Chapter 19

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As much as Chad couldn't wait to see the shots Jerry took in the dominatrix room, he decided to save those for later. He started with the shots in the mirror room. As he began editing, an idea surfaced. There were so many amazing pictures of Kandy that would go unused. It would be such a waste, so he left his makeshift office to find Jerry.

Jerry sat behind his desk staring at a computer screen. He looked up when Chad knocked on the door frame. "How's it coming along?" he asked Chad.

"Great. I'm working my way through the mirror room set now. I had an idea."

"What's that?" the older man leaned back in his chair, folding his hands over his large belly.

"I have a lot of amazing shots already, and I haven't even gotten to the ones with Carly and Kandy in the mirror room, let alone the other rooms. It would be a shame that they would have to go to waste. So, I'm thinking we could use the shots that aren't put in the flyers and advertisements in other ways."

"I'm listening. What are you thinking?"

"First, I would need to get some pictures of the rest of the ladies. Do you think they would all agree? I know you were doing it on a volunteer basis." Chad crossed the room and took a seat in the worn chair across from Jerry.

"If the pics are as good as you say they are, I think the rest of the girls will jump at the chance. I'll talk to Carly. See if she can convince any that may be hesitant."

Chad hesitated. He didn't want anyone to be coerced into doing something they don't want to do. "Let's start with just asking. I don't want anyone manipulated into doing something they are uncomfortable with."

Jerry cocked an eyebrow. "Alright, so what's the idea?"

"To start with, I want to make large prints of each of the women and line the front hallway with them. It's my understanding that some of the patrons come in to see their favorite and leave. I think if you market them all at the entrance, it will spark curiosity for the other dancers. Maybe the men will stick around a little longer to see someone else. During that time, they'll spend more money on drinks and food."

Jerry rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "I think that could work. We wouldn't lose anything for trying anyway. That'll be one extra photo for each girl not going to waste."

"Exactly," Chad agreed. "But I also think you should do some merchandise. Small things like shot glasses with the club's logo, t-shirts, caps, that kind of thing. To use more of the pictures, you could do a calendar and posters. If the women don't mind being on them."

"I like it," Jerry responded, sitting up straighter in his chair.

"I was also thinking, you could do some photo cards. They'd be like trading cards. You can include them as a free gift with purchase in the merch store, and the women could pass them out on the floor. It'd have the dancers on one side and be a business card for the club on the other."

"Well, damn," Jerry laughed, "I wish I would have met you years ago. Let me check on the logistics and get some quotes to see how much startup it would be. We'll have a meeting with everyone after we close and see what they think. If we can get all the girls on board, let's do it."

"Great," Chad stood from his chair. "I'm going to go get everything shut down before we open."

Chad left his new boss grinning and typing away frantically on his keyboard, presumably searching for merchandise companies that could make their plan happen. Once back at his own desk, he typed in the password on his laptop to make sure all of his edits were saved. Before shutting the computer down, he couldn't help himself from flipping through to take a peek at Anna's photos. The first he pulled up was her and Clint. He immediately deleted it. He selected all of the rest of the photos that had the bartender and sent them all to the trash. Seeing the skeevy man with Anna set him on edge, so he emptied the laptop's trash can to be sure the pictures of them together were permanently deleted.

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