea. Here, trust and friendship is unheard of, fighting, bribery, drinking, manipulation, drugs, and bullying. The whole shenanigan.

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