Chapter 4

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It was the next day, the day before Lucifer had to sleep in a separate room for now so Alastor to have some space for now. Lucifer was in the lobby with the others.

"Soo you are the Lucifer? Like as the King of Hell?? Huh.... I expected you to at least be taller-" Angel said as he shrugs.

"Yes I am Lucifer, also does height matter??" Lucifer said as he gave Angel a look.

"Hm not really but uh, I find it odd." Angel said.

"Hehehe.... I can't believe I was meeting the ultimate bad boy!~" Niffty said as she laughed.

"I can't believe neither of you guys noticed he was the King of Hell.... The one who started sin.... I thought it would have been obvious that he still kinda had his angelic look...." Eve said as she randomly appears as she laughs.

".... Eve kindly shut the fuck up...." Lucifer said as he was pissed off by Eve's presence.

"Now that I remember.... I thought Eve was just a normal sinner.... Could she be the first sinner as well? Well one of the first sinners.... Like the one who bit the apple?" Angel said as he guessed.

"Correct actually, and you can blame Lucifer for that!" Even said as she glares at him.

"I was trying to do something good!! But that didn't turn out well! The fact my own ex-wife decided to watch me fall instead of joining me, what an asshole... Tch, she probably decided to date someone else in heaven, oh well who needs her" Lucifer said as he crossed his arms then he frowned as he was worried about Alastor.

"Sure but it sure is fun to watch how Alastor found out the truth about you~" Eve giggled to herself as she disappeared.

Meanwhile back with Alastor, he was just laying in bed not sure what to do. Especially after hearing the one he loves was the King of Hell, Lucifer himself. He didn't know how to feel about this.... His smile was weak as he was trying to hold back tears, not wanting to cry one bit. Then Eve appears in his room.

"Why hello there Alastor! How are you?" Even said in a cheery tone in her voice.

"Shut the hell up.... I want to be alone...."

"Hm, you do realize you can't fix anything just laying down there?"

".... Charlie and her angels are coming to the hotel first...." Alastor said as he got up as he remembers what Frank told him as he smiled. "The angels can be killed.... Carmilla knows.... But we need an army... I think I know just the place to gather more people...~"

Alastor then got up and fixed himself up before going down to the lobby to ask Lucifer a favor. Lucifer then noticed him then immediately went up to him.

"Al...? Are you doing ok...?" Lucifer asked him as he was worried about him.

".... Yes but for now we should prepare... The angels will be coming in a month.... And they can be killed, so I want you to go talk to Carmilla Carmine..." Alastor then told Lucifer.

"Carmilla Carmine...?"

"She killed an angel so she knows how they can be killed...."

"I know angels can get hurt but what about Charlie...? Even so she's a terrible person.... She's only like that because of her mother was spreading lies...." Lucifer then said to Alastor.

".... But you lied to me... Guess that's what you and your ex have in common..." Alastor said in a dark and hurt tone before leaving, Eve then followed him.

"Al... No... I didn't mean to...." Lucifer said as he held onto his chest as he blames himself for this.

"Holy shit... This is some good drama~" Angel said as he was interested before earning a glare from Sir Pentious.

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora