Chapter 10

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Two months later, it was their wedding day as they were getting ready, Alastor was wearing a nice looking tuxedo while Lucifer was still trying to figure out what to wear. As Alastor walked out of his room, he saw Husk looking like shit as he stood by Angel, Alastor sighs as he knew that if redemption was really possible and if Angel does get redeemed, Husk probably wouldn't get redeemed due to Alastor having him on the leash. As much as he hated showing any weaknesses.... He knew setting Husk free for good, Nifty on the other hand, she didn't care about being on Alastor's leash since she liked being forced and all.

Alastor then went up to Husk as he ordered a whiskey from him. "Hello Husker!~" Alastor said with a charming and friendly smile. "Ugh whatever" Husk said as he rolled his eyes. "Actually Husker..." Alastor said as he made Husk's contract with Alastor appear before tearing it apart, meaning Husk is now free.

"What...? What the fuck did you just do??" Husk said as he wasn't sure if he saw that correctly, he found it hard to believe Alastor would do that knowing his reputation of being an overlord. "I have freed your soul that's what Husker!~" Alastor said in his usual cheery tone.

".... Are you being serious or are you just fucking high?" Husk said as he was having a hard time believing him. "Of course I am serious Husker! You deserve to be free and be with Angel!" Alastor said, as he chuckled a bit. "I... I didn't expect this to happen.... Well... Uh thanks for that I suppose??" Husk said as he didn't know what else to say.

"Anyways.... I have to check on my fiance right now!~" Alastor said just as he teleported away. Husk sighs, he was confused yes, but he was glad to know that he wasn't owned by Alastor anymore. One thing for sure.... He wanted to help Angel get out of his deal with Valentino....

Alastor then appears in Lucifer's room as he surprises him. "Hello my dear Luci!~" Alastor said as he gave him a hug. "Alllll.... I don't know what to wear....." Lucifer said as he hugs onto Alastor as he snuggles his head on Alastor's chest. "Aww my short king is having trouble picking an outfit?~" Alastor asked as he hugged him.

Lucifer nodded as Alastor was looking at the outfit choices, then he saw a nice white tuxedo as he picked it out for Lucifer. "Wear this then~" Alastor said before kissing Lucifer's cheek. "I'll be waiting outside for you~" Just as Alastor said that he then disappears into the shadows as he teleports back to the lobby.

--Skipping to the wedding scene, right when Alastor gave Lucifer a kiss after the vows--

Everyone, (that was invited, so obviously the Vees were not invited) they all clapped for the newly wed couple. They were all happy for the King of Hell and now Alastor was the second ruler of hell! Everything was going well!

Or is it?


5 months later, Charlie was slowly getting used to her father, not all the way but it's progress? Anyways, after all that time, Alastor and Lucifer were discussing something in their room. Alastor then told Lucifer that he and Lucifer could have a child, but he then told Lucifer if there was any other way for Lucifer to create a baby that doesn't require to do that. Luckily for him, Lucifer knew another way, as he grabbed a knife and sat down on the bed with Alastor. (This was inspired by a comic, if you know then you know😭🙏)

"Are you sure about this Al?" Lucifer asked as he held the knife to his hand. "Of course Lu..." Alastor nodded as he put his own hand to his mouth. Lucifer nodded as he made a small cut on his hand with the kitchen knife as Alastor bites his own hand. There was their blood as both Alastor and Lucifer held onto their own hands (the ones that are bleeding a bit) as Lucifer was using his magic to create a baby with both his and Alastor's DNA. After awhile, a baby boy with little deer ears but he had blonde hair (it was short obviously), Alastor's skin, rosy cheeks, little numbs on top of his head, had red eyes, and then a pair of little wings spread out a bit as Lucifer held the little baby boy after using his magic. It even tired him out a bit at the same time.

"Aw.... He is so cute..." Lucifer said as he leans on Alastor's arm, Lucifer's wound already healed since his angelic power healed it, and he didn't use an angelic weapon so it was nothing, Alastor then bandaged his hand as he looked at Lucifer and his little fawn. He just hoped that he would be a good father to his son unlike his father.

"He is.... What should we name him?" Alastor then asked Lucifer. "Hm... You can name him..." Lucifer said to Alastor as he smiled softly. "Hm... How about Allen?" Alastor said as he suggested a name. Lucifer then looked at him as he loved that name. "Yes! That's perfect!" Lucifer said excitedly as he nuzzled into Alastor's arm.

Lucifer and Alastor introduced little Allen to the others, Niffty was excited and was hoping that Allen would become another bad boy in the future.

Later on it was nighttime as Lucifer made a crib earlier as he put little Allen in there to sleep, he then went to sleep on his bed as Alastor was eating some venison in the kitchen.


Sera was watching Lucifer put little Allen in the crib, as she noticed Lucifer going to bed, she immediately called Vaggie.

"Vaggie!" Sera then ordered Vaggie to come as Vaggie ran up to her. "Yes ma'am?" Vaggie said as she bowed down to Sera. ".... Kidnap this child.... The last thing we need is a prince of hell.... Now bring him to me so I could raise this kid to be an angel..." Sera ordered as Vaggie nodded before she flew off.

Vaggie then flew through a portal that she made appeared inside Lucifer's room, she then quietly went up to little Allen as she picked him up gently with her one hand, afterwards she flew back through the portal and to Sera.

"I got the baby ma'am!" Vaggie said as she handed Sera the baby. "Good.... Thanks Vaggie" Sera said before taking Allen before going off as she saw Lilith snuggling close to Adam, and even saw Emily looking up at the ceiling all bored.

"Emily? Adam?" Sera then called out to them, Adam was looking slightly distrustful of Sera ever since the trial. "Hm? Yes Sera?" Emily then asked as she looked over to Sera.

"Watch this baby for me please...." Sera said as she handed little Allen to Emily. "Awww! How cute!! Where did he come from?!" Emily said as she squealed a bit after holding Allen. ".... Don't ask questions and just watch him..." Sera then said as she flew off, Emily looked confused, same as Lilith, Adam was becoming even more suspicious of Sera at this point....


Meanwhile back at the hotel, Alastor just finished his venison as he went back to his and Lucifer's room, he then decided to go check on his little fawn, once he went closer to the crib.... He saw that Allen was missing as he went to Lucifer and shook him to tell him. "Lu! Allen is missing..!" Alastor said in a panicked tone in his voice. Lucifer woke up when Alastor shook him then he became worried as he said, "W-what?! Isn't he in the crib..?!" Lucifer then asked as he stopped Alastor from shaking him and walked over to the crib as he panicked.

Lucifer was panicking on what could have happened and that's when his horns grew and his demon tail started to show as he was angry.... Alastor noticed as he went up to Lucifer.

"Did you figure out where Allen might be?" Alastor then asked his deer husband. ".... I think I may have an idea..... Sera is probably behind this..... We are immediately going to heaven and starting war against heaven.... If she doesn't give us back our son....." Lucifer said as he left the room to go wake up the others. Alastor then got angry that a Seraphim like Sera would even pull this shit as he growled, he absolutely hated her so much.

Will they get Allen back from Sera..? Will there be another fallen angel soon...?

To be continued!!

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for so many timeskips, I'm kinda running out of ideas for this so I may end this soon in a few more chapters! Then wooo I could finally end this book and not worry about it fr! But soon it will come!

Anyways eat up, a little makeup for not posting in a while, also for those who didn't see my recent announcements, I'm uploading this book to finish before going back to the other books! So I don't have to stress about so many books at once and college homework! And finals are coming up for me soon so don't expect recent updates really, alright?

In the meantime, try to catch up on my other books if you haven't already until then? Ok? Yes even the Margaret book if you haven't read it that is.

Well eat this chapter up for now!

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now