Chapter 22

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Anna gaped when Chad unabashedly threw his clothing over the shower stall door. Staring at his distorted form through the textured glass, she felt the pressure build between her thighs. Chad Crawford may be a temperamental and moody ass, but he was one hell of a specimen of man. Even though their romp in the sheets was brief, the lines and curves of his taut muscles under his tanned skin was ingrained in her brain. She would never admit it aloud, but since returning to Denver, his image had taken over her favorite movie star's when she used her vibrator.

When he began sifting through the bottles of soaps, she pulled her attention away and picked up his wet clothing. Exiting the bathroom, she pulled the door shut behind her. There were plenty of empty hangers on the rack of costumes. She grabbed three and hung each article of clothing on one. Hanging the clothes off the back of the three vanity chairs, she plugged in her hair dryer and Carly's. The boxers only took a minute to dry, having not been entirely soaked. The shirt and jeans were another story.

She was wielding the hairdryers like six-shooters as she tried to dry the clothing as quickly as possible. Over the sound of the dryers, she thought she heard her name being called. Quickly, she shut them off and walked around the end of the row of vanities.

Chad peered around the door of the bathroom. "A little help here?"

"Your clothes aren't dry yet. You'll have to just wear the towel for a few more minutes."

"You see, I would, but somebody forgot to bring me a towel." He pushed the dripping wet strands of hair out of his face.

"Oh, shoot! I completely forgot. Just a second." Anna went to the row of lockers and opened the spare one where they kept towels, retrieving one. She snatched up his boxers from where they hung and handed both to him. "Here. These are dry. I've almost got your shirt done, but the jeans are still going to be damp at the seams. You'll just have to wear them that way, unless you want to never get home tonight. And I don't know about you, but I am beat. It has been the longest day," she rambled until she caught the smirk on his face. "Sorry. I'll leave you to it."

Anna hurried back to where the clothes hung and resumed her efforts in drying his jeans. She startled when a strong hand wrapped around one of hers.

"Let me," Chase said, taking one of the hair dryers from her. He stood in nothing but his boxer briefs with the towel draped over the back of his neck. "It'll go faster if we both work on it."

Her eyes raked over his torso, lingering on the bulge in his boxers.

"You know, it works better if you actually blow the heat onto the shirt, not over it," he raised one eyebrow and gave her a crooked grin.

She felt her cheeks heat up and quickly turned to the shirt and began drying the remaining damp spots under the sleeves. "It wouldn't be a bad idea if you kept extra clothes here," Anna suggested, raising her voice to be heard over the whir of the dryers. "There are extra lockers. You never know when you will be thrown up on or have a drink thrown at you by some belligerent drunk."

"I'll keep that in mind," he said, shutting his dyer off. "I think that's good enough. I'm ready to get to bed."

The room went quiet, and she took the hair dryer from him and put them both away, while he tugged on the shirt and jeans. She tossed the towel he had placed on the back of the chair in the laundry bin for the cleaning service, while he went back to the bathroom to retrieve his boots. She checked the time on her phone. It was already four. She groaned at the thought of having to come in early again tomorrow.

"What's wrong?" Chad asked as he entered the room again.

"It'll be six before I get to sleep, and then I have to turn around and be back at three." Anna picked up her purse from the vanity, placing it on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. I'll shoot the other three girls first. You don't go on until ten. I probably won't be watching the door or floor tomorrow, so we can do yours right before opening."

"That would be amazing. Are you sure you are going to be up for it?" she asked, leading him down the hall to the back door.

"I've survived on less sleep, doing far more strenuous tasks. I'll be fine." Chad held the door open. The rain had stopped, leaving puddles that reflected the parking lot lights. "Keys and address?"

"I'll set the GPS for you in the car." Anna placed her keys in his outstretched hand. He unlocked her car, and held the passenger door open for her. Sliding into the passenger seat, she connected her phone and pulled up her apartment on the map. Laying her head back and closing her eyes, she willed the stress of the day out of her mind as Chad closed her door. She didn't even bother opening her eyes when he joined her in the car. The faint smell of lavender washed over her, making her smile at the thought of big bad Chase Crawford smelling like lavender again.

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