Chapter 8

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"So, what were you two talking about?" Chelsea asked Anna.

"He was telling me about how your mom and dad met and got married."

"Oooh, he was pulling out the big guns," Chelsea grinned.

Anna raised her brow. "What do you mean?"

Chelsea laughed, "The Crawford men only break out the love stories of the Crawford tree when they want to get in somebody's pants."

Rolling her eyes, Anna responded, "Not likely. I had asked him about the tree earlier when we were there. Pretty sure your brother hates me and thinks I'm a slut."

"He's an idiot who doesn't think before he speaks."

"Can't argue with that." Anna stood with Emily in her arms. "Do you think these two are ready for a bottle?"

"Probably so. Let's go feed the hungry monsters," Chelsea cooed at Camilla.

It was after nine by the time Anna and Chelsea had gotten the girls into their cribs for the night. They had a quick dinner earlier in the evening, where Chad appeared long enough to fix his plate and take it back up to his room. Anna was tired. It had been a long exhausting day, so after a quick shower, she was in bed and asleep before ten.

The next morning, she awoke to the sound of voices coming from the front room. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top before slipping across the hall to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and hair, she headed to the front room to see who was up. To her surprise, Tiffany and Chase sat in the living room. Tiffany was nursing one twin, while Chase played peek-a-boo with the other.

"What on earth are you doing back so soon? You should still be holed up in the cabin enjoying your honeymoon," Anna admonished.

Chase rolled his eyes, something that was rare for the cowboy. "She couldn't relax and just kept worrying about the girls."

"One night was plenty," Tiffany glared at her husband. "Not to mention, it's hardly romantic to have to pump on your honeymoon or experience the pain of swollen breasts."

"I told you, I could help with that," Chase remarked.

Tiffany reached over and smacked him on the shoulder. "You are horrible."

Anna laughed at the two. She had never seen her best friend so happy. A twinge of jealousy ran through her. "Well, I guess since you are back, I'll go ahead and head back home today."

"You don't have to do that," Tiffany shook her head. "You are welcome to go ahead and stay as planned."

"No, you will need your room back, which will leave Chelsea with nowhere to stay. Plus, if I don't get back soon, Jerry may give my time slot away. I'm not getting any younger, but all the other girls seem to be."

"If you insist. Thank you so much for staying and for being my maid of honor. It meant the world to me."

Anna leaned over and gave her friend a hug. "I wouldn't have missed it."

Chase stood, "Before you go, do you want to stick around long enough to help with the twins, so I can give Tiffany her wedding present?"

Anna grinned, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Tiffany looked between them, confused. "What wedding present?"

"You'll see," Chase grinned down at his wife. "Anna, would you mind going and knocking on Chad's door to get him up. Tell him I need help with the gift."

"He's not already up?" Anna asked incredulously.

"No, surprised me too," Chase said. "I've never seen him sleep in this late unless he was out all night tom cattin' around."

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