Chapter 7

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Charlie just gave Lucifer a look of confusion and wonders how the hell was that possible.

"Well uh shit... I should have kept quiet..." Lucifer said as he might have made a mistake saying that.

"WHAT THE FUCK-? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE???" Charlie said as she was starting to think of how this was possible.

"First off, your mother topped me, and she didn't wanna give birth so we switched genders in order to have you.... Us angels could change genders if necessary.... So I decided to stay in my female form for 9 months so I couldn't have a miscarriage.... And giving birth to you was painful.... No wonder why your mother didn't want to give birth to you" Lucifer said as he laughed nervously while Charlie started hyperventilating over this. Then Alastor walked in the room.

"Uh... Lu... You can give birth? And even switched genders??" Alastor said as he was trying to process this. "Holy shit... Al, you heard me?! Fuck..." Lucifer said as he got flustered from embarrassment.

"My fucking father gave birth to me...." Charlie said as she rocked back and forth, hyperventilating, traumatized, and even panicked by the news.

"Hm... Sounds interesting to know Luci!~" Alastor said as he teases Lucifer, he then pinches Lucifer's cheek. "Al... Are you planning something....?" Lucifer said, as he got embarrassed even more. "Hm... Whatever you get the idea my love~" Alastor said as he continues to tease his boyfriend.

"Stop fucking flirting and stop trying to fuck each other in front of me!!!" Charlie said as she got back to her senses.

"Whoaa, Charlie we wouldn't do that... Especially in front of you...." Lucifer convinced her.

".... I knew you two were fucking!" Charlie said as she glares at them.

"W-what?! Of course not!!" Lucifer said as he got a flustered face. "Anyways... Let's talk about something else now.... Did your mother say anything else about me?"

"Hm, that you are a fucking traitor, even said that you were not good in bed..." Charlie said a whole list of things Lilith called Lucifer behind his back.

"Holy shit.... That fucking bitch, I hate her more more than ever" Lucifer said as he sighs.

"Hm... She really said you weren't good in bed, eh? That's a lie!~" Alastor said as he continues to tease Lucifer.

"... Al... Shush not now-" Lucifer said as his golden blush was shown all over his face, Alastor just chuckled at his reaction before kissing Lucifer's non-existent nose.

"Ew Gross, I can't believe you would love a sinner" Charlie said as she rolled her eyes.

"What about you and that exterminator angel who killed so many people, hm?!" Lucifer then told her.

"That's different! She killed sinners which are a disgrace to humankind thanks to you!" Charlie said as she glared at Lucifer again. I regret it, sure.... But if it wasn't for that.... I wouldn't have met Alastor at all...." Lucifer said as he was saddened for a bit then looked up at Alastor with a soft smile. "But I just wished I could have been there for you.... I even made LuLu World in memory of you despite not having you to take you there...."

Charlie then looked to the side feeling a bit guilty for treating her father like shit, after hearing him out for once.

{Insert the song @ISMELLGAYHOES made in the last chapter}

Then Charlie and Lucifer decided to hug it out, but it may take some time for Charlie to actually get used to him.

"I'm glad to get to know you more, you twink ass, but uh... I think I may need some more time to think about it since you weren't really in my life...." Charlie said awkwardly.

"Oh alright then...-" Lucifer said, sure he was a bit offended that his daughter called him a twink but he would just ignore that for now and in hopes to strengthen the father and daughter bond between him and Charlie. "Anyways, since you shouldn't get up really due to you still being injured.... Want me to get you something to eat?" Lucifer then asked Charlie.

"Hm sure... If any hell food is even good here that is" Charlie said as she shrugs.

"Of course! Coming right up Char-Char!" Lucifer then teleported to the kitchen right away to start cooking. As Alastor was walking off, a little box fell out of his pocket.

"Oh? You dropped something ya strawberry pimp" Charlie said as she fell off the bed and picked it up.

"Hm? Oh shit! Give me that!" Alastor said as he quickly snatched it from Charlie's hand.

"Ohohoho... Are you planning on proposing? Then for your honeymoon you two would fuck each other?" Charlie said as she made a smug look as Alastor rolled his eyes at her.

"First off, fucking isn't the only thing in the relationship, it should only come if necessary, not how Angel Dust does it with every guy he sees, well back before Husker somewhat changed him" Alastor said as his eye twitched in disgust about having sex like every minute of the day, he doesn't really like it as much in general.

"Lameee" Charlie said as she rolled her eyes, then Alastor lifted her up with his tentacles as he set her down on the bed.

"Now rest for now, your father wouldn't want you in pain anymore, it'll upset him dearly." Alastor said before leaving the room through the shadows.

"Ugh, I can't believe he's going to be my stepdad..." Charlie said as she pouts.

To be continued!!

Sorry for it being shorter than usual, hopefully you enjoyed it, now eat up!

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now