Chapter 20

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By the time the dancers started their closing number, the house was packed. Every table on the lower level was full of men. The upper level tables were full of both men and women who had come for the food and bar. Jerry had joined Chad in trying to maintain order once it was obvious the crowd was rowdy. The bachelor party had stayed the entire night, and had been cut off from drinks half an hour before.

However rough Jerry and Chad were having it, Anna was glad for the crowd. Tips had been great all night. She'd given several private dances. Most importantly, the crowd had kept Chad's focus elsewhere during the final number. She had successfully done a double set during his lunch and the final number with his attention on the crowd. She wasn't sure she could keep that up for however long he stuck around, but it at least helped ease her nerves for the night.

Carly had told her she was being ridiculous for caring who was in the room on more than one occasion over the course of the night. She didn't understand how Anna had never been bothered by the thousands of men who had seen her naked over the course of the last several years, but now suddenly she was bashful. That was without Carly knowing that Chad had in fact already seen her naked. Of course her friend was right, but it didn't change how Anna felt.

All six dancers collapsed into their chairs, not bothering with their robes. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I am exhausted," Anna groaned.

Carly began fanning herself with several bills. "We definitely haven't had a night like tonight in a long time."

There was a knock on the door, and Jerry peeked his head in. "Ladies, we need to have a quick meeting before you get out of here. So, get yourselves presentable."

The women groaned in unison. "Give us fifteen," Carly ordered.

"Meet us at the bar," Jerry said, ducking back out of the dressing room.

"Us?" Anna arched a brow. "I have a feeling we aren't going to like whatever he has up his sleeve this time."

Twenty minutes later, the women sat around two tables that had been pushed together near the bar. Jerry, Rico, and Chad sat with them, while Clint busied himself with cleaning up the bar area. Jerry, who sat at the head of the table, stood and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"The newest member of the PussyCat family came to me tonight with a great idea. It will require everyone's participation if we want to make it work. I'll let Crawford fill you all in." Jerry took his seat, and all eyes turned to Chad.

He shifted nervously in his seat before clearing his throat. "I want to start by saying, thank you for having me here. It's a lot different than I thought it was going to be." His eyes met Anna's before he continued, "I may have not always thought the best of establishments like this and the people who worked here, but now what I see is a great group of people who work hard to make a living to provide for themselves and their families." His eyes left Anna's and he looked around the table. "I have an idea that may make you all a lot more money."

Everyone around the table began talking at once, but Kandy spoke up over the chatter. "We aren't prostitutes."

Chad grimaced, "I'm aware. That's not what I meant. Earlier today, you, Carly, and An...Sunny posed for some promotional photographs. I brought a few out to show you."

He opened his laptop and turned it so everyone around the table could see it. He flipped through several pictures of Kandy in the mirror room, some of Carly and Kandy together, more of just Carly, and finally some of himself and Anna in the dominatrix room.

Rico whistled, "Damn, Cowboy, you've got talent."

Kandy straightened her back and stuck her chest out, "I told you all I could've been a model if I wanted."

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