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Longest Chapter I've ever written! We are introduced to three new characters! And as you will see, Philippines will play a larger part in this story, and maybe a certain two someones will get jealous ;)
Anyways, thanks for reading, and enjoy!!
America's POV

What the fuck is wrong with me!

Why was I so vulnerable in front of New Zealand!

I do love her, I really do, just like with Canada, Australia, and Mom, but I can't do that again.

I will admit, it was... nice.

NOPE. Nope nope nope. I was being too soft. Stop being a weakling America, just focus on getting through this dance.

That should be easy enough...

Philippine's POV

"Indo, come on, I don't want to go get punch by myself!" One of my best friends, Malaysia, whined. He jutted out his bottom lip in a pout. Indonesia rolled his eyes.

"And I don't want to be here, yet I am" Indonesia said dryly, earning a glare from Malaysia. I just watched in amusement as the two bickered. Although sometimes it wasn't fun, I loved third wheeling if it meant I got to grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

After a few minutes of going back and forth, Indonesia finally gave in.

"Fine" He huffed, sagging his shoulders, he then pointed a finger at the ecstatic Malaysian "But only because I'm your date to the dance and it's common courtesy!"

"Mhm, sure" Malaysia said with a smirk as he took the white and red country's hand and led him to the other side of the room. These were the times it wasn't fun to be the third wheel. Indonesia and Malaysia we're going to the dance together as a couple, and it was only a matter of time before Malaysia asked Indonesia to go out with him, their crushes on each other were pretty obvious, yet both of them were completely oblivious. Me, on the other hand, didn't like anybody that way. I mean, I've had crushes before, and I dated Japan for a couple months once, but none of it was real. I liked Japan, but not in the way I could clearly see those two liked each other. Though sometimes Indonesia was hard to show it, I could tell he really cared for Malaysia.

I glanced around the room at countries and teachers alike, spotting the obvious couples and taking a few moments to discern the less obvious ones. I froze as I recognized someone- Mrs.France. I hadn't seen her in years! I loved Mrs.France, in a platonic way of course, she was so sweet and kind, and my favorite teacher that I ever had. Since she was also the guidance counselor, she helped me through the death of my parents, and later my brother. She played such a big role in helping me through all my trauma and sadness, I wouldn't want to imagine where my life would be if she wasn't in it. I decided to go talk to her.

I weaved through the crowd of partying countries, careful not to bump into anyone, or step on anyone's shoes, making my way to the opposite side of the room than where the punch table was. I stopped for a second too look over at the table, where I immediately spotted Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia was facing Malaysia, leaning back on the table with his hands gripping the sides, a small smile on his face as Malaysia spoke animatedly with the glass of punch in his hand sloshing around. These were the times when Indonesia's cold exterior was gone, and you could see traces of a happy and caring person underneath.

"Philippines, is that you?" I heard a soft, familiar voice shout from behind me. I smiled as I recognized the accent.

"Hi Mrs.France!" I greeted as said country swept me into a tight embrace.

"Bonjour, bonjour!" She exclaimed, releasing me, but still gripping my shoulders so she could study me "Have things been going okay since I left? Have you been practicing the techniques I taught you to help calm yourself down? Have you been making new friends like I told you to? Are you still visiting the graves of your mother and father on their birthdays? Do you...?"

The Home of the Braveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن