Chapter 1

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It has been a week since Eve got there and once when Lucifer was in his and Alastor's room as he walked back and forth wondering what to do as he looked out the window as he saw the angelic tower in the distance. Then Eve entered the room.

"Oh my, oh it has been eons... Dear Lucifer..." Eve said as she sat down on a chair, her appearance was more Apple-like with eyes in her hair but they only show when she's using her power, she had a hat that resembles Roo's except it had an apple on the hat, her hair was even red.

".... Why the hell are you here Eve?!" Lucifer then said as he glared at her.

"Don't act like you don't know what you did! You ruined me! And had me separate from Adam you bitch!" Eve then said as she got up to his face in anger. "We were happy until you convinced me to bite that forbidden fruit!"

"You don't think I know that?! You have NO idea how hard I tried to forget it, my fall, and everything! Fucking hell... I could only imagine how my father thinks about me now! And Lilith?! She just gave me a look of disappointment...! And I never had a chance to raise my own daughter!! How do you think I feel?! Of course I feel regret for what I did..! But.... I'm glad to find Alastor after so many eons...." Lucifer said as he was still in tears then smiled softly as he mentioned Alastor.

"Sure you did.... But at the same time.... You are hiding your true self from him!~ heh.... How would he feel about it if he found out who you truly are? Hm?" Eve said with a smile.

"Don't you dare tell him..."

"Oh? Me tell him! Nah, I'd rather have him find out on his own! Besides that's what someone I know would want anyways!~" Eve said as she chuckled.

"And who exactly is this "someone"?"

"No one that you need to know...." Eve said as she disappears.

Lucifer gritted his teeth in anger as he fell on his bed not sure what to do.

Meanwhile with Alastor, he was with the hotel staff and Angel.

"Uh hey smiles? If you are so fucking powerful... Why don't you force people to come here?" Angel then asked Alastor.

"Oh trust me I can!~" Alastor said as he made a creepy smile then went back to his charming self. "But Samuel wouldn't like that so I'm doing as he wishes!~"

"Tch, except you forced me you asshole" Husk said as he rolled his eyes as he drank his booze.

"I like being forced!" Niffty said in a happy tone.

"Keep that to yourself Niff"

Alastor was going to check on Lucifer before noticing Eve coming from the shadows.

"Great... Where were you?" Alastor said as he rolled his eyes.

"Nowhere that important!" Eve said with a smile.

Lucifer was laying down until he randomly got a call bubble which he hadn't had one in over so many eons as he answered it only to see a shadowy figure who had Angel wings.

"Uh... Hello? Who is this?" Lucifer then asked curious by this sudden call.

"Ah, so this must be Lucifer? Oh wow we haven't heard from you in eons.... Anyways, I am the leader of the extermination and I would want to meet up with you at the angelic tower. Come right away..." A female voice said before hanging up.

"What...? The leader of the extermination wants to meet me?? But why?? This is extremely odd.... And why after all this time...?" Lucifer said as he walked out of his room only to see Alastor about to come in.

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now